TRIGGERING Mentions suicide

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Hi Gail.

Thank you so much for your honest post. I hope you find the strength to carry on fighting your demons & know we are always here to support you, no matter what.

I hope your GP sorts out your insulin soon.

not very well tonight am trying to get in touch with crisis team they are out on a call am thinking of asking to be admitted to hospital
I'm not very good at this Gail.

I hope you get what you need quickly and it all works out for you.

You know where we are if you need us.
hi gail, i just wanted to show my support to you hun. were all here for you.
take care xxxx
hi gail sorry i missed your post last night ...hope you are feeling a bit better huni xxxx
Hi Gail, hp ur ok and got in touch with crisis team. Think you're doin the right thing for you! Do hope all well, please take care of yourself, PM me if you can, love shirl x
Gail I do hope you have managed to speak to your team and have found some help. Let us know how you are when you can.🙂Bev x
I think you are such a brave person for telling us all that it must have taken a lot of courage to do so. I can't really add to what people have already said but I just wanted to say were all here whenever you need us to be and your not alone. I hope you managed to get in contact with your crisis team last night and please let us know when you can how you are. (((Big hugs))) xxx
Gail you are doing an incredibly brave thing by sharing this with us. I know that we are all here for you and are hoping that you get the treatment you deserve. Keep us posted. xx
last night i took an od called the crisisi team and they called am abulavmce. i can remember tha abulance getting here but nothing else until 630 thius morning when they sent me home i vant rember if anyone came to see me i got home and they have givin me a bag with someome eles wash thinkgs in it. im still not well trying to get in touch with my cpn left her a message asking her to call me
last night i took an od called the crisisi team and they called am abulavmce. i can remember tha abulance getting here but nothing else until 630 thius morning when they sent me home i vant rember if anyone came to see me i got home and they have givin me a bag with someome eles wash thinkgs in it. im still not well trying to get in touch with my cpn left her a message asking her to call me

Aw Gail, my dear! So, so sorry that you are feeling so desparately bad :( Please, please talk to someone if you are feeling like this again. I have come to know you over the past few months, and I want to continue to get to know you and hopefully meet you one day (and I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that!), so please take good care of yourself. Let us know how things go, hoping that you can start feeling brighter and more positive about all you have to offer - and that's a LOT! 🙂

Gail - hope your cpn gets back to you quick. Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I dont really know what to say to help, but I am sure there are a lot of people on here and elsewhere who care about you.
Keep us updated on how you are

Another forum friend here adding some support to you at this time. Make sure you get the help and support from your CPN that you need and take care of yourself above all else.

Oh for someone elses bag...if its better than the one you went in with..keep it, if not make sure you get your one back 😉

Take care Gail...we are all here for you whatever the weather 🙂

Bernie xx
Last night I called the crisis team again i was that desperate. I ended up by going to a+e to be accessed under the mental health act. I had to wait until midday today to see someone and then i was gutted one of the pdocs was my own pdoc and hes a **nt im sure he hates me. I begged to go into hospital but got told no it does you no good and makes you worse sh wise they wood not move on this issue at all. i got told you have felt like this before and have coped they told me to call the crisis team if i needed to and that i would be able to see my cpn next week. this after i had oded 2 nights running I GIVE UP ON THE MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM they tell you to ask for support so you do. im seeing things but i have seen things before and copped before i have been told. i feel so down and alone I feel let down by the system that's supposed to support me or maybe i expect to much.
now i have to carry on im so tired of things of feeling as if im on my own. im crying as i type this Had to write this had to tell someone how i feel
I will be ok i have to be now theres noone else
I dont know what to say to help you - I wish I could help you to feel better - but I know I cant. I think its awful that they turned you away when you told them how desperate you are. Please please do not do anything silly - you need to speak to your crisis team and tell them what you have told us. Would it help you to sit and write it all down so you can just show it to them? I feel very worried about you and wish that I could be there with you now. Do you have anyone that you can ring - a friend or a relative perhaps? Even a neighbour might be able to help you just by listening and letting you talk it through. I know you cant think about this at the moment, but you are a wonderful person with so much life experience to offer - you need to stay strong and make sure you battle those demons until monday or until you can talk to someone. Is there anything that could help to calm you down - music - reading etc..(sorry if that sounds patronising). Please stay strong and let us know how you are feeling in the morning - I will be very worried about you until I hear something from you. Take care sweetheart. Bev xxx
Gail, glad you have written to tell us how things are - sorry you don't have better news to report about your treatment and support. Have you considered calling the Samaritans? Deep breaths my dear, you CAN work through this and we are so behind you all the way! Take care, and keep in touch, you are very important to us, you are not alone. {{{{Gail}}}}
Gail - I am so glad you feel able to tell us how you are feeling and what you are going through. Hang on in there, is there anyone you can talk to to tide you over until you finally get to see your cpn? S0rry, I can not remember if you have told us your family situation. Have you tried Samaritans before, they helped a friend of mine through a particularly rough spot a while ago.
I will be thinking of you tonight, really hope it is better for you.

Big hugs

Hi Gail
My heart goes out to you during this rough time! Please phone the Samaritans if you can't get hold of your crisis team. According to my friend, they are wonderfully supportive and understanding and helped her get through a really bad time last year.
Big hug
sorry to hear all this gail im feeling crap too ...i understand where you are hun x wish i could stop crying x
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