• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

What are you reading?

When we watched Monday’s I could see Mr Eggy was a bit confused, that’s not difficult to be fair, it definitely helped knowing the story
I wondered how people who hadn’t read it would cope with remembering who was who, they did hit you with all the characters all at once, a bit like picking the book up half way through.
I have not finished a book recently and have just started a new one "Braxton's Turn" by Steve Marks. Here the authour tells us about it (there is a diabetes link):

I started writing Braxton's Turn in 2012. And completed the first edition in July 2021. I know. I know. What took so long? Well it goes something like this. I started with strong motivation and then the source of that motivation left town. Since I had a busy schedule operating my company, it was easy to make excuses and stick the manuscript in the drawer. But after retirement in early 2020, I realized I had no more excuses. So the manuscript was pulled from the bottom of the drawer and placed on the top of my inbox. It was time to finish what I started....for a change.

Many months later and after too many rewrites to count, we published 'Jonathon Braxton'. It was a story that I had in my head for 10 years. A story about how the world might find the cure for Type 1 diabetes and how the U.S.A. might find some better politics and governance. Little did I know that 10 years after starting, we would still be without a cure.

I mentioned motivation that I had and then left town. That would be my niece Madison, diagnosed with T1D in 2008 at the age of 3. When she moved back to Thousand Oaks from Reno, NV in 2010, I felt an urge to do something and I involved myself with an organization called JDRF, the world largest private advocacy organization in support of finding the cure for T1D.

We raised a lot of money through my company and I was asked to join the JDRF Los Angeles Board of Directors in 2011. That experience exposed me to many of the efforts being made by advocacy groups, parents, and the medical research community in pursuit of a cure. Yet despite millions of dollars being raised through charitable giving combined with large annual research grants from the U.S. Congress, we had no cure and no preventions in hand or on the horizon.

In 2012 the idea of a story came to me about how the right man, in the right place, at the right time could lead the efforts that would result in the cure. And I started writing. Not long after Madison's parents divorced, no doubt in part caused by the stress and pressures of raising and parenting a child with Type 1 diabetes. Madison moved to Las Vegas with her mother and our once very close relationship became distant. And my writing stopped until retirement provided me the time and motivation to finish.

I hope you have a chance to read and enjoy the journey of Jonathon 'JB' Braxton. A story with lots of comedy and quirky characters in addition to serious discussion of life with T1D and other social commentary. Hopefully to those in the T1D community it will provide a source of hope and inspiration. And hopefully to those who desire our country to have better people seeking public office, a source of hope and inspiration as well.
I don't know the story but did not find it hard to follow the charcters.
I confess to binge watching Strike on iPlayer, 3 episodes in 1 night, but I think I lost the plot a bit when I fell asleep in the middle of Episode 2.

I'm currently reading Book 7 of the Jamie Johanssen books by Morgan Greene. The author is British but the books are set in Sweden. Black Heart is a complicated tale of teenage suicides all of whom have a black heart hacked into their arms. Jamie believes the suicides are prompted by a mysterious killer, but the police are not taking them seriously. I think I'll give the series a rest after I finish this one and read something more lighthearted! Perhaps not the Angela Marsons one I have, but maybe a Phillipa Gregory one I've got on my kindle but not read yet.
Now finished The Shadow Murders, had a bit of a twist.
Now started The Reckoning a Icelandic police book.
GM, am working through my Xmas book pile. Now it is the turn of Wuthering Heights.

Having had my Hba1c last week and received the results super quickly the reading is also accompanied with some distinctively not low carb goodies. Back on the wagon after Boxing day and the 'chat' with Mx Cholestrol before New Year

Happy reading
What books did you receive for Christmas, if any? I send a list out to my family and received 4/5. So happy with that. One’s a cook book!
Nadiya’s Cook Once Eat Twice
All The Colours of the Dark. Chris Whittaker.
Demon Copperhead. Barbara Kingsolver
Shy Creatures. Claire Chambers.
It could be a while until I can start any of them as I’ve just started To Kill a Mockingbird and the last few days have been hectic I’ve not had a chance to read through the day and I’m falling asleep after just a few pages in bed! Maybe today’s the day I’ll finally get a good stint in.
No books for Christmas this year, tho it's been a common present for me in the past. I did finish "Into the drowning deep" in the plane last weekend and was surprised by it. In a good way. I didn't expect to like it so much, is not my usual genre, but it got very interesting and kept me intrigued. Not as much weird gore as I feared and a lot of scientists being scientists. There's representation of autistic and deaf people as well.
Finished The Reckoning, bit of a slog to read, and had a twist in the end.
Now starting The Dark Angel by Elly Griffths.
I finished my last book of the year yesterday. Number 84, 10 down from last year. Do you think that’s something to do with acquiring an extra two grandchildren in 2024? 😉
Number 1 book of the year is Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

Happy New Year and happy reading.
I finished my last book of the year yesterday. Number 84, 10 down from last year. Do you think that’s something to do with acquiring an extra two grandchildren in 2024? 😉
Number 1 book of the year is Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

Happy New Year and happy reading.
Thats reminded me, i need to start listing my books. It will be interesting to see how many i read in the year. I'm halfway through one atm, does that count?
Thats reminded me, i need to start listing my books. It will be interesting to see how many i read in the year. I'm halfway through one atm, does that count?
I would count the one you’re currently reading as last years. I just struck lucky I finished my last one yesterday. It doesn’t always work that way. Good luck.
just started david jason this time next year A good read
I need to start listing my books. It will be interesting to see how many i read in the year. I'm halfway through one atm, does that count?
I use GoodReads that logs all my books especially my 'book at bedtime time' which due to my evening ban on screens is a physical book. My Kindle books automatically flow through to it.
As for should you count half read books..... it's your bat and your ball you choose! Personally I only count finished books.
I counted 16 books finished in 2024. It's the first year I'm keeping track of my readings consistently, but I'd say is more than previous years. I used to read a lot as a child but had abandoned it a bit since uni. The book club I joined in the summer has helped. I know a girl there who read like 200 a year 😱

I'm currently reading "Look up, handsome" by Jack Strange. A Christmas romance that I picked up in my visit to Hay on Wye, by a local author, and set in the town (served as a sort of souvenir!). I was reading "Legends and Lattes" but paused it for now, because I wanted to read this Christmassy book before the season vibes are completely gone! I like it so far, it's cute and cosy and an easy read.
Finished The Dark Angel, another with a twist on the plot . I kept thinking I might have read before but thinking was because I have read many Elly Griffths books . Now started The Stone Circle by Elly Griffths.
Finished The Stone Circle, again it had a few twists. Now started The Fires by Sigridur Hagalin Bjornsdotter.
About half way through....
"Night Train to the Stars: Beloved, enigmatic Japanese folk tales" by Kenji Miyazawa.
Not my usual reading matter but quite enjoying it.