TRIGGERING Mentions suicide

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I saw my gp this afternoon and I GOT MY INSULIN BACK I have to make an appointment and see him every 2-3 days to pick it up :D:D

Oh Gail! I'm soooo pleased to hear this! 🙂 Now you can start getting those levels back down to a more reasonable level and start feeling much, much better! Best news I've heard all day!

Keep writing and let us know how things are - ups and downs (but hopefully more ups from now on!), we're all here for you, my dear!
brilliant gail that is great news ...if you are feeling bad can you please keep posting and so we can support you taking it xxxx

That is such good news, hopefully you will start feeling a bit better on all fronts when you levels are lower. Remember we are all hear for you if needed.

Thankyou all for your kindness
KOOL NICE 1 Gail 🙂
Oh fantastic. That's such good news Gail.
Fantastic news, Gail :D x

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Keep posting
Im pleased for you Gail. Hopefully the sugars will come down soon. xx
thats brilliant news gail 🙂 hope your feeling better soon xxx
feeling crap today both psycally and mentally have tested bs and its 27.1 it was 30 this morning had art theapy today and i couldt do anything im messed in the head right now have been since i was acessed under the mental health act friday Im thinking of using my savings and seeing a pychrist who specilies in blpd privalty Told them of something that was in my head a plan and how close i am to following that plan its getting bad dare not go out just in case If this post upsets/offends please delate i understand
Im so tired of being like this dont know if its the diabeties thats causing me to be ill or the bp/blpd or maybe a mixture of both been crying on and off all day
hi gail stick at it hunni will take time for it all to settle shame about the art this morning id love to see some of your work tho ....what do you do paint? collage ? clay sculpture wahts your thing sweetie xxx
Gail - good days and bad days, try not to let the ideas and plans take hold. Think positive - think of all the friends you have here. You are a very important person to us (and that's LOTS of people!). I really wish I could give you a proper hug - you have done so well! Keep talking, my dear 🙂
Gail, hang in there sweety.

Hope things are clearer soon. Lots of love xx
Hi Gail, sorry to hear you're having a low day, but well done for being so open about everything on here, I'm sure it will help other people who have mental health problems.

Do you do any other types of therapy, like group therapy or sport or anything?

How long til you get your insluing back? That should help the BG, which in turn will help your mood and general health loads. Hang on in there!
had a very bad night last nite got detained by the police in norwich under the mental health act when they do this they have to take you to a place of safety. they couldt take me to a+e at norfolk and norwich hospital as they refused to accept me, hellsdon our psy hossie there 136 suite was full. bethal street nick was full so in the end i got blue lighted in police car all the way to Great Yarmouth 20 mins away and when i got to yarmouth police station the custody Sargent was not that happy to take me as he said i was to ill to be in a cell. they put me in a cell with 3 policemen watching me made me see the police doctor who was really nice and as soon as i told her i was diabetic and needed to take my insulin measured my bs it was 24.00 that set alarm bells ringing and i was told i would have to be taken to james paget hospital in golstone They would not let me take my insulin there and then as they were not allowed to. Got handcuffed and put in back of van with 2 coppers taken to hospital thet sorted my insulin out. I was allowed to take the insulin i had with me in my bag they were not 100% happy with this as it was in a syringe and was not marked or anything but in the end a senior doctor oked it I got accessed by duty psy team and they decided not to section me so the police took me home so all in all i had a bit of a crappy night
Sorry to hear you had such a bad night. I hope that you have a better week. Are you in any therapy at the moment? I wonder if there is any TC's in your area and if you would be able to get into one? Try and look after yourself
i do art theapy once a week there are no tcs in my area anyway my pdoc is not keen on me going in one might try and push for this with new pdoc as have requeested a change of pdoc
Bit of a crappy night that is a drastic understatement, I cant believe you were shipped around all over the place like that. I hope you are feeling better today.
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