vaccine for swine flu

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and why would they want to track us? 😉

Well, this government seems hell bent to control every aspect of our lives and remove all decision making from the individual.

So knowing where you are makes perfect sense. Then if you're somewhere you shouldn't be, you're in trouble.😉
Did anyone see The One Show last night? The doctor was trying to reassure everyone that deaths from it were unusual - she then stated 1 in 200! To me, that is not reassuring. If the other statistic is true - that 100,000 a week will get it - then that equates to 500 deaths a week!😱

I remember when I had my angiogram done - the odds for that being fatal were 1 in 200. Considering how many they do, they did NOT seem like good odds at all and I had to seriously consider declining the procedure.
Did anyone see The One Show last night? The doctor was trying to reassure everyone that deaths from it were unusual - she then stated 1 in 200! To me, that is not reassuring. If the other statistic is true - that 100,000 a week will get it - then that equates to 500 deaths a week!😱

I remember when I had my angiogram done - the odds for that being fatal were 1 in 200. Considering how many they do, they did NOT seem like good odds at all and I had to seriously consider declining the procedure.

They started out saying 5 in 1000, now they are saying 1 in 200 - think it's to make it sound more scary hehe!

But yes, it is a lot. They are reporting now that they dont really know the figures because they dont even test whether people have swineflu or not.
Hi All..

I must say at this moment may head is completely battered....One report says "Don't panic, there is no cause for alarm". The next thing they are saying is "Deaths from swine flu cannot be predicted"...Then reports say "Mass hysteria, over nothing".....Then we get reports saying "1 in 3 people to struck down with swine flu..during the flu season"......
I really wish, as I'm sure we all want, is someone to come out and give us all the correct facts as it stands..That way we all know exactly what we are dealing with.
Regards to the swine flu vaccine...I'm not convinced by it, for many reasons and would have concerns about Nathan having it...Surely the Tamiflu would be a better approach...and besides I only live 10 mins away from can knock on the door....🙂
If my memory serves me correct have we all not had this wide spread panic about, salmonella in eggs, bird flu, milk...etc

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