Woken by hypo

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I woke at around 2:30 and tested at 4.6. I decided not to eat anything, but trust that I would wake up, and when I rose this morning I was 4.3 - how's about that for steady levels?!!

Top work Northie :D You're my hero!

I had a little something yesterday evening as I was a bit borderline (4.9ish) and knew I still had some active insulin chugging away. Tested at suppertime 10.7!! 😱

Hands up who thinks they'd do better with their own CGMS? Me. Me! MEEEEEEE!

Pump problem and CGMS envy
I was 5.3 before bed - a little low considering recent events, so I had a slice of PB. Woke around 4:30 and tested at 4.9, got up to a reading of 4.8 so it looks like I've got the lantus just about right now at 5 units, down from 8 a fortnight ago. My waking levels are also about 1-2 mmol lower too, so possibly need to go to 4 units sometimes soon!
That sounds great news Northerner. Lets hope things settle. How is the running now?
That sounds great news Northerner. Lets hope things settle. How is the running now?

Thanks Lucy 🙂 I managed a short run this morning and it went OK. I decided not to take the increased BP meds because I think going for a run does me more good than more pills!
Well, my insulin has been decreased again today, and I'm still not lowering it enough! I just tested before my lantus injection and I was 4.6 - too low for going to bed on. Annoyed, because I'd deliberately given less NR than I thought I'd need and was preparing to be quite high! I had 9 units for a big plate of mash and sausage casserole, followed by some tinned peaches and half a bag of Minstrels. That would have been at least 16 units, possibly 18 a couple of weeks ago!.

I've had a slice of PB again and lowered my lantus from 5 to 4 units. Wonder how much lower it will go before I'm finished? 😱
Well, it seems hypos do wake me up! Went to bed a bit earlier and woke about 2 hours later feeling a little 'odd'. Tested at 2.1 :( No real symptoms, except it didn't feel like 'sleepiness' when I woke. That's my fourth hypo in 24 hours - have also had a 3.7, a 2.2 and a 2.9. Think I might have to reduce my lantus.

Now absolutely ravenous and trying to resist the urge to overtreat! I've already had two biscuits, three jelly babies and some lucozade! 😱 Just tested (half an hour later) and I'm 5.6, so back to bed I think!
hi northerner when i have hypo,s in my sleep i awake to a sweat soaked bed.
hi northerner when i have hypo,s in my sleep i awake to a sweat soaked bed.

Hi meandyou, welcome to the forum 🙂 I used to wake sweating, now I just tend to feel slightly hotter than expected. I'm not sure why this has changed - I used to be absolutely drenched, and I know this is quite common. Hope they don't happen too often for you!

Well, last night I was 4.6 before bed, so I had my peanut butter, decreased my lantus to 4 units and woke this morning to...4.6! I wonder if I had taken 5 units if I would have hypoed? This means that I have lowered my basal by 50% in the last 14 days! 😱
The downward trend continues - last night I was 6.8 before bed, so didn't snack. I woke this morning to 4.0! I've now been in the 4s all week, down from the 5s or 6s I was getting before, despite halving my lantus. I'm now wondering if I need to drop down another unit on the lantus, taking me to a ridiculously low 3 units!

One thing that has changed is that I haven't drunk any alcohol for the past fortnight, apart from 2 pints last Friday lunchtime, so I'm wondering if this has allowed my liver to 'calm down' and it is now producing a steadier trickle of glucose rather than the surges it might have been doing before due to the yo-yoing effects of alcohol. Who knows? This is diabetes, after all! 😱
Grrr! After a fairly good day with the levels (4.0, 5.7, 4.9) I have once again failed to get my teatime novorapid right and am now on 3.9 before bed! Only took 9 units for a meal that would have happily been 16 units a couple of weeks ago. I'm now debating whether to drop my lantus down to 3 units. I did go for a run today, so part of this low is probably the after effects of that, that I didn't properly take into account (I tried!).

3 lantus just sounds ridiculously low though!

edit: have gone for the 3 lantus! Wonder what I'll wake up to?
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