Sorry to hear you're going through it at the mo. Might there be any advantage in 'eating boring' for a while (at least for some meals) to reduce variables?
Are you fasting-testing your basal tweaks? (broken record!) Only asked cos I had a crazy period at the start of our holiday where suddenly (over around 2 days) my basal requirements rose from 10ish u a day to over 14u! The less predictable holiday eating made it much harder to spot, but things have been way more settled since (despite including just as many bonkers meal variations). I had to just wing it rather than test properly, but overnights suggest I've ended up with it about right.
Hope you get off the gluco-coaster soon. Sounds no fun at all.
You are so kind, I feel like a repeating record! I do have the same breakfast and virtually the same lunch every day, but still get wild variations in the results. I am on my own until Wednesday so I am going to try and eat the same thing every day at the same time! Is that sufficiently boring?! Any thoughts about what foods are boring?!
It was fasting testing that made me decide to change my Lantus regime despite discouragement from my consultant and DSN, they are hoping a pump will make the difference and I do hope they are right, but I am always shocked at the range of results I get.
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack this great thread - I'll post today's food up to now!
Breakfast: Branflakes & skimmed milk (Hypo at 12.30pm)
Lunch: Small tortilla style omelet (onions/tomatoes/sausage/courgettes/2 leftover new potatoes), 1/2 slice toast, orange, handful of nuts
Not yet had - Dinner: Salmon wrapped in parma ham, baked in oven, new potatoes, green beans, spinach, raspberries and strawberries
Tonight I will also have 2 pieces of heavyweight dark chocolate and a glass of wine - despite the levels!