Before Tea/Evening Meal

7.4 pre tea...... but as an excuse I went to a remembrance service this morning, and there were biscuits.... .
7.4 pre tea...... but as an excuse I went to a remembrance service this morning, and there were biscuits.... .

Where there Bourbons? They with dark chocolate digestives are my favourites.I used to like Garibaldi biscuits till someone described them as "dead fly* biscuits🙂
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6.2 lazy day today, hope everyone has had a good Sunday x
Where there Bourbons? They with dark chocolate digestives are my favourites.I used to like Garibaldi biscuits till someone described them as "dead fly* biscuits🙂
Massive chocolate ones...... In my defence - I was unsupervised..... 🙂
It was 8. I was 3.5 just now. So decided to knock half unit of my levimer tonight as may me the traveling of this weekend is still with mem It's been a good weekend though concert Friday then seeing my sister in a show yesterday.
It was 8.3 with a vertical upwards arrow for me 😱. That was because I ate a dried fig and then a single JB to lift my levels above 5 to drive over to my sister's house. Had the fig before I went in the shower as I was on 4.9 and half an hour later when I got in the car to drive I was below 5 at 4.6, so had the JB, then 45mins later when I arrived at her place 8.3 and rapidly going up. 😡 Hit it with 6 units and we ate about half an hour later.... full roast lamb dinner was absolutely yummy. Just a half a yorkie and 1 roastie and a couple of pieces of new potato and lots and lots of lovely veg. Managed to keep it nicely in the 5s and 6s until it was time to leave and levels started rising, so another 1.5 units kept me in range but now 8.6 at bedtime so I have stuck another 1.5 units in and hopefully that will get me a decent reading in the morning.
Mine was 4.9 after a long walk this afternoon. 8.5 after tea but that's because I had a sandwich (had picked up a Too Good To Go Costa bag at end of my walk to share with kids) without having the creamy soup with it that I had planned, as youngest needed me to give them some time and play a game with them, so I thought soup might not be the best plan...
5 for me this evening after a busy day.
Hope all have had a good day 🙂
11.6 I had a few sweets to bump it up from 4.1. but when I was 5.6 I also had a biscuit as was getting just to be on the safe side incase it dropped again as gwung wisdon . Tooth out so thought

But dentist clearly thought he knew more then me about stuff.

Him: what was your last blood sugar.

Me; 5.6.

Him: when did you last eat. 5.6 is. Getting a bit low.(and gerneally seemed concerned about that number).
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5.1 this evening. Slightly higher carb tea than I had planned as I didn't like the vegetables I had stirfried.... I think the stir fry pack had started to go off. So I still had the calamari (cooked separately) then had half a cinnamon brioche bun, 2 plums - and a small piece of cheese to try to slow the carbohydrate absorption, as I didn't then feel in the mood to figure out alternative veg!
It was 7.7 for me after a trip to the dentist for a check up. It must have stressed me as my levels were steadily rising after I left home to drive there, despite exercise earlier. Anyway, jabbed 2 units of Fiasp as soon as I got in the car to drive home and that eventually brought me down a bit. Currently 6.6 at bedtime and have upped evening Levemir by half a unit, so will see how I get on with that.
And it was a 5.6 for me pre-dinner tonight.
A happy 6.1 for me this evening, pre-dinner that is.
4.2 for me today! Probably because I managed to skip lunch by being distracted when I could have gone to have it... so had only had 8g carbs and 180 calories from my breakfast 😳

But at least my liver didn't overcompensate!
5.1 for me before tea this evening
Hope everyone has had a good day 🙂
4.3 for me tonight but needed 2 corrections this afternoon as wet weather meant I didn't get as much exercise as I would have liked. Bowl of chicken soup for starters and now just a big plate of salad leaves I think with balsamic dressing and cheese coleslaw.