(TW - Talks about overdose)

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think i need to call 999.
I was wondering whether to say that. At this time of night if you're struggling to keep on top of the hypos with glucose and carbs I think it's the appropriate option as we don't want you to fall asleep while already hypo with all that extra insulin on board.

Did you call yet?
Have you been able to eat some sweets or drink some juice?
trying to.
I was wondering whether to say that. At this time of night if you're struggling to keep on top of the hypos with glucose and carbs I think it's the appropriate option as we don't want you to fall asleep while already hypo with all that extra insulin on board.

Did you call yet?
Just ate tons. I can't keep on top of things. Is it really a 999 job ? I mean of I call 111 they will only send an ambulance.
trying to.

Just ate tons. I can't keep on top of things. Is it really a 999 job ? I mean of I call 111 they will only send an ambulance.
It depends. If you can get your blood sugar up (and you probably want more like 8-10 tbh rather than 6 given you have that extra insulin circulating) then you may be safe to sleep for a bit. It's difficult for me to say from here with very limited knowledge of what your night waking from hypos is.

If you have managed to eat some glucose then check again (now or in 5 minutes depending how long before posting you ate) and if your BG is higher then consider whether you need to get into hospital. If it is up to 6 but you can manage some biscuits to keep releasing carbs then maybe that might be ok if you would wake if it dropped again.

111 or 999 may send a taxi instead of an ambulance if you do call them and they think you need to go in but don't need a trained technician or paramedic enroute. They have started doing that to get more people into hospital quicker without pulling ambulances from greatest need.
It depends. If you can get your blood sugar up (and you probably want more like 8-10 tbh rather than 6 given you have that extra insulin circulating) then you may be safe to sleep for a bit. It's difficult for me to say from here with very limited knowledge of what your night waking from hypos is.

If you have managed to eat some glucose then check again (now or in 5 minutes depending how long before posting you ate) and if your BG is higher then consider whether you need to get into hospital. If it is up to 6 but you can manage some biscuits to keep releasing carbs then maybe that might be ok if you would wake if it dropped again.

111 or 999 may send a taxi instead of an ambulance if you do call them and they think you need to go in but don't need a trained technician or paramedic enroute. They have started doing that to get more people into hospital quicker without pulling ambulances from greatest need.
Okay thanks.
Update am at the hospital being checked. Bloods etc

Good. I hope you’re also able to see a CPN. You’re @ME3 , aren’t you? I know you’ve said the new tablets you’re on are causing you problems. After your blood sugar is sorted, can you ask to speak to someone about them?

This isn’t a nice way for you to be, having these intrusive thoughts. There must be something that can help you. You could also ask them for a plan - a step by step plan of what to do if you start feeling the same way.
Thanks all. Sadly nothing got done and in the end after waiting hours I discharged myself.
Good. I hope you’re also able to see a CPN. You’re @ME3 , aren’t you? I know you’ve said the new tablets you’re on are causing you problems. After your blood sugar is sorted, can you ask to speak to someone about them?

This isn’t a nice way for you to be, having these intrusive thoughts. There must be something that can help you. You could also ask them for a plan - a step by step plan of what to do if you start feeling the same way.
No I'm not !!
No I'm not !!

Well, you still need support with your MH and I hope you get it in hospital. Sometimes you have to push a bit to get things, but please do. I see you discharged yourself, but please speak to your GP. I know it’s not easy nowadays, but there’s support out there.
Well, you still need support with your MH and I hope you get it in hospital. Sometimes you have to push a bit to get things, but please do. I see you discharged yourself, but please speak to your GP. I know it’s not easy nowadays, but there’s support out there.
I only discharged myself as I kept waking up startled. And they never checked on my once, so sleep is the important thing here. Medically I an fine.
Well, you still need support with your MH and I hope you get it in hospital. Sometimes you have to push a bit to get things, but please do. I see you discharged yourself, but please speak to your GP. I know it’s not easy nowadays, but there’s support out there.
Have had a breakthrough. The mental health team are very concerned now. They are speaking with the relevant teams and they did mention sectioning. However I said if I could come off these new tablets I'd come to hospital voluntarily.
Oh crap. The ED drs said the overdose should be out of my body by now, I contacted the diabetes team and never got a reply so injected 50 units but now i read online I shouldn't have done that. As the effects can last days or a week.. what now ?
Oh crap. The ED drs said the overdose should be out of my body by now, I contacted the diabetes team and never got a reply so injected 50 units but now i read online I shouldn't have done that. As the effects can last days or a week.. what now ?
What time do you normally take your Toujeo?
As the effects can last days or a week.. what now ?

As I understand it the long action of some of these basal insulins is meant to make it less critical when you take the dose each day.

I suspect that after 24-36 hours the larger dose will begin to tail off, and the new (correct) dose will take over.

So you may have to keep a closer eye on things and take extra carbs as necessary, as you may have a little more basal insulin active - but hopefully it won’t be too dramatic and you should just be able to ease back to normal.

Worth setting an overnight alarm or two though, in case your BG drops low while you are asleep?
Should I call 111 for advice ?
As I understand it the long action of some of these basal insulins is meant to make it less critical when you take the dose each day.

I suspect that after 24-36 hours the larger dose will begin to tail off, and the new (correct) dose will take over.

So you may have to keep a closer eye on things and take extra carbs as necessary, as you may have a little more basal insulin active - but hopefully it won’t be too dramatic and you should just be able to ease back to normal.

Worth setting an overnight alarm or two though, in case your BG drops low while you are asleep?
Yep I agree however since Tuesday I've had in excess of 200 units instead of 100. Also this is the stronger Toujeo.
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