We're the tops!

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I went by diabetes.co.uk to see what he considered to be a 'good' site. It's actually a commercially-run site, looking to market various products to diabetics in addition to providing information pages and a forum. Their forum isn't much different to ours, just not as busy, and the types of posts are largely similar to ours, so I'm not quite sure why he feels it's 'better'.

Very fragmented site and the low carb debate gets very nasty there. Not what I am looking for.
It makes you wonder whether Sharpe was actually a diabetic at all considering his utter contempt for 'fellow diabetics' and his apparent obsession with slagging off this forum and it's members.

And as far as statistics are concerned they are completely subjective and can be manipulated to convey whatever you want them to and believe me I have seen enough statistics in my job over the years to know that!
It makes you wonder whether Sharpe was actually a diabetic at all considering his utter contempt for 'fellow diabetics' and his apparent obsession with slagging off this forum and it's members.

And as far as statistics are concerned they are completely subjective and can be manipulated to convey whatever you want them to and believe me I have seen enough statistics in my job over the years to know that!

That is exactly what my husband said 😉 he wanted to join the forum just because of this thread.
Well, this should teach me not to write that I had never seen a wrong word on this forum!!!

I have learnt so much from this forum and in ways that have made an impression. Without this site I would probably be curled up somewhere hoping for diabetes to just go away but reading what some of you have been through, how you are feeling, your experiments with food - invaluable. I feel so lucky I found this site straight away.

The fact you say no question is too stupid is very assuring as sometimes it can feel everyone knows everything about this - but me. There is still loads of stuff you talk about that means zilch to me but if ever I hear the terminology I won't continue to feel like a total dummy.

This forum has a focus and I think that makes a difference. We are not here to chat about different tv shows or football or Dr Who - one topic: diabetes.

It makes you wonder whether Sharpe was actually a diabetic at all considering his utter contempt for 'fellow diabetics' and his apparent obsession with slagging off this forum and it's members.

And as far as statistics are concerned they are completely subjective and can be manipulated to convey whatever you want them to and believe me I have seen enough statistics in my job over the years to know that!

Different strokes for different folks !!!

Sharpe is indeed a diabetic, a very knowledgable and well researched one as well( and yes SH he really knows how to use Key -words !). He was just frustrated by ' fellow diabetics' not knowing the facts and answers and the lack of solid input re some of the questions and answers on here.
I think the comment about the 'Dawn phenomenon' from Pete C sums it up really, that is a piece of standard information on most diabetic forums.

Support comes in all shapes and sizes and in all kinds of informatic formula.

As I said, different strokes for different folks.

As for D. co.uk . The Community pages are indeed commercial and in fact fund the forum but the forum is completely separate and independent, the owners have no influence on the input on the forum and often the forum disagrees with the Community pages !

As for the forum 'being no different from ' yours, really ??

All I will say is if you ever want facts and figures and education on diabetes as well as support then visit D.co.uk just as Northerner does🙂 ( and some other members)
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Different strokes for different folks !!!

Sharpe is indeed a diabetic, a very knowledgable and well researched one as well( and yes SH he really knows how to use Key -words !). He was just frustrated by ' fellow diabetics' not knowing the facts and answers and the lack of solid input re some of the questions and answers on here.
I think the comment about the 'Dawn phenomenon' from Pete C sums it up really, that is a piece of standard information on most diabetic forums.

Support comes in all shapes and sizes and in all kinds of informatic formula.

As I said, different strokes for different folks.

As for D. co.uk . The Community pages are indeed commercial and in fact fund the forum but the forum is completely separate and independent, the owners have no influence on the input on the forum and often the forum disagrees with the Community pages !

As for the forum 'being no different from ' yours, really ??

All I will say is if you ever want facts and figures and education on diabetes as well as support then visit D.co.uk just as Northerner does🙂 ( and some other members)


I am really confused as to why you feel the need to tell us all that this forum isnt very informative or lacking in input. Since I joined this forum my son has gone from MDI to an insulin pump and his hba1c has dropped from 9.6 to 7.1 - all in a matter of months - and it is with the help and advice I have been given here - so why do you and Sharpe (clearly your friend) feel the need to come on here and be so aggressive?

Nobody is forcing you to come here. If you dont like the information on here - why do you keep coming back and trying to criticise the forum and its members?😱

If we are happy with the way the forum works - then that is all that matters - we are the members and we make the forum what it is and if it doesnt suit you or Sharpe - then you dont have to stay - diabetics and carers have enough stress to deal with on a daily basis - without having to read all the comments you and Sharpe seem to revel in.

If your preferred forum is the one you mentioned - then stick with it if it makes you happy.🙂Bev
Theres always some who like to rock the steady ship, this place runs smoothly and is well put together it has helped a number of people out and has always been my first port of call when i have had an issue, it has been better then the shocking GP i had until i changed gps and without this place id be lost, so if the forum dont suit you i will happily help open the door and watch you leave by the exit>>>>>>>>.
as i said before ...this forum is a support forum. support in the everyday ups and downs of living with diabetes. the highs and the lows . if you dont feel you need support or can give support that we share here maybe this is not the type of forum for you ...its about personal choice x i choose to come here.
The way i see it, we all know what we are told in order to control our sugar levels:
Eat well
Don't smoke
Exercise regularly
Don't consume too much alcohol
Don't eat too many carbs in one sitting
Test regularly
Make the necessary adjustments etc.... etc...

Trouble is life isn't as 'neat' as this - at least not in my experience. So, unless there is some other 'cure' out there that i don't know about we've all just got to do the best we can; no matter what information is available to us. I don't suppose many of us are in the business of training as doctors. And even if we were, would that necessarily make us better at controlling this condition? I think not.
Some of us may be luckier than others but i'm sure most of us do the best we can in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.

That's why i like this forum - because it's about real people supporting each other, not lecturing each other. We all know where we can find other info if we need it.🙂
That's why i like this forum - because it's about real people supporting each other, not lecturing each other. We all know where we can find other info if we need it.🙂

Bev , I'm glad your son is getting on so well. We are all diabetics and should support and help each other. We just have obviously different methods of doing it.

I like to help others self empower themselves with the knowledge of what is happening to them so that they can take control of their diabetes and be confident about themselves. Knowledge is a great stress reliever.

If we are happy with the way the forum works - then that is all that matters - we are the members and we make the forum what it is

I guess so..... but are my opinions as a member not as valid ? I may be different but I could have made a contribution. Yes, I voiced an opinion but I do not think I was aggressive just more questioning. If I had agreed with everyone then I would be welcome ?

But because myself and Sharpe voiced a criticism we are not welcome.

In discussion and debate lies learning and knowledge.

C'est la vie.
I feel the need to grab a curly wig and shout calm down calm down.

Sometimes when we are reading things on a forum - we hear criticism were it is not meant, or we can be reading things too quickly and miss words which hit a nerve and we react. I think some of the replies on here are down to this. Sometimes its better to count to 10 and re-read something we think as inflammatory and ask is there another way I can read this.

Its impossible for us all to agree, all of the time but we can all respect each others perspectives.

A comment on statistics. Statistics themselves don't lie but the quality of a statistic depends on the data produced. For instance if someone unwittingly asks an ambiguous question the data they get back will be of little use.
hi we are the best !!! and the forum is quite easy to join nice simple design!!! easy to understand
...I guess so..... but are my opinions as a member not as valid ? I may be different but I could have made a contribution. Yes, I voiced an opinion but I do not think I was aggressive just more questioning. If I had agreed with everyone then I would be welcome ?

But because myself and Sharpe voiced a criticism we are not welcome.

In discussion and debate lies learning and knowledge.

C'est la vie.

Hi Irisdove, of course your opinions are valid. Sharpe, unfortunately, chose to ridicule and jeer at something that benefits many people rather than offering us the benefit of his professed wisdom and I'm afraid rather embarrassed himself. This thread was intended as something light-hearted to show how the forum has grown and how vibrant it is, not to set us up as the finest diabetes resource in history. You are right, I have visited diabetes.co,uk. I am a member of several forums, some of which I post on. It's important for me as an Admin to know what is happening elsewhere so I can pick up on possible ways to improve this forum, or things to avoid. What I don't do is join them for the sole purpose of insulting the other members.

As for the link I gave to the dawn phenomenon page - as I said earlier, why would I want to reinvent the wheel? If there is good information out there, why not link to it - after all, that is how the internet works. DUK has a wealth of information and provides support for this forum, so you should perhaps think of the DUK site as being the 'information and facts' pages.
Bev , I'm glad your son is getting on so well. We are all diabetics and should support and help each other. We just have obviously different methods of doing it.

I like to help others self empower themselves with the knowledge of what is happening to them so that they can take control of their diabetes and be confident about themselves. Knowledge is a great stress reliever.

I guess so..... but are my opinions as a member not as valid ? I may be different but I could have made a contribution. Yes, I voiced an opinion but I do not think I was aggressive just more questioning. If I had agreed with everyone then I would be welcome ?

But because myself and Sharpe voiced a criticism we are not welcome.

In discussion and debate lies learning and knowledge.

C'est la vie.

I dont think my methods are any different from yours or anyone elses - clearly we are getting results - so we must be doing something right.

I am also very knowledgable about diabetes and how to care for my son who has lots of confidence and deals with his diabetes very well indeed. He takes charge of his pump and he makes good decisions - so with the help of this forum I have equipped him with a good foundation of how to keep away from possible future complications.

I have empowered myself and my son with as much knowledge as we can - and I will continue to do so to keep him healthy and happy.

Your views are as valid as the next persons are - but unfortunately you and Sharpe (for whatever reason) have both come across as very judgemental and critical of this site and as newcomers to the site it is fairly odd to come and tell us how rubbish we are. How else were we meant to take it? You have both slated this site and made it clear you dont like it or the advice that is given out - so people feel attacked - and this never makes for good communication.

There are many ways of dealing with diabetes - there is no text-book way that suits everyone - 'one size does not fit all' - so just because the people on this forum dont conform to the way *you* prefer to learn and advise - you feel its necessary to tell us how wrong we are?

I feel certain that you would have been able to make a positive contribution and it is a shame that things have got off on the wrong foot - but nobody here would intentionally drive someone away from this forum - unless they feel attacked or got-at, and unfortunately this is the way you have come across so far. There is a way of using constructive criticism that doesnt upset people or inflame the situation.🙂Bev
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I dont think my methods are any different from yours or anyone elses - clearly we are getting results - so we must be doing something right.

I am also very knowledgable about diabetes and how to care for my son who has lots of confidence and deals with his diabetes very well indeed. He takes charge of his pump and he makes good decisions - so with the help of this forum I have equipped him with a good foundation of how to keep away from possible future complications.

I have empowered myself and my son with as much knowledge as we can - and I will continue to do so to keep him healthy and happy.

Your views are as valid as the next persons are - but unfortunately you and Sharpe (for whatever reason) have both come across as very judgemental and critical of this site and as newcomers to the site it is fairly odd to come and tell us how rubbish we are. How else were we meant to take it? You have both slated this site and made it clear you dont like it or the advice that is given out - so people feel attacked - and this never makes for good communication.

There are many ways of dealing with diabetes - there is no text-book way that suits everyone - 'one size does not fit all' - so just because the people on this forum dont conform to the way *you* prefer to learn and advise - you feel its necessary to tell us how wrong we are?

I feel certain that you would have been able to make a positive contribution and it is a shame that things have got off on the wrong foot - but nobody here would intentionally drive someone away from this forum - unless they feel attacked or got-at, and unfortunately this is the way you have come across so far. There is a way of using constructive criticism that doesnt upset people or inflame the situation.🙂Bev

well said bev

what sharpe and irisdove are saying is really just them saying "NO YOU'RE ALL WRONG!" which is just...irritating to be honest.

As I and many others have said previously, this forum is about support.


And as bev has said, she is very knowledgable about diabetes, as are so many others here myself included. This place is empowering, and without this place AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE, I would probably be DEAD by now. So I certainly don't appreciate these people coming in and making unfounded accusations.


/rant over

(well said again bev :D)
I think it's true that you can get a lot of information and stats to do with diabetes from other sites that you may not find here, but when you are feeling low and in need of some reasurance there's not much comfort in cold hard facts.

That is why this forum is so good in the way that it gives support and understanding from people who have gone through the same thing and know what it's like.
I for one would not want to change that.
With diabetes discussion/support forums, we all visit and register to ask for or offer advice, share experiences or just come on board for a general banter, and most diabetes forums serve this purpose. As I am a member of 3 such forums, I prefer to stay neutral here, as any forum that is there for the benefit of people living with diabetes can't be a bad thing, and as such should be respected by all living with this life-long condition.

As with all things in life, one must come to such places with a open-mind, and take away what you believe is beneficial to your own ends, bearing in mind that some information provided may only be based on a individuals experience, therefore it may not be necessarily suitable for oneself, so my advice is always check with a HCP before implementing any changes to your diet or medication. My only bad experience to-date is that I was once a member on a low-carb diabetes forum and the advice I received was very dangerous, and had I not researched and asked for a professional opinion on the advice I was given, I may have been causing myself long-term and irreversible damage, so thankfully I kept a open mind and followed this through. Toby.
I hope Sharpe and Irisdove find the academic fact sharing site they are looking for. If I came across one of those I would run a mile
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