Before Tea/Evening Meal

A 5.6 for me this now sunny evening after a day of light rain.
A rather late posting of a 5.6 for me pre-dinner this evening.

Night night everyone.....zzzz
After a day gardening it was a 7.1 for me pre-dinner this fine sunny warm day.
What a glorious sunny day and just right for a 4.6 before dinner.
And my first 5.2 for a while, I must have done something right today!!

Now where's my dinner I'm famished.
My sensor was moving between 4.7 and 5.4 before tea.
After a frustrating day (no consultant by time I got to appointment late again and tests had been done) plus a couple of hypos ended the day on 4.8!
Evening all, a wet afternoon here but a happy 6.2 for me, and dinners on it's way and I'm starving.