The 'New on Pump' thread!

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The key holder thing that hangs around the neck may be a possible for holding the glucotabs? On the other forum a child recently went swimming with the aquapac at a beach and got the plastic caught on some rock and a small tear appeared - the pump was sat in a puddle of water - but still working perfectly! So perhaps keeping the glucotabs in a seperate pouch might be a better idea? Not sure really!

Also, although medtronic say their pumps arent waterproof - they are - but they cant offically say this as a child once had a cracked screen which let in water and the pump failed - so they cant say that its totally 100% waterproof - but from reading the stories on the other forum - they are pretty much bullet and water proof!🙂Bev
This is good to know Bev! Wish I'd known before I went...less hysteria...!

Want there to be as few 'pouches' as possible really. It's already quite a lot to have the pump when so exposed as on a beach (a number of teenage girls apparently switch to MDI for the summer for this reason?). So I'll see how roomy the pump bag is...

Re the other forum: I have got to get myself together to go on that. I think I'd like it for a different set of views and expertise...


Gosh what a scary experience for you all but it is so difficult to be constantly looking ahead and planning. Do not feel bad about it just think of it as a learning curve.

Good to know they are more waterproof than we realised! 🙂

When i read your words 'why us' why my baby'? I shed some tears. Oh Patricia, how times i have said this to myself. :(

I think we do a great job but the reality is that diabetes is demanding and as much as we need to be postive most of the time, we have to allow ourselves the sadness. Better out than bottled up, eh? :(

Thanks for sharing your holiday experience.

Love Mand xx
Thanks Mand. 🙂 Really appreciate the support and tears. What else can we do? Well, I guess we could not do any of it, and we know of those who don't...but this is us, and we all do. Cry and then stand back up!

hi i was wondering if anybody could give me any advice on gettin a pump?! im 17 and an active dancer at the same time as attemptin to juggle a levels and other courses. very stressful at the moment. im starting to get depressed and my consultant asked if going on a pump would be easier than injecting about 7 times a day, however i dont kno what the consequences would be if my body didnt like it as i have shows in a few weeks. would it cheer me up and make me happy again?
any help would be appreciated.
Hi Lauren

Your best bet for this question is to go to the Pumpers Thread, which is a sticky on this site. Lots of advice there! Basically: yes to your questions. Not sure about making you happy again, but I think that pumps are the way forward...

It does however take quite a while to get your levels okay on a pump, and I guess I would wait until after your shows...I've been a dancer in my time, and I know what it's like to have things coming up...stressful! With the pump you need to test a lot to get your levels right, and you may find that for several days in a row your levels aren't good etc, so maybe after the shows?

Put this question on the big thread, though, and see what happens?

Best of luck

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