Very high H1ac levels practical help

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so my after lunch of chicken salad,ham,grated cheese,lettuce,tomatoes,cucmber,low cal dressing my BG was 9.7
That kind of illustrates the point. A low carb meal has resulted in no rise. Have you had a look at the carb counting advice on this site?

You would be well served in keeping a diary of what you eat, the quantities & the blood test results for a few weeks.
i am keeping an ongoing diary of my results as we go. it is trial and error i know and finding sensible choices.
Yeah type 2 can cut medication out but us Type 1's who have to take Insulin can not
Absolutely otherwise they put their lives at risk. I was quite surprised when I came here that many who are Type 2 do take insulin as well as other oral medications, something I was not aware of but even so they are not entitled to funded Libre or similar systems.
Yeah type 2 can cut medication out but us Type 1's who have to take Insulin can not
In order to do that, those Type 2s not only forego cakes and biscuits but also bread and pasta and rice and potatoes including chips and breakfast cereals and some fruits like bananas and crisps and chocolate. and most things containing flour as well as sugar and not just for a few weeks or months but for life. It is a much more difficult path that you seem to think, so please don't come here undermining the huge effort and challenges that Type 2s face or the poor treatment and advice and support that Type 2s often experience.
Yeah type 2 can cut medication out but us Type 1's who have to take Insulin can not
As a type 2 with low insulin production if I miss taking insulin I end up with very high bgs and high ketones so no not all t2 can cut out medication.
In order to do that, those Type 2s not only forego cakes and biscuits but also bread and pasta and rice and potatoes including chips and breakfast cereals and some fruits like bananas and crisps and chocolate. and most things containing flour as well as sugar and not just for a few weeks or months but for life. It is a much more difficult path that you seem to think, so please don't come here undermining the huge effort and challenges that Type 2s face or the poor treatment and advice and support that Type 2s often experie
In order to do that, those Type 2s not only forego cakes and biscuits but also bread and pasta and rice and potatoes including chips and breakfast cereals and some fruits like bananas and crisps and chocolate. and most things containing flour as well as sugar and not just for a few weeks or months but for life. It is a much more difficult path that you seem to think, so please don't come here undermining the huge effort and challenges that Type 2s face or the poor treatment and advice and support that Type 2s often experience.
Explaine the such high difference rate with Type 1 and type 2's then i have no issue with Type 2's but something i takin and over ususing the Diabetes servives thses figures are real
We know that approximately 90% of diagnoses are of type 2 diabetes, and around 8% of diagnoses are type 1 diabetes, with the other forms of the condition making up the remaining 2%.13 Apr 2023
query from this morning fasting reading first thing 8.3. breakfast slightly different 2 weetabix 40 g not 150g sorry got that wrong and semi skimmed. bg taken 2 hours later 11.7 but i hadnt taken my medication. i usually do when at work say 830 will that affect my numbers.
Which medication did you miss?
Pleased to hear it was 40g of cereal yesterday and not 150g!
In order to do that, those Type 2s not only forego cakes and biscuits but also bread and pasta and rice and potatoes including chips and breakfast cereals and some fruits like bananas and crisps and chocolate. and most things containing flour as well as sugar and not just for a few weeks or months but for life. It is a much more difficult path that you seem to think, so please don't come here undermining the huge effort and challenges that Type 2s face or the poor treatment and advice and support that Type 2s often experience.
After doing low carb for over 4 years now I agree with you 100%. I was OK with it at first as I was on a mission to get my BG into normal range and come off meds, but sustaining it is bloody hard work and I did it, and continue to do it, on my own with virtually no advice or support from my GP practice.
It may be useful to add you current meds to your signature to save others scrolling back to try to find what you're currently on.
nope thats absolutely fine you are right i am time limited in morning because of work and also because at work just had a banana. i am well aware its a mental as physical change i need.

i agree i need to find a schedule that suits me.
Are you testing to see if there is a spike when you have the Banana? I am one of those who can tolerate porridge for breakfast but only found out when I began testing. My GP was adament I should ditch porridge. Bananas I ditched almost immediately.
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it was a question about the timing of the medication.
will add medication but for info it is
2 tablets of metformin x twice a day
1 x ramipril
1 x atorvastin bedtime
1x linagliptin
1x dapagliflozin
query from this morning fasting reading first thing 8.3. breakfast slightly different 2 weetabix 40 g not 150g sorry got that wrong and semi skimmed. bg taken 2 hours later 11.7 but i hadnt taken my medication. i usually do when at work say 830 will that affect my numbers.
Are you still on the medications you posted on 8th June (obviously yes), as making sure you drink enough is important but it still looks as if you are struggling to tolerate the cereals as that post meal reading shows a greater than the 2-3 mmol/l increase that you really want to be seeing even with all those medications.
thats true and you are more than probably right i need to avoid cereals 100%.
Different meds will be more or less critical with they're timing, that's why I asked.

The delay shouldn't have been too significant with those meds, although obviously keeping to the same times is preferable. If it helps, I dispense a very similar range of meds into a weekly pill box that sits on top of the tea caddy. So I'm prompted to take my first dose of Metformin with breakfast.

Although the rise was a little more than ideal, it wasn't wildly excessive. Maybe consider halving the cereal quantity & bulking up with berries &/or nuts. You can buy frozen packs of mixed berries & just defrost a portion at a time.
what about changing from a weetabix to a granola type cereal
what about changing from a weetabix to a granola type cereal
Even a nut based granola will be higher carb. Weetabix & porridge are about as good as it gets when it comes to cereals. So the only real option if you must have them is to reduce the quantity & add lower carb fruit &/or nuts.

Tesco's web site gives the carb content of most things they sell for a quick check. Here's the porridge that I have & you can see that the total carbs (not just sugar) is 26g per portion. This is the same as Weetabix but it's worth experimenting to see if you maybe tolerate porridge better than you do Weetabix. Just avoid the flavoured stuff.
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what about changing from a weetabix to a granola type cereal
My wife has granola for breakfast but the carbs in hers are similar to Weetabix, in which case it wouldn't make any difference. I have Weetabix for breakfast but only one, and I add a mix of berries (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry in various combinations) and then a dollop of plain Greek yogurt. That's a full cereal bowl and just 20-25g carb depending on the mix, and it keeps me full until lunchtime.
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