Before Tea/Evening Meal

A 7.5 for me tonight.
not posted here for a while i was 5.8 this evening after having a massive spike from 12 noon to 3 before it came down like a brick went 6.4 to 15. I blame it on the last Cornish Bakery sausage roll before returning home
Posted in wrong thread yesterday evening!

8.3 this evening. After a stressful week was hoping for three days of R & R. Alas it was not to be being reminded how restricted my mobility is and that I currently have no licence. Totally down!
A 6.7 for me this sunny evening after a day full of showers.
Evening all, More showers all day today. Anyway. it was a happy 4.9 Pre-dinner today.
And it's a 6.5 for me pre-dinner on this day of many changes in the weather.
I was 4.9 today, although the libre sensor was about 2 higher and has been like that all day.
7.6 after BG crashing mid-afternoon causing a hypo and migraine! BG has been totally unpredictable since I started this Doxycycline antibiotic.