..why aren't DUK concentrating on pushing for clear...objective trials on this issue....
Understandably, this is always such a hot topic when raised in this forum.
It is disappointing when individuals who do not manage diabetes with insulin, are told that testing is not necessary. Diabetes UK do highlight the benefits of testing when newly diagnosed and absolutely agree that tight glycaemic control is beneficial in avoiding complications further down the line. The issue from the statements from NICE, as you have highlighted, come from a lack of clinical evidence.
Our position statement on self-monitoring for adults with type 2 diabetes, confirms that the lack of clinical evidence means that it has not been possible to gather enough quantifiable data to support the argument that testing will significantly improve diabetes management and quality of life. However, Diabetes UK are not adverse to funding research for this.
@Bubbsie - I believe Diabetes UK has had correspondence with you previously on this matter of funding research and we approached our Research Team who stated that, "..if we were to receive a research proposal, with a valid and measureable research criteria, it would be considered for funding and assessed based on the strength of the proposal." This is down to the fact that our Research Team work reactively, considering the proposals which are submitted to them (see Our Approach to Research). The team do not decide what subjects to research, nor do they set proposal. Research studies are submitted and are assessed through an extensive process, based on a number of criteria.