• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Virtual Meetup - second Sunday of the month

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
Enjoy your Tango @Bruce Stephens

We’ll miss you, but your afternoon sounds more fun!
Was good to see you all again, even though I only made it for the second half!
Apologies for bursting out laughing in the middle, if anyone noticed. I have mentioned before that my daughter is having a few mental health issues at the moment. More specifically, massive OCD around cleanliness and hand washing, anxiety and tics a la Tourette syndrome complete with swearing and inappropriate language (she never swears normally), all probably triggered by undiagnosed autism which is only just coming to light now. So we have a lot going on at the moment, waiting for an appointment with CAMHS but getting some help from school in the meantime.

Anyway, I was laughing during the zoom call because my daughter walked through the room and I asked her if she'd like to say hello to you all, knowing full well that she wouldn’t because she hates having other people in her house, even if it's only their image on an iPad (which now all makes sense if she's autistic). Her tic (known as Ann - as in Ann-tics) responded on her behalf with a flurry of F-words and middle fingers waving around angrily. I'll take that as a no then... 😳:D

(She has given me permission to post this)

We have to laugh or else we'd cry
I think I may also need to add an explanation too, did anyone hear the occasional, “That was easy!” ? It was my dog who insisted on sitting partly on my knee playing with her toy. Each time she gives it a heavy paw it speaks! She is such an attention seeker - we all have them Sally
Good to see you too, Sally, and everyone else. I did notice the laughter, I assumed someone had done something off camera! Although I was late back to the second half because my son rang in the gap, to run his central heating problems past me. Goodness knows why he thought his Mum would have any fresh ideas, he’s an engineer, for goodness sake!
Almost forgot about this as it’s so early in the month again.

I will send an invite around to the usual suspects - let me know if you’d like to join the 40 minutes of Zoom chaos :D

For those who have joined before, the old credentials should work again 🙂
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Yes please to the meeting. I do have a question and I don’t want to take up everyone’s time on Sunday with it but can anyone help me check this now? My Libre is set for the green zone to go from 4:00 to 9:00 is that as it should be? For sometime now (nothing to do with Christmas eating because we hardly did) I remain in the green zone for most of the day but it goes straight up to 9:00 then drops to 4+ then straight back up to 9 again. Each day the graph looks like tightly drawn capital Ws. I don’t have access to any medical support as I’m trying to change hospitals so I’d appreciate knowing this is ok and hopefully learn why it’s like this
Yes please to the meeting. I do have a question and I don’t want to take up everyone’s time on Sunday with it but can anyone help me check this now? My Libre is set for the green zone to go from 4:00 to 9:00 is that as it should be? For sometime now (nothing to do with Christmas eating because we hardly did) I remain in the green zone for most of the day but it goes straight up to 9:00 then drops to 4+ then straight back up to 9 again. Each day the graph looks like tightly drawn capital Ws. I don’t have access to any medical support as I’m trying to change hospitals so I’d appreciate knowing this is ok and hopefully learn why it’s like this
Are the 'W's linked to food intake and bolus insulin injections, or are they completely random? This sounds just the sort of thing we'd like to get our teeth into at the meet, so do raise it then, we can all have a think in the meantime.
But how often do the spikes appear, and at what times in comparison to when you ate food or anything else you happened to do that day, Annemarie?
Well my highs and lows are mostly still in the Libre green zone but it’s throughout most days although at night I get a much straighter line. Although the days roll into one during lockdown there’s the usual ups, downs and stresses
Hope to see you on Sunday @Annemarie - you should have the log-in details already.

Anyone else is welcome to join us too 🙂
Nice to see everyone again today.

Looks like next month will be on Feb 14th, so we can all express our love and affection for the Diabetes Fairy. Hmmmmmm... :D
Thank you all for today’s chat, very interesting. I have only heard about pumps but listening to experiences using them was fascinating. I don’t think they would be of any benefit to me, I assume there is a criteria list somewhere but learning about them adds to my knowledge. Have a good month everyone x
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.