Very high H1ac levels practical help

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thanks for responses it echoes what i felt. i should have done it years ago i have just been in denial the whole time. we all have a weakness i am guessing mine is my eyes.
i have been doing a before and after meal reading to build up a picture of what my body can deal with and what it cant. as an example i ditched the fruit and fibre for bran flakes/blueberries. indian tandoori is much better than chinese takeaway. seeded bread better than wholemeal. did find it difficult when on holiday to avoid chips,buns and ice cream. i have invested in a couple of cookbooks to try and stop me looking like a chicken.
I highly recommend water fasting. It lowered my Trigs tremendously from 210-45. My fasting glucose is all messed up, but my last two A1C's were 4.8 and 5.1.
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