Avoiding post prandial spikes (type 1)

Yes, the not sitting down works for me too. I usually do a bit of tidying in the house, collecting up things and returning them to their places upstairs/downstairs and so on. It doesn’t necessarily have to be vigorous exercise. Things like watering pots on the patio or whatever or picking the washing in work too.
And to reinforce @SB2015's comments, this morning I was expecting a carpenter at 8am and I needed to get b'fast out of the way, plus clear up the space he should be working in, plus get the bins out, plus .... so I was busy with little jobs straight after eating! Suddenly my BG was tumbling. Everything had to stop, to let the fast carbs catch up - despite a standard b'fast with good carb count and normal bolus.

My abnormal surge of activity first thing "kyboshed" me. The annoying thing for me is that I know this can happen, but didn't factor that into my plan for this morning. Oh, and the carpenter didn't turn up!!