The humalog don't work any more...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I definitely felt like a lot lol, I was full up most of the day :D

I'll probably have more coffees today because i'm up early !

Yeah me too , Ive not been to bed again so I'm knocking back the coffees to stay awake as I'm working today 🙂🙂 So breakfast for me has been some humalog , levemir and a few coffees so far 😱
Yeah me too , Ive not been to bed again so I'm knocking back the coffees to stay awake as I'm working today 🙂🙂 So breakfast for me has been some humalog , levemir and a few coffees so far 😱

AM, why do you take Humalog if you're not eating? I can understand that we all need basal, hence the levemir, but if you haven't eaten anything why do you need fast-acting? Surely a normal pancreas wouldn't put any out, except when stimulated by food?:confused:
Yeah me too , Ive not been to bed again so I'm knocking back the coffees to stay awake as I'm working today 🙂🙂 So breakfast for me has been some humalog , levemir and a few coffees so far 😱

eat some food AM, you need the energy after the lack of sleep!
AM, why do you take Humalog if you're not eating? I can understand that we all need basal, hence the levemir, but if you haven't eaten anything why do you need fast-acting? Surely a normal pancreas wouldn't put any out, except when stimulated by food?:confused:

well you have got me there !! but i know from experience , that unless i have fast acting during the day even when i dont eat my levels will continue to rise , hence two of my Hi's on my meter last week :confused: I always take fast acting during the day even though i never eat in the day , I never hypo because of it though ??? im just a strange diabetic i think , everyone else i know would hypo if they did that. I have raised my basal to see if that makes any difference and also have now split the dose but i still rise , i think my honeymoon is over and also my humalog is no longer working for me , i am going to ask to change back to novorapid. any suggestions are appreciated !!??
You know what my advice is twin. I'll say it again anyway 😛

You need a diabetes specialist. You need him/her to put you on insulin that works for you, and you need to go on a DAFNE type course and get some carb ratios sorted out. You need them to care enough to harass you about appoinments and keep a particular eye on you since you were wrongly diagnosed and your sugars have been so high for so long and your levels are still very erratic. You need GP who will help you with your sleeping issues and to see a diabetes dietician.

This is standard care that everyone should have and you NEED to make sure you get it ASAP!
You know what my advice is twin. I'll say it again anyway 😛

You need a diabetes specialist. You need him/her to put you on insulin that works for you, and you need to go on a DAFNE type course and get some carb ratios sorted out. You need them to care enough to harass you about appoinments and keep a particular eye on you since you were wrongly diagnosed and your sugars have been so high for so long and your levels are still very erratic. You need GP who will help you with your sleeping issues and to see a diabetes dietician.

This is standard care that everyone should have and you NEED to make sure you get it ASAP!

I couldn't have put it better myself. You're effectively doing 'basal testing' practically every day, and it's saying that your basal isn't working. Get thee hence to a DSN who cares, and don't stop trying till you find one!🙂

Think I will split this out into a separate thread...

Yep sounds to me you need more levemir, as Northerner says you are basal testing and it just ain't working. Do you have a split dose? I suggest you find a good DSN. You can go to a different hospital with a referral from you GP.

I couldn't have put it better myself. You're effectively doing 'basal testing' practically every day, and it's saying that your basal isn't working. Get thee hence to a DSN who cares, and don't stop trying till you find one!🙂

Think I will split this out into a separate thread...

Yes I do basically Basal test daily , when on Lantus , when first diagnosed I had 30 units at night , I was then changed to Levemir once nightly also 30 units and Hypoed all time so reduced down to 14 units and had excellent levels , never above 6. All was well until recently when I have zoomed to the top of the meter ( yes really ) I do more exersise now 3/4 hours of aerobics everyday and now have started running again ( trying ) i eat a restricted carb diet , all organic and i rarely drink and i dont smoke but still my levels are erratic to say the least. I am just as likely to be in the 30's as the 3's from one day to the next. I have now split my lavemir dose and increased it drastically , I am now taking 18 units in the morning and 16 units at night . Nothing seems to be working for me at the moment . Also I am positive my humalog no longer works as i now need at least 3 times the dose to get the same effects that i used to have. I will be going to the doctors on friday as my hba1c results are due and they wont be pretty 😱 i will ask to change back to novorapid and see if that helps things . I'll keep you posted. hey all start guessing my results !!!!!!! defo start above 15 tho 😉
Why are you not eating during the day? That *could* actually be part of the reason your levels are rising. It could be that your liver is kicking out glucogen because you aren't eating.
Secondly, if there is some insulin resistance, then Metformin could help (I'm taking this along with the Humalog and Lantus now). This would also help control the liver.

As others have said though, you need to talk to your diabetes care team. Make sure you inform them of everything. Don't leave anything out (especially the not eating part).
Yes I do basically Basal test daily , when on Lantus , when first diagnosed I had 30 units at night , I was then changed to Levemir once nightly also 30 units and Hypoed all time so reduced down to 14 units and had excellent levels , never above 6. All was well until recently when I have zoomed to the top of the meter ( yes really ) I do more exersise now 3/4 hours of aerobics everyday and now have started running again ( trying ) i eat a restricted carb diet , all organic and i rarely drink and i dont smoke but still my levels are erratic to say the least. I am just as likely to be in the 30's as the 3's from one day to the next. I have now split my lavemir dose and increased it drastically , I am now taking 18 units in the morning and 16 units at night . Nothing seems to be working for me at the moment . Also I am positive my humalog no longer works as i now need at least 3 times the dose to get the same effects that i used to have. I will be going to the doctors on friday as my hba1c results are due and they wont be pretty 😱 i will ask to change back to novorapid and see if that helps things . I'll keep you posted. hey all start guessing my results !!!!!!! defo start above 15 tho 😉

goodness me what a horrid time you seem to be having has already been said you need to find yourself a good DSN!!

p.s after all you have said i will take a punt at 16.5 for hbA1c
ehem... and you will get refered to that diabetes center we were talking about, asap 😉
AM, (I'm going to sound like I'm nagging again!), you really shouldn't be doing all that exercise and not eating. You may feel as though you are being very fit and active, but your body will not be healthy. There was a programme on telly ages ago - it was that where they had a fat person and a thin person and they ate each other's diets - and the thin lady was a marathon runner, extremely fit and active but she ate practically nothing. As a result her body was that of a person much older, she just wasn't getting the right nutrients in the right quantities, for the amount of exercise she was doing.

I know you are eating the right things etc. but the way you eat may be affecting your physiology in unseen ways that is causing havoc with your endocrine system and producing this awful swinging of levels.

That is just my speculation! I think you need to lay everything on the table to give a full picture to your doctor/DSN. Do you record your results etc.? Time to start if not! I wouldn't know where to begin guessing your HbA1c - it might even look 'good' if you've been having such extreme swings, but those swings are harming you, I'm afraid to say. My guess will be 9.3%.
p.s after all you have said i will take a punt at 16.5 for hbA1c

Having been through similar myself, I'd go for 10.5%. I was surprised that my last couple of HbA1cs were as low as they were.
Why are you not eating during the day? That *could* actually be part of the reason your levels are rising. It could be that your liver is kicking out glucogen because you aren't eating.
Secondly, if there is some insulin resistance, then Metformin could help (I'm taking this along with the Humalog and Lantus now). This would also help control the liver.

This is true too AM, you need to eat properly if you have a condition like diabetes. Also lack of sleep definitely affects levels badly.
Like Steff, I was going to say 16.5 (sorry!!), so i'll go for 15.5 instead.
Sorry if this sounds a little blunt but....

1) Your basal is wrong. You are proving it daily. Until you get your basal sorted, you will not have any kind of control.
2) Eat when you get up. A common mistake among diabetics of all types and control always improves once people start having something for breakfast since it prevents the liver from dumping or stops a dawn phenomenon dump from continuing.
3) The title of this thread should really be "Humalog is no longer compensating for my basal being wrong". Changing to novorapid is only going to be an attempt to patch over the actual problem. Sort your basal out and you may not need to change bolus at all.

If you exercise and your level is not in the perfect range to begin with (or at least under 12 or 14) your level will definitely 100% go up.

This is due to no insulin in your cells. If you have no insulin in your cells then you have no energy, you may feel like you do but you don't. This makes the levels go up.

If J (my daughter) was over 14 she used to be unable to do PE at school. Since last October there has been a new way of thinking which is easier on a pump and you have to give yourself some insulin to be able to exercise and keep your levels from rising.

Does this make sense? I hope so. Took a long time for me to get my head around that one.

Also the basal insulin is to keep you ticking over and if you cannot get this right and if you are all over the place then you fit the criteria for a pump definitely. Have you thought about it before? Take a look at the INPUT website for more info.
Like Steff, I was going to say 16.5 (sorry!!), so i'll go for 15.5 instead.

Well I did say aim high :D Well my last two ( the only ones ive had ) have been in the top 20's and 30's . Im expecting a high one 😱 I will let you all know on friday.

Northerner yes I saw the programme you are on about ( fat v's skinny ?)
I know exactly what you mean and yes the fatter woman was far healthier than the runner 😱
...3) The title of this thread should really be "Humalog is no longer compensating for my basal being wrong"...

Love it! Maybe not as snappy, and probably wouldn't have made quite as good a song title!:D
I now have an image of a 4 yr old girl slaughtering that song on Britain's Got No Talent next year and Amanda wotsit crying... 😉
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