The Pumpers Thread!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This is a thread for all you pumpers - new, potential or experienced - to post. But do not feel you are limited to using this thread - you can still use the messageboard as normal to start new threads and ask questions, moan, whinge, scream, laugh and pontificate!😉:D

Happy pumping!
Thanks Northerner - but where has Patricia's thread gone? I had hoped to be able to refer to it in the next few days!😱 I feel 'lost' without it!😱Bev
Oh I just found this! I hope this works well. I will post on here in future instead of my other 'started on pump' thread.

Thanks Northener! 🙂

Hi everyone

Well, with our scary experience well and truly over (see my former thread 'started on pump') all has settled down again well. Achieving good numbers generally though still get the odd high (but easily corrected on pump) and having mild hypos when out playing with friends so we now have to start using temp basal if he knows he likely to be active.

We went through a phase a couple of weeks ago with him saying that the pump was bothering him at night. He kept turning over and lying on it or it fell off the side of the bed etc. I was a bit worried about this but now he has stopped saying anything and is cetainly sleeping well!

I am not a good sleeper and i am so jealous of how a child sleeps so deeply. We check his blood in night and he generally sleeps through it! If he too high we bolus him down with the pump and he sleeps through this too even though it makes little beep noises. A couple of nights ago i had to wake him to get him to drink a little fruit juice as he only 4.1 and the next morning he could not remember it!

Of course, sometimes he wakes but on the whole he sleeps through. So he is fine (I am shattered but i'll survive!).

Thinking of Bev and A today and wishng them good luck!

Lou, how's it going? xx

Adrienne, are you still around? 🙂

Love to you all, Mand xx 🙂
hi all just wanted to say i shall be reading through and chipping in when ever i can x
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Hi all!

Thanks Northerner, look forward to using this...I shall use this thread too about pump matters now...

Mand, glad all has settled down. We had a spectacularly weird night last night -- talk about shattered -- but I shall post it separately as folks may have more general thoughts...

Are you bolus wizard-ing yet?

Steff: great to see you!

And yes, luck to Bev and Alex today. Want to hear about it all!

Patricia, Just read about your experience on other thread! What a night! You must be shattered! You have my full sympathy! Grab a nap if you can! Can't offer any advice re your night but we have odd nights or days that there just is no explanation for. Providing they few and far between i think we just have to put it down to one of the delights of diabetes!!

Not using bolus wizard yet but getting good numbers generally still. His dsn on a three week holiday at moment but i think we will be learning it on her return. But not sure. I have avoided certain foods so far so perhaps i should try them and see what his numbers are like then try the foods again when been taught wizard to compare difference?

Hi to everyone reading this thread. x 🙂
Hi all,

A is pumping!!!!!!!🙂

The best thing that happened today was that at lunchtime we went to the hospital canteen and A did his first bolus for his food of sausage chips and beans - and he just sat at the table and pressed the buttons and off he went! Then after eating he turned to me and said 'mum i am so happy' - and he just sat there grinning! He loves the pump and i havent had a look-in yet! All i did was the set change and he has done it all.

I have a few issues with our team - they say we only need to check through the night for a couple of nights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😱
We will ignore this advice as i think its stupid! We will be checking for as along as it takes to be happy with his levels.
They want us to wait a few months before using the bolus wizard - we will leave it a few weeks - but then i think we will have to start it - also the dual wave etc - it seems silly to have these tools and not to use them.

A also gave himself a correction as he hadnt had his levemir this morning so was 13.9mmols! He was still grinning as he didnt need to inject!

All his ratios have changed and he is on 25% less basal than normal - so we will have to get our heads round the new numbers.

Also at lunch the carbs meant he should have had 4.75units of bolus and he was about to round it up when he realised he could actually DO 4.75units accurately!These tiny amounts are amazing. The only problem is he will probably spike due to the chips - but we can correct - no worries - just cant wait to use the dual wave etc..!

Is anyone using the meter that comes with the pump or do you use your own?
Not sure whether to change from the nano - but then the pump can 'read' the meter it comes with - so not sure!:confused:

Will update as necessary - or ask questions as necessary!🙂Bev

update - 5.4mmols AFTER CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!! but i suspect his ratios need tweaking - unless of course this is just because he is pumping and he wont get the usual spike?
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yayy helloo bev well done on the first pump post hehe , pleased so far so good like i said earlier i cant help with the pump etc etc but i will start reading the thread and giving the odd words where ever possible x
Hey Bev, well done! And well done to Alex! Yay! It's just magical feeling, isn't it, esp at first. Lovely...

YES get up and test. This is worth it to get the basal right.
YES start wizard when you want, in my opinion. Why leave so long? Sounds mad to me. (sorry, judgmental!)

NO we don't use the Contour -- E likes his meter for the moment, and thinks it no hassle to type in the bgl. That's the only thing the contour will do as far as we know, read it remotely. Also we didn't like the HUGE pot of test strips. The Exceed has them all flat in foil, much easier for his pocket.

(btw, what is the Nano like? Neat? We are looking for something smaller than the Exceed if poss...)

Good job! Keep us up to date!


p.s. envious of the small increments of insulin -- the medtronic 7 series can only do units to tenths... :(
I am sooooooooooo pleased for you and A! It's great, isn't it! My son also thinks it fantastic to press a button instead of injecting!

Yes, you do need to kinda start again re insulin needs but it does not take long due to the knowledge you already have. Like yours, our dsn seems to think it better to wait a while before learning wizard. Her point was that it is best to get him stable on the basics then start messing about. So we still not using it yet. I am happy with this as we getting good numbers generally. However, Patricia is successfully using it so i think you should just do as you want. See how you feel as you go along.

We choose to stick with my son's usual monitor rather than to swap to the one that came with the pump. As Patricia says, the only advantage of the one that comes with the pump is that it talks to the pump to give the bgl but it just as easy to put it in manually, i am sure.

Well, i wish A all the best with his pump. Please keep us posted on his progress.

I agree with Patricia, the night testing needs to be for more than a couple of nights.

I will be thinking of you at 3am!!!!!!!!!!! Now, thats the down side! But only a temporary down side!!

Love to you both,

Mand xx 🙂🙂
...The best thing that happened today was that at lunchtime we went to the hospital canteen and A did his first bolus for his food of sausage chips and beans - and he just sat at the table and pressed the buttons and off he went! Then after eating he turned to me and said 'mum i am so happy' - and he just sat there grinning! He loves the pump and i havent had a look-in yet! All i did was the set change and he has done it all....

This brought a tear to my eye bev - so pleased for you all! Who would have thought just a few short months ago you'd be happy and smiling like this? Terrific!🙂
Hi Bev and A ...

OMG ... I'm sooooooo pleased for you both .... :D

A ..... Your a star .... 🙂

A did his first bolus for his food of sausage chips and beans - and he just sat at the table and pressed the buttons and off he went! Then after eating he turned to me and said 'mum i am so happy' - and he just sat there grinning! He loves the pump and i havent had a look-in yet! All i did was the set change and he has done it all.

Bless him!! I'm so pleased for him! I bet you feel over the moon! (I'm sat here literally trying - not very successfully - not to blub having read that (damn pregnancy hormones, grr!! 😱) - what a brilliant, wonderful lovely thing for you to hear him say!!!

You're making me soooo jealous!!! Really, really hope it's everything you both wanted! I'm so pleased for you!!
The best thing that happened today was that at lunchtime we went to the hospital canteen and A did his first bolus for his food of sausage chips and beans - and he just sat at the table and pressed the buttons and off he went! Then after eating he turned to me and said 'mum i am so happy' - and he just sat there grinning!

Aw Bev, you've got me crying too now!! So pleased for you both, a little jealous too it has to be said but I'm working on it!
Bev and Alex, fantastic! so happy to hear that Alex is happy, and he is taking control too, wonderful, you must be so proud. It is you afterall who has given him this confidence.

pump alert!
I have good news too, have a date for my pump, 8th september :D

been running round the house and jumping up and down like a loon, good job im on my own! Officially excited now that i know its truly happening!!🙂
I'm so glad Alex is happy, it will be great for him. It's nice to see he is taking charge too :D
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