The humalog don't work any more...

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I can't really add anything to what others have said but just wanted to echo what Katie said early on, if you can get yourself on a dafne or similar course go for it. I found the benefits were not only learning ratios, getting systems in place etc but also the fact that it gives you a structured chance to strip everything back, and a clean slate to start from scratch from again, that was invaluable.

Good luck with the a1c, hopefully you'll have a pleasant surprise and be lower than you think.
Ha ha ok !!

1. eat more

2. harass the doctor for a referral to the hosp

3. sort this bloody Basal out grrr

4. act on my HbA1c ,

5. that it ?? I already do the healthy eating and exersise part.

6 Tryyyyy to get some sleep !! hehe

number 6 should be number 1
Hi Anne Marie,

I have only just noticed this post - sorry i am late with it.

If i could just add my thoughts .....

Your body is (i suspect) constantly in starvation mode. If you dont eat - your body will use its fat reserves (as you will know). This is why your are slim. If your body thinks its starving - then it will no doubt 'jump' at the chance of the 1 meal you eat per day! But the nutrition you get from that 1 meal isnt enough to go round - so the body then thinks its even more starving than it was before because it gets all excited thinking its going to get energy - but then doesnt get enough and goes into overdrive!

Hence the HIGH levels! Your body is crying out for nutrition. I think you have got yourself into a vicious circle and have got a bit lost in there!
Exercise is great - but NOT when you have high levels - it will make them higher!

Its little wonder your not sleeping Anne Marie - if your levels are so erratic swinging from high to low - how can your body get into 'relaxed' sleep mode? The answer is it cant. If your staying up throughout the night - your using energy etc and the long acting insulin wont be able to cope with that - it works better when your asleep as your using less energy and therefore can remain more stable.
I my humble opinion, i think you need to get back to basics and start all over again with a clean slate.
Get yourself referred to a diabetes team and explain that you have got in a bit of a mess and dont know where to start. Any team worth their salt will start with your basals and take it from there. But, you will have to be honest with them and explain about the not eating! And the not sleeping bit!

You know you cant go on like this Anne Marie - you are burning yourself out - and something will give - but its not too late to start again - and when you do - you will feel so much happier and more positive about you controlling your diabetes - not the other way around!

This was not intended to upset you or nag you - its just what i would say to Alex if he was your age!😛😱Bev
Hi A.M

AWWWWWW....I'm not going to nag you or say anything that has'nt been already said hun.....Please though get yourself a specialist or DSN...
I will stalk you now......hahahahaha:D
I think you will be suprised with your result I'm gonna have a guess at 13.9

Thankyou all !!! 🙂 Thanks Heidi ! aww you know I luv ya 🙂 I am sorting this all out now I promise .
Bev , he he thanks , Im not offended at all !! sometimes it takes afresh pair of eyes to look at things logically you are totally right !! thankyou to everyone who took the time and trouble to help me :D
How long have you been type 1 Insulin Addict?

Hi JKB , I've been Diabetic for 7 years , I was told type 2 originally ( although all my family are type 1's) I was treated for 6 years with Metformin , I had DKA at the begining of last year and was told I had always been type 1 , but has been misdiagnosed . I have been on Insulin since the start of 08 . I am sure my honeymoon is well and truly over .:(
Ummmmm Results .......... HbA1c

Hello All ................. Welllll , firstly the Doctor is referring me back to the hospital to see a consultant and get a Dsn.
My Cholesterol is under 3 🙂 But my HbA1c is ......... 17.8 😱 down from 28 .2 Yeah i know !!!!! he wants to wait and see before swapping me from Humalog back to Novorapid , I think he is just hoping to pass me straight over to the hospital for my Diabetic care , fine by me !! He is still adamant that I will just have to put up with the Insomnia !! and that maybe once my levels are stable I will start sleeping ? Hmm we will see :confused:
Hello All ................. Welllll , firstly the Doctor is referring me back to the hospital to see a consultant and get a Dsn.
My Cholesterol is under 3 🙂 But my HbA1c is ......... 17.8 😱 down from 28 .2 Yeah i know !!!!! he wants to wait and see before swapping me from Humalog back to Novorapid , I think he is just hoping to pass me straight over to the hospital for my Diabetic care , fine by me !! He is still adamant that I will just have to put up with the Insomnia !! and that maybe once my levels are stable I will start sleeping ? Hmm we will see :confused:

So that's good then? You happy with that??
well was no surprise to ya hun x x but pleased doc doing that for you xx it is down from 28 thats a small glimmer happy days with chlestoral

nobody was right then with the guesses x
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So that's good then? You happy with that??

Hey Ross I think you are the closest guess at 17.7 !! well done lol :D:

Ummm Nooooo its not good I'm affraid :( my last HbA1c was just after i had Dka so I would expect a high one , Ive been on Insulin a while now so this is TERRIBLE !! some peoples HbA1c is not this high at diagnosis , let alone while on Insulin . Oh I did forget to say he is pretty sure that my moneymoon being over has alot to do with my levels suddendly shooting back up to the high numbers grrrr.
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Glad he's referred you back to hospital and a DSN - I think that's a start - a dietitian for advice about how eating and diabetes affect each other and BS's, or DAFNE/BERTIE course might be another idea - but perhpas the DSN will sort that. Perhaps DSN will help with sleep issue too.

Stay positive and keep your appointments (nagging, round 2! :D)
Hey Ross I think you are the closest guess at 17.6 !! well done lol :D:

Ummm Nooooo its not good I'm affraid :( my last HbA1c was just after i had Dka so I would expect a high one , Ive been on Insulin a while now so this is TERRIBLE !! some peoples HbA1c is not this high at diagnosis , let alone while on Insulin . Oh I did forget to say he is pretty sure that my moneymoon being over has alot to do with my levels suddendly shooting back up to the high numbers grrrr.

Hmm does that mean I haven't finished my honeymooning yet!! Great can't wait.

I'm sure I said 17.7 so even closer!!

Yeah I realise it's not good, but I'm trying to be positive! As you seemed to think it may be higher.

I hope they come down and you get better control soon, keep us all posted.
Hmm does that mean I haven't finished my honeymooning yet!! Great can't wait.

I'm sure I said 17.7 so even closer!!

Yeah I realise it's not good, but I'm trying to be positive! As you seemed to think it may be higher.

I hope they come down and you get better control soon, keep us all posted.

OOOPsss Sorry you are right !! you did say 17.7 !! woooo you're the winner ! I'll get back to you on the prize lol 😉
OOOPsss Sorry you are right !! you did say 17.7 !! woooo you're the winner ! I'll get back to you on the prize lol 😉

Oooo blimey 17.8 or 17.7, neither is good. I bet you feel horrible most of the time don't you? You are also a prime candidate for a pump you know. Have you thought about it. You definitely fit the NICE guidelines. Let me know if you want any help if you think its a good idea.
Hello All ................. Welllll , firstly the Doctor is referring me back to the hospital to see a consultant and get a Dsn.
My Cholesterol is under 3 🙂 But my HbA1c is ......... 17.8 😱 down from 28 .2 Yeah i know !!!!! he wants to wait and see before swapping me from Humalog back to Novorapid , I think he is just hoping to pass me straight over to the hospital for my Diabetic care , fine by me !! He is still adamant that I will just have to put up with the Insomnia !! and that maybe once my levels are stable I will start sleeping ? Hmm we will see :confused:

YAY!! Twin I'm so glad you have finally got this done 🙂 Don't worry that the result was 17.8... aim for 10 or under for the next one (and make it in about 4 months!). You knew it was going to be high anyway. Once you get to the hospital they will *hopefully* help you out with your doses and your next HbA1c will be soo much lower. Make sure they get you an appointment asap!
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