We're the tops!

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This is the only diabetes forum I am on and I don't want to or think I need to go anywhere else. I love this place. You all have helped me sooooo much with my daily battles diabetes related and otherwise.

You guys are the best!
I find this forum fantastic and all the members have made a huge difference to my life already and i still feel i have a llooonnngggggg way to go but will be on here through it all. I use to be a member of the DSF and no offence to the members there but they gave me some really bad advice and made me feel really down about diabetes and that i couldnt live with it and on here its completely different!!! So lets keep posting coz i know its helped me out loads :D
I like the fact there is no nastiness around - we are all in this together and people share what they are going through. As a newbie it is wonderful to find all this information freely given and I know I can ask any question I like.

Thanks to all the moderators and the members.
Statistics ????


Whilst your talent in putting together the Excel Document is admirable and I also admire your way of putting forward the view that this Forum is the tops, I have to say, it is very questionable. A great idea to promote the site though. 🙂

However, the statistics you quote are definitely skewed here. Take this as an example:

If you take a site with a 1000 members and only ten of them post regularly then that is only 1% of people posting.

Take a website where they have only 100 members and only ten post regularly then that works out at 10% of people posting.

Now using your logic you would say that the site with 100 members is the best. Not so. it's all in the figures. It's what I term 'fuzzy logic'.
You should have been a Politician. 🙂

I could give more examples, but I think you get my drift.

You can believe what you like and nobody here seems to have looked into your figures. That is what is wrong here, surely there are highly intelligent people here, why has nobody questioned your use of the figures and even worse your totally wrong conclusions. They are misleading and have no relevance whatsoever to the real World and the facts.

If you do a Google UK search on most/any diabetic related subject then the first response you usually get is DUK or Diabetes.co.uk, not this support forum. I think that speaks volumes as to who are the top sites. I am on several forums and find this one just a chat corner. If I want up to date information, facts etc then this place is not my first port of call. Too shallow in most of the answers. I usually go to Diabetes.co.uk. A great site for facts/figures and posts from members packed full of information and experiences. Not, as here full of whoo hoo, yippee, great, fantastic etc etc. and posts which are just chatter !

Horses for courses. This is a good friendly place but don't let us make it out to be something it really isn't. I hope that you take my constructive criticism in the manner that it is intended. If we are going to brag about something, let's make sure it's correct !

Dave, it is what it is, and people look for different things from forums. My statisitcs and conclusions are based on the largest number of posts per member. Of course, there are some people who rarely post, and some who post very often, as on any forum - I don't actually think that we are different from anywhere else in that respect. If you look at the member lists of, for example, Diabetes Daily, then you will see that only a small proportion of the members post regularly - same for most other places.

This is primarily a support forum, not a fact and information forum - the internet is full of them and we are not attempting to emulate them. Why would we? We're not professionals, we're just people trying to help each other when times get hard and congratulate them for their successes. And we do it very well.
I agree with Northerner.

As a support group, it is wonderful knowing you have 'friends' out there knowing exactly what you are feeling and their genuine concern and support is wonderful

Long may it continue
I agree with Northe! This place is utterly fantastic, and without it I would still be stuck in rebellion.

This place is the tops!
You can believe what you like and nobody here seems to have looked into your figures. That is what is wrong here, surely there are highly intelligent people here, why has nobody questioned your use of the figures and even worse your totally wrong conclusions. They are misleading and have no relevance whatsoever to the real World and the facts.


If you do a Google UK search on most/any diabetic related subject then the first response you usually get is DUK or Diabetes.co.uk, not this support forum. I think that speaks volumes as to who are the top sites. I am on several forums and find this one just a chat corner. If I want up to date information, facts etc then this place is not my first port of call. Too shallow in most of the answers. I usually go to Diabetes.co.uk. A great site for facts/figures and posts from members packed full of information and experiences. Not, as here full of whoo hoo, yippee, great, fantastic etc etc. and posts which are just chatter !

i think the point Northe is making is that even though we're small, we're very, very active. i don't think he's trying to make us seem as though we're the most popular - we're not, and we know it. what we are though - is very active, very supportive of each other.

as you rightly say, if we wanted to just read information, then we'd go to a site that is actively designed to provide information. what we want, and what we get from here, is support.
I agree with most of what has been said. It's just it does come over as a tad superior when really it is a chat place. Now, if you had compared like with like I might have bought that.

I am all for anywhere that supports fellow diabetics, surely that is what it is all about. However I have read things here and thought that's not correct OR why would you want to do that. Very often nobody picks up on it. Shame, because there is some good stuff here. It just feels a bit like some blogs I have read around the net, not always what they are cracked up to be.

So, don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking it. It just isn't what I thought it was going to be. I need facts/figures/long posts packed full of information. Unfortunately I don't see it here. That's one of the reasons I don't get around here much. (Thank god for that I can hear you say). :(

Well, I shall sign off now. Leave you to it, not sure if I will be back. Who knows.

Northerner - you ARE a Politician ! I knew it. :D😉

Health to you all.

...If you do a Google UK search on most/any diabetic related subject then the first response you usually get is DUK or Diabetes.co.uk, not this support forum...

I just typed 'diabetes support' into Google, and we came first. Hmmm... wonder what that tells you? 🙂

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I agree with the rest of the posters that there is a different feel to this forum and it's primarily a place for support. I do think that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here from our members. I think in general people get very good advice.

What it tells you is that YOU googled your own website. Of course that will come up first. What does that prove.

Try typing Byetta or Victoza and see what you come up with. I don't think you will see this forum.

Nice try !! 🙂

I'm sorry, but why would you? It's not a key word, or something that we discuss a huge amount.

We're not TRYING to be anything but a support forum. We're not trying to compete with the DUK site, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove.

It's interesting to look at how statistics are compiled, and I'm sure no-one would object if you wanted to work out what you consider to be the 'correct' statistics, and share them 🙂

What it tells you is that YOU googled your own website. Of course that will come up first. What does that prove.

Try typing Byetta or Victoza and see what you come up with. I don't think you will see this forum.

Nice try !! 🙂


Erm, I typed the two words 'diabetes' and 'support', not 'my own' website. As I said earlier, we are a diabetes support forum, not wikipaedia for diabetics.
Well done to everyone who makes this place what it is especially Northerner for all your hard work. I'm so glad I joined this forum it's so friendly and SUPPORTIVE I don't know where I would be without it 😉
This forum is not primarily about facts and figures and has never purported to be. There's no attempt made to hide the fact that, in here, it's about the fluffy cuddly stuff, supporting one another and encouraging one another. There are plenty of places out there that do provide the cold, hard facts and they're a great resource, they have their place in the scheme of things. But so does this forum, I greatly value the emotional support and friendship I've found here, that's more important to me than mere statistics any day.
I think typing Diabetes and Support into Google is not really what we were talking about. Correct me if I am wrong people but isn't this website called DiabetesSupport.

It doesn't need much of an imagination to know that it will be the first thing to show up ! Duh !!!

As for not being Wiki for diabetics, I would have thought as a support group part of the support would include advice and experiences as well as a shoulder to cry on.

Some forums give all of this, obviously if the knowledge and advice here isn't as good then perhaps you should tell people when they think of joining that you won't get much out of here other than hugs and kisses.

Sacred Heart. So Byetta and Victoza, two of the major anti-diabetic drugs are not something you would ever discuss here ??? As for not being keywords , what's that all about ? A keyword is something YOU enter in a search engine.

If all you want to do is keep coming back with ridiculous comments., what is the point to this place. I tell you what, have a little party to celebrate being top of the pile. Not quite sure what the pile is though. 🙄

You misunderstand me, I'm afraid. A website has 'key words' embedded into the coding, so for a diabetes related site, it might be 'diabetes', 'hypo', 'insulin', for example. Generalised terms, rather than deeply specific one, get you more hits. I believe they're called meta tags, but only having a fairly general knowledge of HTML and programming, do feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, and you know better.

As for Northerner googling his own site, please indulge me and try this experiment.

Go to google, and enter, complete with quotation marks: 'diabetes' 'support'. Putting quotations around the word means you're searching for the individual word, not for the phrase 'diabetes support'. For me, this forum still comes up as the first result. If you get something different, then I can't explain that, I'm afraid.

I also feel you may have the wrong place in your mind. I have only been diagnosed one year, and have found this site INVALUABLE. Knowing that I CAN ask for advice, and ask the 'stupid' questions without fear of being looked down on. If I were to ring up my DSN to ask her some of the things I've asked on here, I feel I would be wasting her time. Support and advice go hand in hand. If I ask a question, I'm getting information from people who have been there and done that, but also the reassurance that it's happened before to dozens of other people, and that I can cope with these things.

If you're just going to look down your nose at us for not being what you think we should be, I wonder if this is the right site for you, at the end of the day.
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