(TW - Talks about overdose)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How am I supposed to be feeling ? The last time I intentionally OD'ed it wasnt great but then again that was fast acting, this time around I have been stupid enough to intentionally OD on Toujeo, the long lasting stuff. Usually im on 50 units, Ive had in excess of 150. Two bad hypos already and not feeling well. Any ideas?
I don't have the knowledge to answer that, but if you you are unable to correct for the dose or feel you need medical assistance then it may be best to call for an ambulance.
Hopefully someone else can assist more than me
I don't have the knowledge to answer that, but if you you are unable to correct for the dose or feel you need medical assistance then it may be best to call for an ambulance.
Hopefully someone else can assist more than me
I need to post a letter, I think I will give 111 a call and see what they suggest. Many thanks for your response.
Perhaps the letter is best left til tomorrow? Or at least ensure you can react to a hypo while out of the house
I have only ever OD'ed on fast acting carbs ie. injected my supposed long acting basal dose of 22 units with 22 units of fast acting so I only had a 4-5 hour window to eat enough carbs to soak it up. It was a bit of a panic at forst but I got a piece of paper and a pen and jotted down how many carbs I had eaten and tallied it up, and worked out how many I needed to eat and counted down till I didn't need to eat any more.
With Toujeo which is one of the longer acting basal insulins, this is going to impact you for several days and you are going to have to keep topping up day and night and to keep from hypoing. It is not a good idea to leave the house and walk with so much extra insulin in your system, so I would also recommend you leave posting the letter for now.
I agree with @Inka. I think you may need hospital supervision for this but it is going to affect you for the next 3 days. Presumably you do have LIbre 2 or Dexcom to warn you of your levels dropping?
Heya just seen this. Went fir a walk and had another hypo. Am home but feeling dreadful.
Re the libre and dexcom. I can't get them to stick on my skin.
I agree with @Inka. I think you may need hospital supervision for this but it is going to affect you for the next 3 days. Presumably you do have LIbre 2 or Dexcom to warn you of your levels dropping?
Agreed but unable to get there.
Heya just seen this. Went fir a walk and had another hypo. Am home but feeling dreadful.

Are you treating the hypos and drops with dextrose/glucose/sugar and some longer-lasting carbs? Can you get a taxi to A&E?
Are you treating the hypos and drops with dextrose/glucose/sugar and some longer-lasting carbs? Can you get a taxi to A&E?
I've no appetite.
It’s not about appetite - you’ll need to eat to keep your blood sugar up. You could also drink regular Coke or fruit juice or milk with sugar stirred in. If you can’t do that - whether for physical or mental reasons - then you’ll need a glucose drip.
Ok understand now thanks. I've been trying.
Maybe I should inject rapid acting to counteract
Maybe I should inject rapid acting to counteract

No, only glucose and carbs will counteract the basal insulin overdose. More insulin (of any kind) is NOT what you need.

It sounds like you’re needing some more general support with your MH. Do you have a number you can phone? If you’re concerned you’re at risk of harming yourself, you should phone 999.
No, only glucose and carbs will counteract the basal insulin overdose. More insulin (of any kind) is NOT what you need.

It sounds like you’re needing some more general support with your MH. Do you have a number you can phone? If you’re concerned you’re at risk of harming yourself, you should phone 999.
5th hypo.
im on my 5th hypo/
think i need to call 999.
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