Before Tea/Evening Meal

It was a 7.0 for me pre-dinner this chilly evening (3.8c).
5.7 for me
6.7 for me seemed to manage to chip a tooth well eating it through not quite sure how i managed that's. That will need a dentist visit in the next couple of days.
5.1 for me.
An 8.8 for me this evening, I must stop snacking in the afternoon's me thinks....
A rather embarrassing 14.7 for me. My BGs have been yo-yoing for days but worsened when I started taking Co-trimoxazole for the foot infection. The PIL suggests it may be responsible for the muggy head I cannot shake off. I took the last one tonight so we will know in a few days.
Last night I was 6.0 although I'd just had a bag of mixed nuts with some sort of sugary smoked coating.
Only planning to eat a small amount, but ended up eating the whole lot.
I believe i was 7.something before my scale and chips in the weather spoons(had apple crumble and custard afterwards as well)
A borderline 3.9 for me this fine evening, I've been to Bowls this afternoon hence the lowish BG reading.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
5.4 for me.
6.2 before bolusing change to 6 afterwards. Not starting eating it yet.
And it's a 6.8 for me pre-dinner this fine evening.
A nice 5.0!