Train Driving with type 1 diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there everyone, im new to his site and was wondering if anyone could give me any insight to my problem.

I was orginally diagnosed as type 1 aug 2008 as i was a train driver they put me on metformin and my Hbac1 dropped to 5.5 which was excellent.My consultant then wrote to my employer saying in hindsight i was type 2 diabetic and not type 1.

Recenlty after feeling really ill went to my gp and hbac1 now 14.2 and sent back to hospital where they now say i am defo type 1 and back on insulin.

As im a train driver my employer is not too happy about going back to driving trains.
Has any one had simliar or can offer any advice on this matter
Sorry, not something I have experience of but I've moved this to the general board as more people may see it here.

You're definately not the only one on here initially misdiagnosed, myself included! Sounds like you've been passed around a bit. Very surprised that they put you on metformin initially if they thought you were type 1 though..? I wondering if they were maybe thinking along the lines of MODY? I hope everything is getting back on track (no train pun intended) for you now!

Welcome to the site!

hi and welcome cant help with ypour qoestion but wanted to say hello x
Hi there everyone, im new to his site and was wondering if anyone could give me any insight to my problem.

I was orginally diagnosed as type 1 aug 2008 as i was a train driver they put me on metformin and my Hbac1 dropped to 5.5 which was excellent.My consultant then wrote to my employer saying in hindsight i was type 2 diabetic and not type 1.

Recenlty after feeling really ill went to my gp and hbac1 now 14.2 and sent back to hospital where they now say i am defo type 1 and back on insulin.

As im a train driver my employer is not too happy about going back to driving trains.
Has any one had simliar or can offer any advice on this matter

Hi Chestershepherd,

Welcome to the site...the large extended family...🙂

I'm sorry to were diagnosed as type 2 initially then the diagnosis changed to type 1...😡've had a rough time of it over the past 12 mths...hopefully now you have the correct diagnosis and are on insulin..things should settle down for you...and your HbAc1 should lower..

I'm sorry I cant help with the train driving situation..Have you spoke to a union and safety exec...for further clarification.

Hi Chestershepherd..

I've just searched yahoo engine...if you type in: Type 1 diabetes and train driving....quiet a few links come up...these may help you and point you in the right direction.

Hi Chestershepherd,

Welcome to the site...the large extended family...🙂

I'm sorry to were diagnosed as type 2 initially then the diagnosis changed to type 1...😡've had a rough time of it over the past 12 mths...hopefully now you have the correct diagnosis and are on insulin..things should settle down for you...and your HbAc1 should lower..

I'm sorry I cant help with the train driving situation..Have you spoke to a union and safety exec...for further clarification.

Hi there thanks for the reply, yes its been a tough 12 months but as you say now i am getting the correct medication I hope things will improve.
Have spoken to union etc and apparenntly what i need to do is convince the company doctor that I can regonise hypos and well educated on diabetes etc and try and get the consultant that I pose no risk which I think is doubtful as we all know there is a always a risk of hypos, hence posting on this site to see if any fellow train or tube drivers where here.
And also to share my experience with others and learn from them also
Welcome to the site.

What insulin are you taking? You are right it is difficult as people with good control are at risk of hypo's the only way to completley avoid them are to run unacceptably high levels.

I don't know if there are any train drivers with diabetes but things are always changing and it takes some people to challenge the rules and prove that people with diabetes can do certain jobs. Such as a guy who served on the front line in the US army.
Lantus at night and 3 times daily with novarapid, after some research they are currently trialing insulin which reduces the risk of hypos but still in testing stages .I got 3 months off work whils tmy levels settle so will use the time and try and get as much info as possible . Thanks for thereply
I'm on the same insulins as you. I wonder if your hospital does a carb counting course, might be good for you to go whilst you have the time off. They will teach you how to match your insulin dose to the amount of carbohydrate in your meal. Means you can be flexible with your insulin and give better control.
feel free to ask any questions there is usually someone who can help or share their experience.
I know this is a bit of a vague comment, but in summer 1987 I was working in Belfast, and met a retired diabetes specialist, who told me about a person with diabetes treated with insulin who drove on the Belfast Dublin railway - apparently he omitted insulin on days when he was driving, which didn't sound very safe, but meant he kept his job. This was just after the change in UK law which brough a blanket ban on people needing insulin driving vans, minibuses etc.
Hope your union can help put you in touch with another train driver who uses insulin. It's the treatment rather generally has more impact than the diagnosis.
Hi there,

I work for a train company and people with Type 1 are definitely not allowed to drive trains where I work. Not only that, but they are not allowed to do any jobs on the platform in case of fainting and falling on the track! I thoroughly disagree and am trying to encourage our Occupational Health department to revise their approach, but so far they have been completely immoveable. They don't seem to understand the concept of well-controlled diabetes and act as if people with type one are constantly on the verge of passing out. I was refused permission to go on a track-walk at night when there are no trains running whatsoever AND the electric current is switched off.

It makes me furious! I hope you have much better luck with your employer!!
I hope you are sucessful Lula in challenging occupational health. How many diabetics catch trains every day? I have never seen a report of someone falling under a train due to a hypo, maybe your work has some data of how mnay diabetics do fall under trains.
I know a couple of people with type 2 who work for train companies, but they are platform staff. One says he is more likely to be pushed under a train than go under one witha hypo!

There are type 1s in all kinds of jobs, and I read a bout a type 1 fireman sometime ago in Balance Magazine.

Good luck, I hope everything works out for you
Yes I also know a type 1 fireman.

Have you considered contacting Careline? (the diabetes UK helpline). Im sure they can advise on an occupational and leagal point of view. (see their website for the number).

I wish you all the best with this, keep us posted! x
I know a couple of people with type 2 who work for train companies, but they are platform staff. One says he is more likely to be pushed under a train than go under one witha hypo!

There are type 1s in all kinds of jobs, and I read a bout a type 1 fireman sometime ago in Balance Magazine.

Good luck, I hope everything works out for you

they proably right lol will see how it goes been with them since i left school so hopefully they will give me another job if i cant go back to drving
Yes I also know a type 1 fireman.

Have you considered contacting Careline? (the diabetes UK helpline). Im sure they can advise on an occupational and leagal point of view. (see their website for the number).

I wish you all the best with this, keep us posted! x

will keep you all updadated ofmy progress im hoping they will trial me as a test case for future drivers
will keep you all updadated ofmy progress im hoping they will trial me as a test case for future drivers

Hi Chester, I hope that, despite your doubts, you are successful and that your experience will be helpful to people in the future.🙂
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