What do u take on holiday for hypos?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all,

Just wondered what u lot take with u on holiday to overcome a hypo??
are u aloud to take glucose tablets on board or do the airport people check them incase there drugs or somethin lol

last year i have to bin all the lucozade maybe they will askyou to eat the tablet to prove that they are edible and not drugs i have to do it with grahams milk 😛
id say jelly babies or fruit pastiles
take sandwiches, crisps, cereal bars and a couple of bits of fruit (non-messy stuff, so oranges are out...), but lots of other people take pasta salads, . . Just remember that liquids are out, so no tubs of hummous, etc., and you'll want either to buy a drink airside or remember to take an empty water/juice bottle through (if you declare it as empty it's allowed) to fill up with water in the bathrooms. Airport prices are fairly high so I almost always take my own stuff.
You should be fine with glucose tablets, I think the main issue with planes is liquids so juices etc are out as you can't take enough on to treat a hypo. Not sure where glucogel comes in to it though, is a gel classed as a liquid by security....??? Sure someone on here will know!
You may need permission to carry liquid medicines onto the aircraft, which is why some recommend anyone prone to low blood sugar carry glucose tablets instead of gel. It may seem silly to carry glucose since there is food available on the plane, but flight attendants aren't always allowed to come to your assistance. If it works for you, a candy bar may also work
You may need permission to carry liquid medicines onto the aircraft, which is why some recommend anyone prone to low blood sugar carry glucose tablets instead of gel. It may seem silly to carry glucose since there is food available on the plane, but flight attendants aren't always allowed to come to your assistance. If it works for you, a candy bar may also work

This is where the generic letter from your GP also comes in handy, stating you're a diabetic, needing to carry insulins, needles and other medication for your diabetes.

The gel is in a sealed container and it should fall within the limit for the transportation of liquids.

One point with your letter, try to get a generic 'to whom it may concern' and with no date - then it can be used time and time again.

You can of course buy juices etc airside, airport shops (WH Smiths etc) do tend to be more on a par with high street shops now, its when you're on the budget airlines that you get ripped off with their sky high prices!
This is where the generic letter from your GP also comes in handy, stating you're a diabetic, needing to carry insulins, needles and other medication for your diabetes.

i know of some body in sydney who forgot this note and fainted at the other end of her journey,all she needed was her insulin but it had been confiscated, she was rushed to hosipital it was touch and go but she did pull through, so its really important to get this letter
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i had glucogel in graham bag and i did not have any problem but i fly to spain maybe is different if you fly to the US example?
i had glucogel in graham bag and i did not have any problem but i fly to spain maybe is different if you fly to the US example?

So long as it's sealed, airport security in the UK is regardless where in the world you are flying to.
sorry but we don't fly alot we usually drive on holiday in europe🙂
sorry but we don't fly alot we usually drive on holiday in europe🙂

Always a pleasure. 🙂

I'm trying to find out what I need to fly while taking controlled substances with me, got a feeling a textphone conversation to a chum in the Home Office is coming up soon, think I just need a letter from my GP stating that I am prescribed these items. 🙄
Those glucojuices are less than 100mls so should be ok to take them through. I will be taking glucose tablets with me. I'm going to take some of those little packs of raisens and cereal bars with me for whilst i am there. I am going all inclusive but might need some hypo snacks at night.

When and where are you going? I go on Sunday and I'm so excited! :D
how long you away for
have a brill time 🙂
Nikki, have a great holiday! Where do you get the glucojuice from - i was looking in boots yesterday and i couldnt find them?🙂Bev
I got the glucojuice in boots but i have only found it in the large stores, not my local one.

Thanks, I will be away for a week, don't miss me too much lol!
I took a good selection, jelly babies etc, and lots of high carb cereal bars.
Also took some energy drink powder to mix up when out there. I took far too much, but felt better for it!

Enjoy your break.
Hypo Treatments

I have travelled in Europe and America and packed dextrose or lucozade tablets in my hand luggage and suitcase. So far, I have never been asked to eat one to prove they are not drugs.

I also take a stash of cereal bars both in hand luggage and suitcase just in case of hypos. However I know I can always buy something sweet and substantial to bring back up my blood sugar where I'm going - full fat coke, orange juice etc etc.

One thing I must get organized is find out the brand names for my insulin in the different countries.
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