• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

It was 5.8 first thing this morning, i was asked by my nurse to do one morning then the next day do afternoon, just to keep it in check at the moment. I dont no whether that reading is good or bad !!

That's a good morning reading. It says you are Type I so I assume you are on insulin. Therefore the norm would be CGM or 6 - 8 finger prick tests per day.
Thank you Mikey, it's all very confusing i'm just trying to keep it at an even level as my consultant doesn't wont me get diabetes they first said i was pre diabetic then when i had my last b/t it was a bit high. So she ask me to get a finger prick which we did, i then see her in a couple of months time after having another b/t.
Once again thank you all for helping me.
Evening all, it was a 5.2 for me pre-dinner this fine sunny evening,
An acceptable 6.7 for me this fine sunny evening after a day filled with showers.
Basically resting today. After my body reacted to yesterday's DMO injection my BG shot up. Tamed it today and it finished at 8.1. Hoping vision improves in right eye tomorrow as reading, using phone and laptop, and watching TV create eyestrain!
And it's a happy 6.1 for me this fine evening.