The Pumpers Thread!

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Hello everyone, I hope you're all well!

I got an email from my DSN today to say that I have been put on the list for a pump! :D I'm trying not to get too excited as I have no idea how long this list actually is or what happens next, but at least I've been approved by the consultants!

I'm sure I'll be reading my way back through this thread for all the great advice that's on it - I'll definitely need it! 😉 :D

well done, thats great news 🙂
LOL! Sorry Mand cross posted with you! 🙂 As i mentioned to Patricia we still keep the old set in for an hour or more.

Katie - has your friend tried other sets? Or different length cannulas?

hi becca, he is going to try a different infusion set. I will ask about cannula length, thanks 🙂
How is everyone?!

I am very tired and may not have taken everything in even though I read the page several times so apologies in advance again...(I think-if I remember- there is a thread running on diabetes and memory loss, perhaps I should pitch up there???)...

I'd love to say its all good but having a small strop. My numbers after a hiccup or two are pretty damn good for me now, sometimes my BM even makes me laugh its getting that much better. But I am annoyed as I went to the gym today after work, 6pm with BM of 7.7mmols. So I ate a 2 finger Kit Kat (no insulin, pump off etc). Got on the treadmill and did 4km and then a small cycle and could start to feel myself go....tested and was 4.1mmols. So I had to eat another 2 finger Kit Kat (15gm/107 cals) and stayed off my pump for another hour. I get annoyed as I had to leave my work-out early (I would've done more) and had to eat either side so virtually wipped out any effort made. Got home and cooked, 5.4mmols before meal. Ive been below 8mmols all day- this never would have been me on MDI so I really am grateful...just flamming pee'd off - girl here needs to shift some weight!

Randomange- great news! Keep us posted. I am really, really pleased for you, well done luv.

Mand, its a game of two halves isnt it?! Do you know I never really have got the tightest grip on wether its the ratio increment or the basal adjustment- just trial and error I guess. I hope you get it sorted out. How many patterns do you run? I am not on any, I seem to have plateau strangely. How are you feeling about it all a couple of months in? I cant seem to qualtify wether it has gone quickly or slowly for me, I wonder how you feel...

Adrienne, thanks for the intel (see how Ive picked up the prison lingo 😉) I am no longer tormented, just extremely pleased =)

Another small GGGGRRRRRRRR today was that a little while back I got myself on the email volunteer list for the JDRF (after Bev went to that great research talk that time) and it was lovely to hear from one of the ladies there today asking if I could help with the 'Walk for a cure' in Greenwich park in October. BLOODY WORK! I am so disapointed and there is no chance of a swap. I would have loved to have helped. There's nothing for it, my next boyfriend will just have to be a rich one so that I can give up work and do all the things I want to do =) dammit.

Bev I like that spray too. I also have the blue one from the sample that you can spray on before you ping your watsit in, makes it stick on better (Im hoping that is what its meant for and its NOT spray glue 😱). Fantastic. I was told to leave my canula in till the next meal, but that one is filled as the same priority as changing my lancet, he he.

Can someone clarify for me that active insulin does not include your basal? This confused me at 13:00 today when I had nothing at all on board. Surely the basal was with me, no?

Hope you are all well. Becca Im going to PM you for your intel now seeing as Adrienne broke under interigation!

Patricia hope you ok and behaving yourself woman 😉

Lou xx
I keep A's in for an hour - it gives us a feeling of safety that if the new one fails - we can quickly revert to the old one until we see what the problem is. Then we test after an hour and he has always eaten so we know that the new set is working.

Adrienne, we got the sample of lift off spray that you mentioned - great stuff - no red skin or soreness like before - so thankyou!🙂Bev

I think its a good idea to keep the old canula in until you are sure the new one is working, will do that from now on.

First set change this morning, very stressfull, silly really. Had drawn up insulin last night and left out of fridge as thought would be quicker as up at 6am for work. No bubbles etc. Put in reservoir and began to prime, big massive bubble, dont know where the hell from, so started panicking thinking not priming, tapping not going through 😡, so take it all out and open new cartridge so that i could push out bubble for goodness sake, then primed again. Was worried that i had not done it right and waiting for alarm all morning to say occluded or whatever it would say, but didnt, phew.

then hour later felt low on way to work, pulled into services, 5mmol, never been that after breakfast, so had biscut and waited till bg up before driving, was late for work, stressfull morning or what.

Not sure what caused low? Either morning basal kicking in or stress? usually go up with stress though. will see what happens tomorrow morning before making any changes though. Rambling now, hope everyone ok?

Also, forgot to prime 1 unit, but as i went low, dont suppose it mattered this time, also put on temp basal for 3 hours as was working, was 7.8 after so bit confused now, aint easy is it?
Hey Tracey!

Can I ask what you temp basaled to??

Dont stress hon, you are doing fabulous xx
Lou, can i ask a question about excercise. I have been told not to do any yet while getting used to things, had it officially so not my fault 😉

anyways, when i spoke about excercise, dsn said never to switch off pump :confused: now am confused as this would make sense to me, but she said you need to take on carbs every 15 mins instead?? but like you said, defeats purpose if your filling your face while excersising (why cant i spell that word?😱)

have you been told to take off pump or is this just whats good for you?
Hey Tracey!

Can I ask what you temp basaled to??

Dont stress hon, you are doing fabulous xx

ah thank you, i put on temp of 50% for 3 hours as was panicking was going bit low.
Hi Tracey,
It could be that for you - a set change makes you go low. It does for Becca's little girl (i think unless i am confused and its someone elses daughter) - but if it happens at your next set change - perhaps you could set a low temp basal for an hour or so?Also, its a good idea to eat straight after a set change as you will know if it is working or not.

Bubbles.........pain in the neck - its the one thing i hate about set changes. So today, i decided to put a little extra insulin into the reservoir (usually put 200 in) - so put approx 230 in and flicked like mad and then when all bubbles at the top - just used the plunger to push all the bubbles out and through the tubing - until i could see it was bubble free. Does that make sense?It is a little bit of a waste of insulin - but it makes the whole thing a lot quicker and less stressful.

Sounds like your doing great - so well done Tracey!

Lou, pity you cant help with JDRF - but maybe you can on another ocassion. Well done for volunteering!🙂Bev
My DSN says I can do either. I take it off purely because I dont need it on. The exercise is my pump (holy **** Ive just quoted my DSN!). I dont need any insulin while I am running.

The other thing of concern is vigorous shaking can apparently affect your insulin and I like to use the powerplate in the gym and I prefer not to take the chance. I also dont know my insurrance implications of breakage in the gym.

I temp basal to 0.025 and leave it in my locker. According to thou holy DSN you should still have small movment in tube to prevent it clogging rather than switch off.

Its nice to to exercise and not worry about damaging it, forget it is there-because it is the ONLY time it isnt!

I didnt gym for the first 2 weeks as DSN told me not to. I was always BADLY effected by insulin and lantus after gym in the night, my biggest problem. I know I am complaining today, but really you will find exercise so much easier on the pump. Im enjoying it so much now I exercise every alt day now, something I couldnt have coped with before.

Great to hear from you. Sorry you had a crap first set change.

Hi Tracey,
It could be that for you - a set change makes you go low. It does for Becca's little girl (i think unless i am confused and its someone elses daughter) - but if it happens at your next set change - perhaps you could set a low temp basal for an hour or so?Also, its a good idea to eat straight after a set change as you will know if it is working or not.

Bubbles.........pain in the neck - its the one thing i hate about set changes. So today, i decided to put a little extra insulin into the reservoir (usually put 200 in) - so put approx 230 in and flicked like mad and then when all bubbles at the top - just used the plunger to push all the bubbles out and through the tubing - until i could see it was bubble free. Does that make sense?It is a little bit of a waste of insulin - but it makes the whole thing a lot quicker and less stressful.

Sounds like your doing great - so well done Tracey!

Lou, pity you cant help with JDRF - but maybe you can on another ocassion. Well done for volunteering!🙂Bev

thanks Bev, i will see what happens next time. Can i ask what happens if you get a bubble in tube, will the pump stop? Or will it pump the bubble through but obviously you dont get that amount of insulin?
Hi Tracey,
Bubbles.........pain in the neck - its the one thing i hate about set changes. So today, i decided to put a little extra insulin into the reservoir (usually put 200 in) - so put approx 230 in and flicked like mad and then when all bubbles at the top - just used the plunger to push all the bubbles out and through the tubing - until i could see it was bubble free. Does that make sense?It is a little bit of a waste of insulin - but it makes the whole thing a lot quicker and less stressful.

Sounds like your doing great - so well done Tracey!

Lou, pity you cant help with JDRF - but maybe you can on another ocassion. Well done for volunteering!🙂Bev

Hey lady! How big is your reservoir Bev? I have the 1.8ml. Sounds like you have something different. I find the reservoirs abit flimsy, what do you think?? The plunger lets air in if it isnt even all the time....GRRRR! xx
Hey lady! How big is your reservoir Bev? I have the 1.8ml. Sounds like you have something different. I find the reservoirs abit flimsy, what do you think?? The plunger lets air in if it isnt even all the time....GRRRR! xx

I have 3.15ml 😉😉

ok am bit worried as can see a bubble in the tube, am tired and want to go to sleep? will i have to sort this in the night do you think??

If you get a bubble in the tubing - you need to get it out - or you will miss that amount of insulin - if it is a big bubble - then it could be an hours worth of insulin! Just unplug the pump from canula and prime through the tubing until you can see the bubbles coming out the end. The pump wont tell you that you have missed any insulin - your levels will tell you!😱 Sometimes though it can look like a bubble - but in fact its just a line on the tubing where you have lent against something. But if in doubt - get the bubbles out!🙂Bev
If you get a bubble in the tubing - you need to get it out - or you will miss that amount of insulin - if it is a big bubble - then it could be an hours worth of insulin! Just unplug the pump from canula and prime through the tubing until you can see the bubbles coming out the end. The pump wont tell you that you have missed any insulin - your levels will tell you!😱 Sometimes though it can look like a bubble - but in fact its just a line on the tubing where you have lent against something. But if in doubt - get the bubbles out!🙂Bev

thanks for clearing that up! It is only like two small bubbles, but at first i thought it was like you said, something in the tubing? Think i will prime just to be safe, only 30ml tube (how short are they, no likey)
Hey lady! How big is your reservoir Bev? I have the 1.8ml. Sounds like you have something different. I find the reservoirs abit flimsy, what do you think?? The plunger lets air in if it isnt even all the time....GRRRR! xx

How very rude! I think its a 300ml reservoir - we got the bigger one as A will be growing through teenage years and his insulin needs will probably triple!
Yes the resevoirs are a bit flimsy. Before you start - do you move the plunger in and out a few times? I do and it seems to make it a smoother ride if you see what i mean! I do wish the resevoirs came ready filled - like the cartidges are - would take the stress out of it all!🙂Bev
I am so pleased for you - if i can give you a tip - start keeping very thorough notes - it will help to work out the 'new' basals and ratios for the pump. Also, keep checking with them to find out if and when they have applied for funding and when you know that - ring the PCT yourself to check they have the paperwork - if i hadnt done this we would still be waiting now!😉

A has been running higher after evening meals (10 or 12)- so i thought i would increase his meal ratio. But, have done this tonight - changed ratio from 1;15 to 1;12 - big mistake - he has had 2 hypo's since eating! I wouldnt have thought it would have made such a big difference - but obviously it has - so will be re-thinking the basal instead i think.

No other news really - how is everyone else?🙂Bev

Hiya Bev

When you tweak ratios only do 1 or 2 maximum at a time. I would have gone down to 1 : 13 firstly. If I have ever done 3 or more then we too have had hypos. It really does make a difference.
I have a friend who's on the pump but might swap back to MDI because his infusion set sites start to bleed after a day. Anybody heard about this problem? Just wondering if I can point him in the direction of some advice.

Possibly not inserting them at the right angle if not using the inserters. Maybe he is hitting the wrong place. I would suggest he tries different areas. If he is using his tummy, then tell him to try his backside, his legs or even his arms if enough fat ! Probably bottom first, then legs and then arms.

Maybe the sets are the wrong size, ie the tube inside is too long. Maybe he needs different sets. Each pump has different types.

That is purely my opinion, no idea if it will work.
I keep A's in for an hour - it gives us a feeling of safety that if the new one fails - we can quickly revert to the old one until we see what the problem is. Then we test after an hour and he has always eaten so we know that the new set is working.

Adrienne, we got the sample of lift off spray that you mentioned - great stuff - no red skin or soreness like before - so thankyou!🙂Bev

No problemo.

I never used to keep the sils in, I couldn't, I needed the space. Jessica had a sensor on one bottom check and the canula on the other so there was not enough space. Now she has the quicksets on her tummy, then yes we keep them in but not for an hour I have to say, sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes, depends if the new set has gone in ok and doesn't hurt but Becca is right, its all about the tiny bit of insulin that could be left in the tube.
Hiya Bev

When you tweak ratios only do 1 or 2 maximum at a time. I would have gone down to 1 : 13 firstly. If I have ever done 3 or more then we too have had hypos. It really does make a difference.

Thanks Adrienne, that makes sense. I think i need to get out of MDI mode. If i changed anything on MDI - it was hard to notice much of a difference - his levels were erratic anyway - so hard to notice minute changes. But i will try tomorrow with maybe a 1:14 instead of the 1:12. Too much of a jump your right.🙂Bev
OK have primed and the "bubbles" did not move, guess was just a mark after all.

but was a good thing as i had no idea that i could prime without a set change, i know sounds stupid, but its all learning at the moment. thanks Bev and Lou i have learnt a lot tonight. good night all xxxxxx
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