• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

What are you reading?

Just finished The Real Meal Revolution by Prof Tim Noakes, a very interesting read and made a lot of sense to me.
Have got Life without diabetes by Prof Roy Taylor on the shelf, so will read that soon.
I have just finished reading "Material World", by Ed Cooper, which is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read. It deals with salt, sand, iron, copper, oil and lithium. The part that I found most interesting was the section on sand, which is the raw material for computer chips. The manufacture of these in incredibly complex and difficult, and only Taiwan has the ability to produce high-end chips, but China's sabre-rattling means that the whole world is vulnerable.
A must-read!

Just finished Guernica by Dave Boling. He's primarily a journalist and I found that was noticeable in his writing style which for me spoiled the novel a little.

Next up "We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves" by Karen Joy Fowler which I picked up from a charity shop a while ago.
Just started on book 2 of the year. I’m slacking! I did find Demon Cooperhead far too long and not really sure I enjoyed it. Next one is All the Colours of the Dark, Chris Whitaker. My third book on the trot set in America, coincidentally, but the author is British and I’ve read him before and he’s excellent, it’s a crime novel but not as we know it. I’m impressed so far.
Finished Shadows of Death, now started Faithless in Death, bot by J.D.Robb. American Police Procedural.
Last night I finished the Christmas romance I was reading, and today I started this month´s book club choice: 'Down among the sticks and bones' by Seanan McGuire. This is the second book in her 'Wayward children' series and actually the idea is we read the third book as well, because the organiser considered they are "too short" to have only one as our read of the month. She has a point, but I would not mind to have a shorter book for once so it will give me more time for other books I´d also like to read. The good thing is if I manage to read both, that would make 3 books in the first month of the year and I can feel a bit smug about it! Well, 3 fiction and half of 'Think like a pancreas', extra smugness points 😎:D

That would also mean we read 4 books by Seanan McGuire in this club, and much as I enjoy her style, I will suggest not adding more of her works to the list. I want to read other authors too!
Origins Reconsidered, Leakey and Lewin.

A book to make you go - ook.

I met Louis Leakey and held the casts of various skulls. The one of the Taung child - A. africanus, reduced me to tears. He was quite taken aback.