Train Driving with type 1 diabetes

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I was an I/Op and ended up doing a 6 month secondment to the upgrades team for the S Stock stuff, I enjoyed the monday to friday part of it. Then I saw a job come up on the Rule Book team (which was known as Network improvement) and ive been here for just over 3 years now. We got incorporated into HSE about 18 months ago now. I love what I do now.
I often think that I would enjoy a Monday - Friday role, but then I also really enjoy the shift work, well dead lates anyway, lol as that way I can do stuff when its quiet during the week and I dont have to travel during the peak! I dont understand how anyone does that! its horrible!!
I just wanted to add this message to Daniel - Liar, Liar! - Your bum's on fire! 🙂
I do 0800 - 1530, so I miss travelling in peak times. I also have the advantage of being able to work from home when I need to, which comes in handy for Dr appointments and stuff.
I havent looked back. 13 years on the front was enough for me. I did do permanent nights for about 5 years of that.
Permanent nights for 5 years? Ouch!!
Permanent nights for 5 years? Ouch!!

I chose to do them Rosie, 7 nights in a row, 1 day off, 3 short days in work, then 3 days off, then back to the night shift.
Oh ... hello Daniel. I came over to look for something else and saw the train driver thread... thought of you!
Hi Patti your everywhere too then lol

Well as little update LUL's Occ health has said I can drive the trains again but I have to be risk assessed first by HSE in two weeks and they if they say I can then I should be back to driving in about a months time.
Oh - brill news Daniel!! - and a milestone for diabetics, too.

Do obviously let us know what happens - since it's good info to have on a forum!
Hi Patti your everywhere too then lol

Well as little update LUL's Occ health has said I can drive the trains again but I have to be risk assessed first by HSE in two weeks and they if they say I can then I should be back to driving in about a months time.
Excellent news! I hope all goes smoothly! 🙂
Just a quick update. My work have now risk assessed me and have agreed being diabetic and taking insulin has no risk to me doing my job or the people of London. Fingers crossed once all the paper work has been typed and sorted I should be back driving trains. The first t1 for my company doing this.
Thats great news. They may even do a story about you for the intranet or On The Move mag.
Just a quick update. My work have now risk assessed me and have agreed being diabetic and taking insulin has no risk to me doing my job or the people of London. Fingers crossed once all the paper work has been typed and sorted I should be back driving trains. The first t1 for my company doing this.
That's terrific news! 🙂
OMG! Don't say that, I hope they don't, lol

Haha! You never know. I've had my fair share of articles. Including the latest blog article on the intranet!
Hee hee - I already know this and I'm chuffed to pieces !!
Just a quick update. I have seen my works occupational health today and they have singed me back to driving trains. I am the first Insulin dependant diabetic driving for my company🙂 they are also going to look into funding libre sensors and a pump privately for me too 🙂
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