‘dawn phenomenon’

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That makes sense to me, ie if the post title is very generic then the search brings a wealth of generic material. But if the search is a little more focused, it seems to find threads that stay within the search. Equally if the thread is generically titled the responses are varied, interesting enough, but readily drifting off-topic.

That said, it's probably easier to start a new thread but quite tightly titled and get up to date views; this might be particularly relevant for matters arising to Libre in general rather than Libre 2 + whatever the question is. The change in the last 12 months by NICE and the NHS of availability of Libre 2 for T1s (should of course be people who are insulin dependent and include T3c, my GP clearly didn't understand just how dependent I am, so within the criteria I apparently wasn't eligible)(frustrating, rant over) - there has been a big increase in users of Libre, particularly L2, with its alarms and shortened lag time between actual and interstitial.

For my own experiment I've just done a forum search for overheating and it produces a lot of threads; albeit one is about someone's laptop overheating (who knew how eclectic diabetes could be?). So for the right topic a forum search can work and overheating probably doesn't get so out of date as technology does.

Not sure what to conclude from this ramble.
“Proud to be erratic”
Hope I’m posting this in the right place ..

Only just read this. I’m still trying to find my way around this site.
Thanks for your feedback.

I’m not a big fan of paying for healthcare where shareholders make vast profits from expensive items - BUT - LibreFreestyle is a life changer for me. We all make choices. There may be other similar products out there but this was the one I found first.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it could be available for T2 diabetics sometime soon. Personally, I am looking for any and every opportunity to raise awareness and campaign for it. I believe there is an NHS consultation in progress and Diabetes UK will obviously have a say.

Personally - I could give an anecdotal report on my ‘life-changing’ experience - from disillusioned diabetic who gradually stopped testing with a rising A1C - to someone who has used it to reduce her ‘estimated A1C’ to 5.9 in 4 months - and counting.

I suggested starting a forum for LibreFreestyle but it didn’t seem to go down too well with at least one other member. I’m feeling a bit fragile at the moment so decided to let it go for now. But if anyone else thinks it’s a good idea - let’s do it?

Yes, certainly. A few of us take a unit or three on waking up exactly for this purpose.

Thanks. And that’s ‘fast acting’ insulin? Any particular brand? If I can’t get the morning spike under control in another week or so I’ll make an appointment to check it out. At least with the Libre sensor I can provide physical evidence of my bs readings.
We have tried to explain on other posts that your insulin is Insulatard. (innolet is the device)
When do you take your insulin? That could make a difference to your morning spike. I set an alarm to wake up an hour before I get up and take my basal insulin then and go back to sleep, so that it has an hour to get going before I get up which gives it a head start on my "Foot on the Floor" liver dump.
Grapes are well known sugar bombs.
Little and often is not always the answer especially if it is with carby foods as it encourages the pancreas to drip feed insulin into the body which can lead to insulin resistance.
Perhaps do a bit of research so you can decide if that is likely to suit you.

I chose grapes because I need something to add any fibre I might be missing. Grapes seem to be okay - they have a lowish glycemic index score ( 43 on this chart but other charts seem to be similar) because the amount of fibre they contain goes some way towards compensating for the sugar. I weigh out 100g and take a few at a time during the day.

There is quite a bit of evidence that diabetes can interfere with the body's temperature regulation.
It’s a relief to hear someone say that. Until quite recently I hadn’t seen anything that supported this.
My quality of life has been really diminished for years by ‘overheating’ I have rarely turned on my heating during the winter, I wear summer clothes and keep a fan and/ or AC running even in the middle of winter. My heating and hot water bill was just £7 a month. Since I’ve been using Libre and controlling my bg far more stringently, it’s improved noticeably. Not disappeared - just improved. Diabetes has to be the cause. It coincides with spikes in bg. It’s a relief to at least have an explanation.
“Proud to be erratic”
Hope I’m posting this in the right place ..

Only just read this. I’m still trying to find my way around this site.
Thanks for your feedback.

I’m not a big fan of paying for healthcare where shareholders make vast profits from expensive items - BUT - LibreFreestyle is a life changer for me. We all make choices. There may be other similar products out there but this was the one I found first.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it could be available for T2 diabetics sometime soon. Personally, I am looking for any and every opportunity to raise awareness and campaign for it. I believe there is an NHS consultation in progress and Diabetes UK will obviously have a say.

Personally - I could give an anecdotal report on my ‘life-changing’ experience - from disillusioned diabetic who gradually stopped testing with a rising A1C - to someone who has used it to reduce her ‘estimated A1C’ to 5.9 in 4 months - and counting.

I suggested starting a forum for LibreFreestyle but it didn’t seem to go down too well with at least one other member. I’m feeling a bit fragile at the moment so decided to let it go for now. But if anyone else thinks it’s a good idea - let’s do it?

Hi Ann,
It's in the right place - in that you are replying to something which I commented on, under your thread!!

But I get your point, we've drifted from DP into the merits of Libre 2, via my observations on generic thread titles and some forum searches can be very productive.

Along the way have been thoughts on how possibly bosul such as NovoRapid could help you in response to your concern over your morning spike (that might be precipitated by DP) and the use of a fairly flexible basal such as Levermir could be an option. Since my basal is Tresiba, which seems widely understood to be an enduring basal that needs time for body adjustment if dosing is interfered with, I would be looking to my fast(er) acting bolus of NovoRapid to give me adjustment and corrections. Such bosul doses are time sensitive, max 5 hrs for me it seems, so that is for me more flexible and responsive than considering changing my basal. But I am relatively inexperienced, came to this party in Feb 20 and only really engaged with my DM management since Nov 20. So others will know lots more and express this better. I also know very little about your insulin regime.

I think your suggestion for a specific topic on Libre 2 could be extremely useful. I use the word 'topic', you last Tuesday originally asked about a 'forum'. As I originally read that, I presumed you meant a thread on the General Messageboard, but perhaps you actually meant a specific Forum title along with Exercise, Food etc and discrete from the General Message board. I now think there is a good case for having several focussed threads on Libre 2 and having a wider Forum heading for Libre 2 with those various threads.

I do agree that there is merit in keeping any one thread quite focused. If you wanted to see if there was a ground swell of support for Libre 2 as a game changer, along the lines of what you said above, I say "go for it". Put it on the General Messageboard; and perhaps the moderators could/should setup a Forum specifically for Libre 2 matters.

But if you wanted to explore how users find they get best use from Libre 2, then perhaps ask that question and see what comes out. I, for example, might surprise you by saying I get best value from L2 because I use the Diabox app on my android phone to convert the inbuilt capacity of L2 into a CGM. FOR FREE. L2 helped, but its still too clunky when scanning on a phone to give fast readings that one can respond to. Yes, it's way better than finger-pricking, but it's still feels like being in the last decade. Diabox is my real game changer. There were a few moments of angst in setting it up and more angst in finding out what it could provide me, but the more I delve the more I more I realise what a brilliant app it is, doing what L2 should be doing, but doesn't.

Other L2 threads might include the use of LibreLink and
interpreting LibreView. I am not going to step up for Libre 2 threads just now, I have my own challenges this week and next.

I read back to the start of this thread, to refresh myself on the content. I particularly agree with your conclusion on Monday at 10.58: "But it’s not for everyone - it takes commitment and diligence to get it to work for you."

That is also true with CGM from Diabox, but a lot easier. I'm in the middle of an experiment to get better control. I've managed to have had no low glucose events (LGL) in the last 3 weeks and actually nil in the last 30 days, but falsely (and frustratingly) portrayed as 6 from a failing sensor on 3/4 Jan. Also falsely showing 1 this morning that was not supported by finger pricking (or my Diabox). So I set out last weekend to seriously attack my highs, reflecting the hugely erratic nature of my brittle diabetes. Limited success until yesterday, when Diabox tells me 100% in range, and also tells me there is a good Standard Deviation (=1), good Glycaemic Variability (=1.3) (so my graph isn't too turbulent!) and A+ for my Personal Glycaemic State (PGS). But the price is completely unsustainable; my low alarm is set for 6.5 and anything below that I watch like a hawk and snack accordingly - biscuits in the 6's and JBs in the low 4's; my upper alarm is set for 8.5 and above that threshold I drop whatever I'm doing and get very active with low or medium intensive activity - but not high anaerobic activity. Hence unsustainable; I wanted to break my previous mould where my TIR was c. 60% and my average BG was high 8's, and blatantly unstable.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you do and when; and I hope you shed your fragility very soon.
“Proud to be erratic”
Hope I’m posting this in the right place ..

Only just read this. I’m still trying to find my way around this site.
Thanks for your feedback.

I’m not a big fan of paying for healthcare where shareholders make vast profits from expensive items - BUT - LibreFreestyle is a life changer for me. We all make choices. There may be other similar products out there but this was the one I found first.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it could be available for T2 diabetics sometime soon. Personally, I am looking for any and every opportunity to raise awareness and campaign for it. I believe there is an NHS consultation in progress and Diabetes UK will obviously have a say.

Personally - I could give an anecdotal report on my ‘life-changing’ experience - from disillusioned diabetic who gradually stopped testing with a rising A1C - to someone who has used it to reduce her ‘estimated A1C’ to 5.9 in 4 months - and counting.

I suggested starting a forum for LibreFreestyle but it didn’t seem to go down too well with at least one other member. I’m feeling a bit fragile at the moment so decided to let it go for now. But if anyone else thinks it’s a good idea - let’s do it?

Abbott yield on stock is about 1.5%.
Shareholders aren't making "vast profits" there.
I could get a better rate putting the money in the bank to be honest.
I have taken a punt on companies hoping the share price will rise, but that's not paid for by any company profits. That's merely selling the shares into another investor who will pay a higher price.
And many go down.
PS: on Tue @Essex remarked on the importance of timing at breakfast and I have found this very relevant for me.

If my BG is 5.5-7 when I bolus for breakfast I need 45mins before that bolus starts to take effect, then I need to eat promptly. If it drifts lower during that 45 mins, ie no down or sloping arrow, but gently dropping, I eat a couple of prunes (8-12 gms carbs), which are part of my overall breakfast mix. I could just start b'fast early, but I love fresh cream and have no weight constraints, so my lashings of cream lower the GI and slow the digestion of that b'fast! Conversely if I'm high, above 10, my bolus will include a correction for that high. I have to wait for my BG to drop well below 10 before starting eating. From trial and error I've found that starting to eat when above 10 means I don't get the correction I'm hoping for; my body seems to have an increased resistance to insulin when high. This could explain some of your difficulty in curtailing the morning spike.

During my experiment this last week, I found (again trial and error) that I need a high alarm at 8.5 then very promptly get active. That has cropped my potential spikes; but I'm retired and can drop everything. As I said unsustainable in the longer term.

Finally I'm T3c because I have no pancreas, so much of my trials may not work for you as T2.
Thanks for your detailed response.
You’re absolutely right. ‘Topic’ would be a far better choice of title.
I’m going to do it anyway, but before I do, I thought I’d check out what other similar options are out there. Then decide if it could be useful to include all the available similar devices or just stick to Libre.

Once it’s set up I wouldn’t want to have to change it. I think there is a space under the thread name to say exactly what the ‘topic’ does/ doesn’t include. Any ideas welcome.

PS I’m rarely fragile - mostly exactly the opposite - and say exactly what I mean. Was just caught off-guard by a reaction. Better now.

PS: on Tue @Essex remarked on the importance of timing at breakfast and I have found this very relevant for me.

If my BG is 5.5-7 when I bolus for breakfast I need 45mins before that bolus starts to take effect, then I need to eat promptly. If it drifts lower during that 45 mins, ie no down or sloping arrow, but gently dropping, I eat a couple of prunes (8-12 gms carbs), which are part of my overall breakfast mix. I could just start b'fast early, but I love fresh cream and have no weight constraints, so my lashings of cream lower the GI and slow the digestion of that b'fast! Conversely if I'm high, above 10, my bolus will include a correction for that high. I have to wait for my BG to drop well below 10 before starting eating. From trial and error I've found that starting to eat when above 10 means I don't get the correction I'm hoping for; my body seems to have an increased resistance to insulin when high. This could explain some of your difficulty in curtailing the morning spike.

During my experiment this last week, I found (again trial and error) that I need a high alarm at 8.5 then very promptly get active. That has cropped my potential spikes; but I'm retired and can drop everything. As I said unsustainable in the longer term.

Finally I'm T3c because I have no pancreas, so much of my trials may not work for you as T2.
This is almost exactly the system that I have found works for me although I never eat when my levels are above 8. 45 mins pre bolus time at breakfast unless my levels are in the 4s when I wake and then it will usually need just 30mins but Libre allows me to keep an eye on it and eat when it shows my bolus insulin starting to kick in and lower my levels.

Without a bolus insulin Ann obviously can't do that, but if she takes her Insulatard on a morning, then taking it earlier might help, like I do with my Levemir. Interestingly since I started taking my Levemir an hour before i get up I do (edited to add ... "not") seem to need those additional units of bolus insulin to correct for DP/FOTF. I now keep my insulin and Libre under my pillow. Wake up, scan, jab my Levemir and go back to sleep and let it do it's magic.
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Thanks for your detailed response.
You’re absolutely right. ‘Topic’ would be a far better choice of title.
I’m going to do it anyway, but before I do, I thought I’d check out what other similar options are out there. Then decide if it could be useful to include all the available similar devices or just stick to Libre.

Once it’s set up I wouldn’t want to have to change it. I think there is a space under the thread name to say exactly what the ‘topic’ does/ doesn’t include. Any ideas welcome.

PS I’m rarely fragile - mostly exactly the opposite - and say exactly what I mean. Was just caught off-guard by a reaction. Better now.

You can’t create a topic or forum unless you are an administrator. You can create a post / thread though.
You can’t create a topic or forum unless you are an administrator. You can create a post / thread though.
Thanks @Lucyr ,
At risk of splitting hairs here, if I were to start a new thread the title of that would, in my mind, be the "Topic". And I would have started that! But I have no aspirations to create a new "Forum" and if I did, I would at least suggest that to the administrators or moderators in my opening remarks. I did specifically introduce the word Topic to set it apart from creating a new Forum.

I presume the administrators are rather akin to the omnipresent eyes of the Party envisioned in George Orwell's novel 1984 - BUT with MUCH better intent! Let's see ...
Again. I’m new to this. In the words of George Orwell (collected essays) - it applies to many other words. I’m an outsider so don’t pick up on ‘implicit’ meanings, but this is starting to feel a little stressful. Shame this site doesn’t accept emojis - they can say a lot without words.

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If this site would accept emojis I’d post a happy face and hand clap. But it doesn’t so I can’t.

I don’t care too much how it’s categorised - just seemed like a good idea to connect the ‘LibreFreestyle Community’ to compare notes. Diabetes is diabetes but the sensor has some very different issues, both good and not so, to finger pricks. I was looking for some support and also to do something for the ‘greater good’. Wasn’t expecting quite such a reaction.

This site is really hard to use if you’re new. Is there a map or explanation anywhere?


Happy days

Back soon.

If this site would accept emojis I’d post a happy face and hand clap. But it doesn’t so I can’t.

I don’t care too much how it’s categorised - just seemed like a good idea to connect the ‘LibreFreestyle Community’ to compare notes. Diabetes is diabetes but the sensor has some very different issues, both good and not so, to finger pricks. I was looking for some support and also to do something for the ‘greater good’. Wasn’t expecting quite such a reaction.

This site is really hard to use if you’re new. Is there a map or explanation anywhere?


Happy days

Back soon.

Thanks for your detailed response.
You’re absolutely right. ‘Topic’ would be a far better choice of title.
I’m going to do it anyway, but before I do, I thought I’d check out what other similar options are out there. Then decide if it could be useful to include all the available similar devices or just stick to Libre.
I think this needs to be just for Libre 2. The reality is that members will introduce other devices if pertinent and sometimes if not! Look at the thread for false hypos; 3 responses in, we're into vegan sausages, but in context (sort of) and 6 responses in we're on nut rissoles! I think it's marvellous how humour wholly underpins member's response to potential adversity. Yet provide help.
Once it’s set up I wouldn’t want to have to change it. I think there is a space under the thread name to say exactly what the ‘topic’ does/ doesn’t include. Any ideas welcome.

My idea - my thought really - would be to post a specific question titled Libre 2 + whatever the specific Q is. Then open the discussion asking the administrators to consider setting up a specific Libre 2 Forum and place your thread within that new Forum; plus your Q of course. Then start a 2nd thread in the new Forum with a 2nd Q - and step back. The threads will go where they go! Others will generate other threads, I feel sure of that.

If it fizzles out so be it. But I also feel sure that it won't.
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