The Pumpers Thread!

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OK have primed and the "bubbles" did not move, guess was just a mark after all.

but was a good thing as i had no idea that i could prime without a set change, i know sounds stupid, but its all learning at the moment. thanks Bev and Lou i have learnt a lot tonight. good night all xxxxxx

Your welcome! But i now have a question - when you re-attach are you supposed to 'fill canula' again? Or dont you need to? Confused myself now! Bit tired - waiting to do a check on A - could sleep on a washing line........🙂Bev
I keep A's in for an hour - it gives us a feeling of safety that if the new one fails - we can quickly revert to the old one until we see what the problem is. Then we test after an hour and he has always eaten so we know that the new set is working.

Adrienne, we got the sample of lift off spray that you mentioned - great stuff - no red skin or soreness like before - so thankyou!🙂Bev

No problemo.

I never used to keep the sils in, I couldn't, I needed the space. Jessica had a sensor on one bottom check and the canula on the other so there was not enough space. Now she has the quicksets on her tummy, then yes we keep them in but not for an hour I have to say, sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes, depends if the new set has gone in ok and doesn't hurt but Becca is right, its all about the tiny bit of insulin that could be left in the tube.
Your welcome! But i now have a question - when you re-attach are you supposed to 'fill canula' again? Or dont you need to? Confused myself now! Bit tired - waiting to do a check on A - could sleep on a washing line........🙂Bev

hmm dont know? wont there still be insulin in the cannula? or is there backflow or something, seem to recall, know what you mean am v tired too. Will have to ask about that, dsn away till wed, night. xx
I have 3.15ml 😉😉

ok am bit worried as can see a bubble in the tube, am tired and want to go to sleep? will i have to sort this in the night do you think??


I think Northener should write us a poem on bubbles- I hate them too 😡

Tracey you gotta get those bubbles out!

Can I give you a tip (you'll prob think I am mad but hey, works for me!) check your line everytime you come online, run the tubbing line right up close to the laptop screen and those air bubbles are so much easier to see! I was taught to do it on a dark surface- couldnt see anything!

Is your line really 30mls? How long is it?

Bev, thats a large reservoir- impressive! A is too young for all those bad jokes that spring to mind!
I'd love to say its all good but having a small strop. My numbers after a hiccup or two are pretty damn good for me now, sometimes my BM even makes me laugh its getting that much better. But I am annoyed as I went to the gym today after work, 6pm with BM of 7.7mmols. So I ate a 2 finger Kit Kat (no insulin, pump off etc). Got on the treadmill and did 4km and then a small cycle and could start to feel myself go....tested and was 4.1mmols. So I had to eat another 2 finger Kit Kat (15gm/107 cals) and stayed off my pump for another hour. I get annoyed as I had to leave my work-out early (I would've done more) and had to eat either side so virtually wipped out any effort made. Got home and cooked, 5.4mmols before meal. Ive been below 8mmols all day- this never would have been me on MDI so I really am grateful...just flamming pee'd off - girl here needs to shift some weight!

Can someone clarify for me that active insulin does not include your basal? This confused me at 13:00 today when I had nothing at all on board. Surely the basal was with me, no?


Sorry about the rubbish numbers at the gym. Have you thought about having gulps of lucozade instead of the food. On a pump you don't need the long acting like on MDI, you could make do with the quick acting and then put on a lower temp basal.

Some people, if they know they are going to do exercise put on the lower temp basal an hour or two before they actually go to the gym.

You are right, the active insulin does not include the basal 🙂
First set change this morning, very stressfull, silly really. Had drawn up insulin last night and left out of fridge as thought would be quicker as up at 6am for work. No bubbles etc. Put in reservoir and began to prime, big massive bubble, dont know where the hell from, so started panicking thinking not priming, tapping not going through 😡, so take it all out and open new cartridge so that i could push out bubble for goodness sake, then primed again. Was worried that i had not done it right and waiting for alarm all morning to say occluded or whatever it would say, but didnt, phew.

then hour later felt low on way to work, pulled into services, 5mmol, never been that after breakfast, so had biscut and waited till bg up before driving, was late for work, stressfull morning or what.

Not sure what caused low? Either morning basal kicking in or stress? usually go up with stress though. will see what happens tomorrow morning before making any changes though. Rambling now, hope everyone ok?

Also, forgot to prime 1 unit, but as i went low, dont suppose it mattered this time, also put on temp basal for 3 hours as was working, was 7.8 after so bit confused now, aint easy is it?

Hiya Tracey

Some people go low after a set change, some go high. My daughter rockets up but Becca's daughter goes down. You could be a down person, if you get my meaning 🙂

You did great for a first set change.
I do wish the resevoirs came ready filled - like the cartidges are - would take the stress out of it all!🙂Bev

Two words for you love, "DRAGGONS DEN"!!!!!:D
thanks Bev, i will see what happens next time. Can i ask what happens if you get a bubble in tube, will the pump stop? Or will it pump the bubble through but obviously you dont get that amount of insulin?

No idea if anyone has answered this as I haven't read on 🙂

You are right with the second bit. The pump will push the bubble through so you will be getting air instead of insulin.

Just remember that while the bubble is at the top of the tube, near the pump or even halfway, you are still getting the correct amount of insulin. It is only when the bubble is at the body end you have a problem. If I see a bubble in Jessica's tube and its up the top, I know that I have another few units before I need to unplug her and prime it through.
hmm dont know? wont there still be insulin in the cannula? or is there backflow or something, seem to recall, know what you mean am v tired too. Will have to ask about that, dsn away till wed, night. xx

This is always up for debate on our email group. Some do a fixed prime and refill the canula, others don't and don't have the need to. I think the majority don't. I don't, I just reconnect and it is always fine. I think this one is trial and error and is personal to each individual.
Crikey, it's busy on here tonight 🙂 Must go through and read properly instead of!

I have been so stressed tonight with other stuff that argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's better 🙂 Anyway, i cannot believe that after having such steady levels with Rose after changing basals she has gone the other way. She's happily sleeping a 17mmol away at the mo....Hmmm...i can't believe that 0.05 unit makes that much difference, but obviously does....think i might have to change the bolus instead....

Yep, it's Rose that goes low after set change, just to buck the trend 🙂
Your welcome! But i now have a question - when you re-attach are you supposed to 'fill canula' again? Or dont you need to? Confused myself now! Bit tired - waiting to do a check on A - could sleep on a washing line........🙂Bev

Hi Bev, when we re-attach after skooting out bubbles we don't fixed prime to refill canula as knwoing Rose it would send her low.
Becca Im going to PM you for your intel now seeing as Adrienne broke under interigation!

Lou xx

LOL!!!!!!! :D What for though?
Two words for you love, "DRAGGONS DEN"!!!!!:D

I was told by the rep that there will be cartridges very soon, but the americans are getting them first. when i asked dsn how soon is very soon, she said, couple of years 😱
I think Northener should write us a poem on bubbles- I hate them too 😡

Tracey you gotta get those bubbles out!

Can I give you a tip (you'll prob think I am mad but hey, works for me!) check your line everytime you come online, run the tubbing line right up close to the laptop screen and those air bubbles are so much easier to see! I was taught to do it on a dark surface- couldnt see anything!

Is your line really 30mls? How long is it?

Bev, thats a large reservoir- impressive! A is too young for all those bad jokes that spring to mind!

well put it this way, I wouldnt be able to reach my set to the laptop, just about reaches to belt. Is ok, but i ordered 30 and 60cm lines, prefer the 60 at the mo though, as keep feeling im gonna pull it out whern i go to loo, as keep forgeting to unclip from me belt, :(
Hiya Tracey

Some people go low after a set change, some go high. My daughter rockets up but Becca's daughter goes down. You could be a down person, if you get my meaning 🙂

You did great for a first set change.

thanks Adrienne, you may be right, will see what happens next time
This is always up for debate on our email group. Some do a fixed prime and refill the canula, others don't and don't have the need to. I think the majority don't. I don't, I just reconnect and it is always fine. I think this one is trial and error and is personal to each individual.

thanks again, you are all so very helpful. Well think must have been a mark on tubing as still there in same spot 😱, oops, think am so paranoid about blasted bubbles.

but at least now i feel confident that if i do get a bubble, i can just disconnect and put in prime and reconnect up. I honestly thought once you were connected that was it and the pump would fail. So much to learn.
Talking about bubbles, i know i've said about it before but there is the degassing methos which gets rid of them. Time consuming but does the job....

Thanks for this Becca, I have just watched it back. So, now I know what de-gassing is!

Its strange I had never heard of this before this thread. Looks time consumming but I will give it a shot. Thanks for this link because I might keep the video rolling while I do it just for promting. I take it this is working for you?

Cheers Becca x
I've just been taking a look at some of the videos about inserting the infusion sets. I like the look of it and it doesn't seem anyway near as bad as I thought I would be. I haven't, to my shame read through these posts but I will do in the near future. I'm begining to swing towards pumping myself.

Hello everyone, I hope you're all well!

I got an email from my DSN today to say that I have been put on the list for a pump! :D I'm trying not to get too excited as I have no idea how long this list actually is or what happens next, but at least I've been approved by the consultants!

I'm sure I'll be reading my way back through this thread for all the great advice that's on it - I'll definitely need it! 😉 :D

Wahayyyyy, great news!!!!! hope your wait isn't too long! I have my appointment with the pump nurse on Tuesday so will have to see how that goes!

See if you can get in touch with someone from your area to see how long they had to wait!

Gonna catch up on the rest of the posts now.

toodle pip
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