• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

Evening all, a happy 7.7 for me today...
And it was a 7.8 pre-dinner on this scorching and sunny day.
5.4 yesterday
5.5 pre tea and 6.2 after (I had a nice lowish carb salad for tea at Harvester as had ended up having a much more carby lunch than I had intended)
And it is a 6.4 for me pre-dinner this much cooler evening...
Libre showing 5.2
Just booked a hba1c. A follow up hba1c after stopping metformin/

It's not going to be good. Just had a week on holiday where I ate without restrictions.

I reckon it's going to up quite a bit from the last one (38).

Went out last night and had steak and chips plus two beers. Went up to the 9s and dropped back to 4.3 shortly after that, tho'.
6.8 this evening. Probably because I gave into the temptation of mini cake treats at work (boring admin day). Back to 6.8 within 2 hours of eating tea though