Train Driving with type 1 diabetes

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That's brilliant news.
Just a quick update. I have seen my works occupational health today and they have singed me back to driving trains. I am the first Insulin dependant diabetic driving for my company🙂 they are also going to look into funding libre sensors and a pump privately for me too 🙂
Excellent news! 🙂 Good company! 🙂
great news saeybia! I find great comfort in your news. I work on rail and am currently questioning the red triangle on my PTS card. There is still basically a blanket ban on type one diabetics going trackside alone. indeed I have seen BUPA document stating it during a medical. I'm hopeful that thinks are changing, indeed new criteria are out for consultation hopeful making it easier for diabetics under contol to access the rail network without a baby sitter
That's quite weird. It certainly is not a UK blanket ban on going track side without a baby sitter as I do it daily and we have to follow the same bans as NR. I'm not saying NR has a ban still, obviously I don't work for them you do lol but now it's just a NR ban which makes it slightly easier to get past as they are now allowed to change their rules.

Good luck questioning them on it. Don't give up keep going. There is no reason they should not be doing a case by case assessment. Otherwise they are discriminating against you!
the sentinal pts system is the issue do you need pts for the underground or do they have their own system?
I see - what company does your medical? do yo have an individual risk assessment? - I would be interested in seeing it
Our medicals are all in house. We don't use extremal sources for those which is good as it helps to keep consistency. Risk assessment well they simply went through the existing risk assessments for train operators and decided the only thing needed ton be changed was if I go onto the tracks the juice in the area should be discharged.
Hi interested is this thead. ... I'm type 1 and lost my tickets to operate Road Rail machines may 2016 because of NWR rules. I'd like some advise as to taking it further.
Its OK for me to operate machines diggers on NWR jobs as long as they don't have the rail wheels (bogies) it's so silly. I know a few operaters that have lost there job too.

Any help appreciated

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