Bloods not lowering (TW)


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, woke up late bloods at 19. Am on dexcom one. Did an insulin adjustment half hour a go still at 18. Drank a pint of water and still High. On new anti psychotics qudiapine and have been having blurry vision. And am so tired and if im ti be honest feeling quite suicidal too. Am not sure who to call I'm struggling to think and speak clearly.
Did you double check those highs with a finger prick to confirm you are that high.

What is your correction factor ie how many mmols does one unit of insulin lower your BG by and how much correction insulin have you taken?
Obviously the correction will take time to work. Which fast acting insulin do you use? Drinking water can help so well done for injecting insulin and drinking water. Exercise like going for a walk or dancing to music can help too. I go up and down stairs as many times as I can if I can't face leaving the house.

If you are feeling suicidal then ring the Samaritans, but you are doing all the right things in reaching out here for support and taking insulin and drinking water so if you can add a bit of gentle exercise then that might be enough and when your levels come down you will feel less anxious.

Did you remember to take your basal insulin yesterday? Just wondering if that might be why you woke up so high?
Thinking now could this be dka
Have you tested for ketones?
Did you double check those highs with a finger prick to confirm you are that high.

What is your correction factor ie how many mmols does one unit of insulin lower your BG by and how much correction insulin have you taken?
Obviously the correction will take time to work. Which fast acting insulin do you use? Drinking water can help so well done for injecting insulin and drinking water. Exercise like going for a walk or dancing to music can help too. I go up and down stairs as many times as I can if I can't face leaving the house.

If you are feeling suicidal then ring the Samaritans, but you are doing all the right things in reaching out here for support and taking insulin and drinking water so if you can add a bit of gentle exercise then that might be enough and when your levels come down you will feel less anxious.

Did you remember to take your basal insulin yesterday? Just wondering if that might be why you woke up so high?
I forgot to take my long lasting but hav3 been told I can take it up to 36 hours between doses
Finger prick is 17.8 and no ketones
Do you take Tresiba as your basal?
It lasts 36 hours but you still need to take it every day, it is just that it doesn't matter too much when you take it each day as long as it isn't lots of hours earlier or later than usual . When did you last take it?
Great to gear you don't have ketones , so DKA is not something to worry about at the moment. How many units of correction insulin did you inject 3/4 of an hour ago?
I forgot to take my long lasting but hav3 been told I can take it up to 36 hours between doses
Depending which insulin it is but I think you may have got the wrong end of the stick about that.
I'm on Toujeo and was told that by the diabetic team. It's not the first time I've gone between doses of 24 to 36 hours. I had 3 units of fast acting. On my 2nd pint of water. At least the dexcom is accurate unlike those libres.

My mental health isn't currently very good. Plus am moving house this week so am pretty stressed.
You have misunderstood your team, Toujeo needs to be taken every day. You will get very erratic results if you don't take it every day and that will make you feel worse both physically and mentally. If you read the patient information leaflet, I am sure it will tell you to inject it every day.
When was the last time you injected it?
You have misunderstood your team, Toujeo needs to be taken every day. You will get very erratic results if you don't take it every day and that will make you feel worse both physically and mentally. If you read the patient information leaflet, I am sure it will tell you to inject it every day.
When was the last time you injected it?
I have not!
I came here looking for advice, not for a bollocking.
3 units of fast insulin is unlikely to do much unless you are very insulin sensitive and if you haven't taken your Toujeo, then your liver will be continuing to pump out glucose pushing your levels higher as the fast insulin is trying to bring them down. Do you know what your correction factor is and what is your insulin to carb ratio? Just trying to assess from that how sensitive you are to insulin.
Have you now taken your Toujeo?
Hi all, woke up late bloods at 19. Am on dexcom one. Did an insulin adjustment half hour a go still at 18. Drank a pint of water and still High. On new anti psychotics qudiapine and have been having blurry vision. And am so tired and if im ti be honest feeling quite suicidal too. Am not sure who to call I'm struggling to think and speak clearly.
Have you checked your ketones.. if high call an ambulance !!!
I am not criticizing you, just trying to help. Diabetes is very complicated and it is easy to misunderstand about the different insulins. Your levels are almost certainly high because you didn't take your Toujeo and they will continue to rise unless you take it. High levels make you feel very emotional and unwell and panicky. You need insulin to bring them down.
If I am not helping or upsetting you then I will no longer try to help.
Yes I have. (Scroll up)
The instructions say the Toujeo should be taken every day even though the activity profile can be up to 36 hours it will not be as active during the last 12 hours hence levels will tend to increase during that period of time whereas taking every 24 hours levels should stay more even.