Where are you?

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[...] I chose not to share too much identifying information on a public forum.
I confess my birthday is incorrect. On another forum, I have changed my gender.

Talking of birthday information, tomorrow is my “internet birthday”. Anyone who asks for a birthday when I don’t think they need it gets given my internet birthday. For the last few days, online shops have been offering me birthday discount codes. It’s like having a second birthday each year.
And using the same internet birthday for everyone, i don’t forget it if they ask for identification purposes.
Since I self-identify as a Former IT Geek, I chose 01/01/1980 as my 'official birthday', this being the start date of the MS-DOS FAT system for files held on disk...
I tend to use the earliest available date if 'drop downs' are available to pick from.
I regularly choose 01/01/1900 as my Date of Birth
Heck, I look good for my age :D
I’m just east of Newark in Lincolnshire, love watching the red arrows practicing their routine.
I’m on a spinning cooling magma & rock, 3rd planet away from what the locals call “the sun.” (Situation right now seems comfortable for the body I inhabit, In a region on this planet called the UK & the means to cater for a screwed pancreas. After around 9131.25 (approximation.) rotations of this planet. I stopped celebrating the the date of my birth. Don’t even advertise it to close friends on Facebook. (My dirty secret.) 4am in the morning also seems a little inconvenient & inappropriate to start drinking with friends. So the story goes, my father was never so happy to see a midwife walk up the garden path. He was boiling towels at the time. Was that a thing? I got no idea. I’m all for GDPR.
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