TRIGGERING Mentions suicide

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Hi Gail

I'm sorry you're feeling so down, and even sorrier that the support networks don't seem to be supporting you much.

Get through this in spite of them - we're all behind you.

Concentrate on one day at a time....

Thank you all for your kindness it means a lot to me right now and is helping me a great deal
keep posting gail ...we all want you to get through this ....xx hugs xxx
keep posting gail ...we all want you to get through this ....xx hugs xxx

Yes, yes to this and all the other comments too.....I also fully support the Samaritans...they will be sooooo supportive and have often been in situations they can empathise with which leads them to working for them.

Bernie xx
I admire your honesty i cannot add anymore than what others have said.
You will not be judged here & please don't feel bad it's not your fault.
by posting this you could be helping others well done for finding the courage to post this. Hope you feel better soon & get back on track.
The crisis team are calling me everynite as i ended up in hospital again.
i was a very bad diabetic last night dont know if its just rebelling against things and how they are or just the diabeties
last nite i discovered justeat an online takeaway service so thought sod this and ordered 1/2 beef burger, chips,four cans coke, cheesecake and colslaw
I stuffed the lot like the pig i am when im depressed i can eat for england and last nite i did it felt so good. Not a very clever thing to do i know but right now i dont care sorry i know that sounds bad
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The crisis team are calling me everynite as i ended up in hospital again.
i was a very bad diabetic last night dont know if its just rebelling against things and how they are or just the diabeties
last nite i discovered justeat an online takeaway service so thought sod this and ordered 1/2 beef burger, chips,four cans coke, cheesecake and colslaw
I stuffed the lot like the pig i am when im depressed i can eat for england and last nite i did it felt so good. Not a very clever thing to do i know but right now i dont care sorry i know that sounds bad

Oh Gail! :(

I do understand a little where you're coming from with this. A few weeks ago a had a major binge myself (I stopped counting the calories involved later when I reached 5,000! 😡). It was also packed full of sugary stuff too.

The other thing is, as you know, the mind is a tricky customer. It is so heavily involved with how well we feel that when it starts playing up, our general health suffers too. Try not to think of hospital as a bad place to be. If you can get through that and come out with a better treatment regime, many of your other problems will (well, should!) be easier to control too.

I truly hope that you can get on top of your demons,

Best wishes,

gail oooeee i bet that tasted great !!! especially the coke ...ok you blipped we all do it ...try not to beat yourself up posting we now know that even Andy has the occaional binge !!😱 well i had the btm subway the other lunch time ..the one with all the salami and ham and mayo on it ..i brought one for my son aswell to have when he came home from school but ate it aswell ..just thought SOD IT ...oh the guilt was terrible but hey ho i was feeling crap anyway so i thought what does it matter !! see we all do it ! thank you for posting your honesty has certainly helped me be more honest about my own demons and posting them here does strangely seem to help xx
hey hon,

Im sorry things havent got much better and that you are stuck in this situation. Im really sad to hear about your overdoses and what you are dealing with. I wish you didnt feel so unsuported and alone- its heart breaking. We know you are so lovely and so valued here on the forum - I dont dare think about the consequences. You are very special Gail and very loved here, so please continue to post.

I wish I could do something constructive for you, but if only the resolve was so simple. Please PM if I can be of any support.

Take care and big hugs xx

again today bigs hugs keep in touch with us all let us know how you are getting on warts and all i understand that its hard to keep going at the moment but all is here i canot know what you are feeling but i understand a little as both my step dad and my best friend is bi polar and can understand a a bit xxx

Gail, hang in there my dear you WILL get through this. With so many lovely people on these boards sending their love and willing you to feel better you will get there. Just think of all the good vibes we're sending you so you see you will win. Here's a big HUG from me.
thank you everyone your kindness means so much to me i dont feel so alone with the kind messages i keep getting here. im fighting so hard against the feelings/plans that are going thou my mind. had my phone call from the crisis team earlier and one of the things John said stuck in my mind you need to treat yourself and to love yourself, told him i dont know how to the only thing/way to cope for me is to hate/hurt myself and i dont know how to change that. Have made a positive step i have decided to ask for a change of psychiatrist, mine is an **** this is a man who has said the mental health system is no good for some people and you are one of those people, if its no good for me he and my team should be helping me find other ways of coping.
My bs is still running around the 23 mark it was 23.6 this morning I NEED MY INSULIN BACK its been in the 20s range since consultant stopped it following od 6 weeks ago my rock of a GP is trying to get it back for me
Once again thanks i feel like im among friends here even thou i have never meet any of you in real life
hi gail ...although your BS is running high it is lower than a short while ago when it was in the 30's ...keep strong thank you for posting ...and yes I feel that i am among friends here xx lots of love and hugs xxx Am🙂 and what i love about you is your honesty has certainly helped me be more honest about my feelings rather than just hiding xx
Thank you for your honesty in posting what u have, i think the nhs need to wake up and smell the coffee.... dont take no sh.. from them (nhs)...I broke my neck in a diving accident back in 1984 and told me that i wouldnt walk again or at best aided with a walking stick... i can never relay to how u feel but i was at a low point cos none of my friends could visit me in hospital 2 hours away from exeter and only got visits from my mum n stepdad 1 weekend then from my dad and his partner the next weekend with my younger brothers and sisters with news and goss from back home, i was 16 nearly 17 even though families are important your friends seem even more important to teenagers, dunno why though??? Just to have someone to talk too and listen to you makes all the difference, ive recently been dx with type 2 and my head has been all over the place with wot ifs etc Ive learnt a lot from this site and find comfort in being able to read in wot urself and others have posted on here...... THANK YOU & keep posting ur honesty so others can learn too 🙂

Hope u feel better soon 🙂
when i saw gp last week told him about chest feeling tight and that i was feeling sick all time and he said it was all to do with my bs i had a low level of keytones
have just taken my blood sugar and its 31.8 (was 24.3 this morning) my chest feels tight i keep coughing and feel sick drinking a lot of water dont have keytones feel so sleepy think i need a early night I see my gp tomorrow if hes had no answer from hospital doc am thinking of going to a+e and being a pain in the bum or do you think that would be to much i know i caused this
any ideas help
Gail, I think you should kick up a stink. Being left with blood sugars at that level is not on. It will not help you to feel better at all.
keep drinking the water huni ...hope all is good tomorrow hang on in there xx
I agree with Rachel Gail, they need to find some way of getting your levels down, and soon. This cannot be helping and would not normally be tolerated, I'm sure. I hope your doctor comes up with a plan of action, try not to worry yourself in the meantime, until you know where things stand.
Be a pain in the bum i would and im drinking 2 litres of water a day to help blood glucose for dr's there paid to help 😉
I saw my gp this afternoon and I GOT MY INSULIN BACK I have to make an appointment and see him every 2-3 days to pick it up :D:D
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