vaccine for swine flu

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In that respect I'm quite lucky there has only been 1 confirmed case so far in Barrow in a 23 year old girl...Thats about 10 miles from where I live

My partner and her three children, plus her mother have all had a 'flu' during the past couple of weeks.

So we cover a wide age spectrum, my last contact with them was last Monday morning, I've waited for the 5-7 day incubation period to pass and it has - I still don't have it!

Is it flu or swine flu? Well, we're not in typical flu season, and the ages of the people seemingly getting this flu is much younger than the annual flu acknowledged by the WHO.

I am guessing the vaccine needs to undergo some rapid checking just to make sure its safe for us, although as with the bird flus these types are the ones that could mutate and become a slight or significant variant on the flu as we know it today. Then the vaccine could become useless and a new one be developed.

The media are milking this for all they can, I guess so it takes our mind of the recession they kindly told us about by ramming it down our throats endlessly.
Einsteen, i agree about the vaccine and hope it has all the right checks, I do want a vaccine but not one that has been rushed through and not checked thoroughly (if that makes sense) Could it do more harm than good if it's not checked properly?!

The media are creating a panic, and it's working, R is really pale today and my mind is ticking over furiously. It doesn't mean that we have to take it any less seriously but i wonder how many younger people die or get 'normal flu?' a year?
Einsteen, i agree about the vaccine and hope it has all the right checks, I do want a vaccine but not one that has been rushed through and not checked thoroughly (if that makes sense) Could it do more harm than good if it's not checked properly?!

Becca, from my friends who work in pharmaceuticals what I think could happen if they didn't check it through it develop a vaccine that doesn't match the profile of swine flu as it presents itself today. Therefore, they'd be protecting us against a variation which doesn't or has yet to exist.

The dose is so small of the virus that it doesn't appear to be able to harm us, just do nothing.

Of course, if swine flu changes its profile then the new vaccine would become less effective/useless against it.
A medical colleague of mine thought that there was some tamiflu vaccine in the last genreal flu vaccine, so if you had that, presumabley you may have some resistance. I agree about the media hype. the GP apparently died from 'natural causes' not swine flu. However, it doesn't help if you're a worried mother. ike the others have said, if there are flu-like symptoms in an 'at-risk' group, I'd call GP.
If you die of swine flu, they call it 'natural causes'.

Ive google the vaccine and everyone is saying DO NOT get it, it is rushed through safety checks and you shouldn't take a vaccine that has been of the market less than 7 years. Eeek, i'm not sure i'd want it now :D Who do you believe though?
If you die of swine flu, they call it 'natural causes'.
Ah, that explains it!
Ive google the vaccine and everyone is saying DO NOT get it, it is rushed through safety checks and you shouldn't take a vaccine that has been of the market less than 7 years. Eeek, i'm not sure i'd want it now :D Who do you believe though?

Aren't new vaccines developed every year according to what flu virus is circulating at the time, to go into the flu vaccine? I guess you have to assess the risk of taking it and not taking it - Hmmmm.
If you die of swine flu, they call it 'natural causes'.

Ive google the vaccine and everyone is saying DO NOT get it, it is rushed through safety checks and you shouldn't take a vaccine that has been of the market less than 7 years. Eeek, i'm not sure i'd want it now :D Who do you believe though?

when it comes to anything medical my rule is generally not to trust google!
Another this people were saying is that when this last happened (spanish flu in the '70s) more people died after having the vaccine, than they did by getting the flu.

It was the '70s though I guess...

Seriously, I have no idea what to believe :D
when it comes to anything medical my rule is generally not to trust google!

It was people's opinions about the vaccine on a newspaper article, i'm very aware they have no medical qualifications, but literally everyone said they wont be having the vaccine so it made me wonder. I'm also aware that the people who bothered to comment were probably the ones who are against it.

I will consider it if Gordon Brown has his first.
If you die of swine flu, they call it 'natural causes'.

Ive google the vaccine and everyone is saying DO NOT get it, it is rushed through safety checks and you shouldn't take a vaccine that has been of the market less than 7 years. Eeek, i'm not sure i'd want it now :D Who do you believe though?

Well, there is an element of truth in not taking anything thats been around and tested on others, but clinical trials are limited, so someone has to be the first to use a product no matter how much testing they did.

I understood flu vaccines were developed each year on the basis of the assessment by the WHO as to which flu was to be that years number one. If thats the case aren't all flu vaccines produced on very short cycles?

By the nature of this virus, it will be rushed, there are two different companies working on the vaccine from what I gather, its now down to the risk factor for us of the vaccine and marginal potential of a reaction/problem or swine flu and the risk associated with us having supressed immune systems.

Personally, I will opt for the vaccine, we won't probably get it until the medical profession have all had theirs. And if a bunch of doctors and nurses will take the vaccine, its a reasonable call its not so bad 🙄
It was people's opinions about the vaccine on a newspaper article, i'm very aware they have no medical qualifications, but literally everyone said they wont be having the vaccine so it made me wonder. I'm also aware that the people who bothered to comment were probably the ones who are against it.

I will consider it if Gordon Brown has his first.

Ha ha, how long should we wait and see what the reaction is - couod we tell the diffference!
Well, there is an element of truth in not taking anything thats been around and tested on others, but clinical trials are limited, so someone has to be the first to use a product no matter how much testing they did.

I understood flu vaccines were developed each year on the basis of the assessment by the WHO as to which flu was to be that years number one. If thats the case aren't all flu vaccines produced on very short cycles?

By the nature of this virus, it will be rushed, there are two different companies working on the vaccine from what I gather, its now down to the risk factor for us of the vaccine and marginal potential of a reaction/problem or swine flu and the risk associated with us having supressed immune systems.

Personally, I will opt for the vaccine, we won't probably get it until the medical profession have all had theirs. And if a bunch of doctors and nurses will take the vaccine, its a reasonable call its not so bad 🙄

Yep, I think I'm with you on that one David.
And if a bunch of doctors and nurses will take the vaccine, its a reasonable call its not so bad 🙄

ah but will they? i'll make sure I ask my doc if he's had it 😉

Haha I wasn't even doubting the vaccine before, I always just believe what the NHS say - but I thought i'd look into it because I heard a lot of people say "I wouldnt give that to my kids!!". At first I just thought 🙄 bet they didnt give their kids the MMR vaccine either. But vaccines have gone wrong in the past I guess.

Ha ha, how long should we wait and see what the reaction is - couod we tell the diffference!

haha good one, im not sure we could :D especially if it causes a weak chin!
It was people's opinions about the vaccine on a newspaper article, i'm very aware they have no medical qualifications, but literally everyone said they wont be having the vaccine so it made me wonder. I'm also aware that the people who bothered to comment were probably the ones who are against it.

I will consider it if Gordon Brown has his first.

Until its out I don't think there isn't much to speculate on.

I'd pay for his to be switched to something nasty!😱
Until its out I don't think there isn't much to speculate on.

I'd pay for his to be switched to something nasty!😱

Ok, i'll pay for Cameron's to be switch too - hate that guy. bloody conservatives. ehem anyway...

Hehe Just read this:

Lets say the government had developed a tiny tracking device so small and sophisticated that it could be planted in the blood stream - with a battery that had a life of say 10 years... they could then track every person in the country.

How would they convince everyone to take it? Easy, create a virus, cause widespread panic and then announce that they have enough of the vaccine for everyone in the country. Voila! Everyone is cueing up to be unknowingly injected with the ultimate tracking device!!
haha yeah I saw that conspiracy 😉 There were also people leaving comments like "IT'S MASS GENOCIDE, don't get the vaccine, it's the governments way of depopulating the world" haha, weirdos!
Hehe Just read this:

Lets say the government had developed a tiny tracking device so small and sophisticated that it could be planted in the blood stream - with a battery that had a life of say 10 years... they could then track every person in the country.

How would they convince everyone to take it? Easy, create a virus, cause widespread panic and then announce that they have enough of the vaccine for everyone in the country. Voila! Everyone is cueing up to be unknowingly injected with the ultimate tracking device!!

So the government can develop this, but not a prescription fraud system, ID system that wouldn't cost billions? Hmmm and in 10 years time what happens?
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