@Ranger, I am an insulin dependent T3c (no pancreas at all) and 4 years into this D malarkey. So my multi daily "concerns/ worries/ anxieties/ fears" are different from yours. Yet .....
You ask a great general question. It is comforting to be able to compare our circumstances with others and reassuring to find you are not alone so must be doing something that is about right.
But I can't help wondering if this audience is representative of the greater body of people with T2 diabetes. As
@grovesy said
and those on insulin may have a very different perspective simply because:
1. They will probably have a much higher HbA1c than yours (you are only just into the formal T2 diagnosis) and will proably have been wrestling with their T2 for a long time.
2. Their insulin provides them with an outcome that is measurable from finger pricking (or CGM) very quickly.
So comparison with T2s on insulin doesn't truly help.
I think (and it is just that (my thought)) that with your slight "excursion" into T2 you should have a really good likelihood that diet and exercise can sort this out for you. That shouldn't mean draconian changes that you can't sustain for the longer term. It will be sensible and necessary to see those changes as Lifestyle changes that you will be able to continue.
I think that modest dietary changes in reducing carbs, in making exchanges of low carb items for otherwise bigger hitters (such as potatoes, rice and pastas), in avoiding obvious big hitters like cakes and jams (but not necessarily totally excluding such things) AND a concious effort to gently reduce portion sizes will all pay a good return to you.
I also think that increased exercise (which can easily be associated with activities and hobbies you enjoy) and which doesn't have to be punishing or gruelling exercise if that is just not enjoyable for you - then such exercise will also serve you very well.
Then, I think, those dietary and exercise changes will work for you - regardless of whether most other T2s do or don't "just take a tablet and job done". This will need your mindset that "I can do this" and "this must be sustainable in the longer term".
Good luck; I look forward to reading about your next HbA1c.