Before Tea/Evening Meal

I was 5.2 this evening.
And it was a 7.1 for me pre-dinner this evening.
And it was a 7.2 for me pre-dinner this evening, and a very wet afternoon it has been
5.1 for me.
I treated myself to some frazzles as well.
No major effects on BG.

Quite a relaxed day on the work front - not on a project with deadlines means a lot less stress… Although I have ended up rewriting must of the software as, frankly, most people can’t do it very well.
Seemed to have a rebound from those multiple hypos and have hit 14.0! And the bl**dy phantom pain is kicking in again! Totally p*ss*d off tonight!
A not so good 11.7! My fault as I has a couple of biscuits mid-afternoon as my leg issue is getting me down and I haven't got a punch bag to beat up!
And it was a 4.7 for me pre-dinner this fine sunny evening.
I’ve not taken my daily low dose of Metformin since, Erm, Friday or Thursday. Blood sugar readings haven’t really changed much… but my heart rate has dropped and my legs fell ‘different’
4.9 for me… Not for long, as I just stuffed myself with a huge plate of potatoes!
Wow, and 2 hours later it's down in the 5s! (Chicken, potatoes, cauliflower & broccoli.)
And it was another 4.7 for me pre-dinner this evening....
5.1 … barely slept last night for some reason and had a sneaky bag of frazzles today.

Not sure if I took the Metformin!
And pre-dinner this evening it was a 5,5 for me.

Off to try out a set of two year old second hand bowls I'm considering buying.
I was 5… and just baked some bread using oat bran and spelt.

7.2 for me this evening.

Didn't eat till 9:00 and by the wasn't really hungry. Rung the wheelchair people first thing about yesterday's debacle. Was assured somebody would be here with a new inner tube by 8:00. Nobody appeared and nobody had the courtesy to either phone or text! Totally ridiculous!