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Havent had any yet here in cambridgeshire, I am hoping it doesnt get too bad I am suppose to be taking my daughter down to London on the train on Friday tosee the Olympia Horse show. I hate the stuff!!
I eft work around 3.40 yesterday and it had turned to rain. I believe more snow is forecast for the weekend, so those who missed it may get some...
I hope there is no more snow, I only like it if I am off work and don't have to travel anywhere. Last Febuary was my most scary driving expereince ever
try living in Caithness for a winter!! I was told by my employers up there i had to be a 'bit braver' when driving in the snow!!! yeah when the roads were totally covered so you couldnt see where the 6ft deep drainage ditches were!! 😱
A few years ago we drove up to Edinburgh area from the smoke on Boxing day I think, The snow was falling fast and thick, we left at 4am I think to avoid traffic & problems! The snow on the M1 was "crazyness" they kept saying on the radio that the M1 was shut, only thing was we were on it! Scary stuff, I was trying to overtake lorries, but the ruts in the road were almost solid ice and hard to cross over and lots of sliding around! I think that was a 12 hour drive!! I hope it's not like that when we head to Tyneside on crimbo eve this year!
It snowed almost all day in sarf London, and it settled quite abit. I really liked it....

.......are there any predictions for snow like we had in February this year again?? I hope so!

Eek, hope there is'n't much on saturday otherwise My coach will never make it 😱

Be thee in league with the devile wumman? Tis the foulest, most perilous precipitation known to man!😱😱

bah humbug!
It's snowing here in Fife, makes a change from rain!!
Just looked out my window the snow has arrived in Glasgow :(
It was snowing here this am, but now it's brilliant sunshine. Freezing but.
It was snowing here this am, but now it's brilliant sunshine. Freezing but.

keeps snowing the brightening up and its coooooolllllllldddddd
hey ally you all fixed now internetwise?
We keep getting brilliant sunshin then snow flurries. They forecast a good 8 inches over night. Have't we alread had that ammount this year?
keeps snowing the brightening up and its coooooolllllllldddddd
hey ally you all fixed now internetwise?
I'm scared to say yes in case the gremlins from BT hear me.:D
Snow flurries in Surrey but not settling. Please no heavy snow, got too much to do!!
none of the white stuff for us 2day, just raint and o degrees winds grr x
It was throwing it down earlier, think it was more sleety than anything, but it didn't last long. However it is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZING COLD in here.................... !!

wooooooo just looked out window now and it is snowing heavens high it is lying must be a couple of inches at least.
its getting thicker...woowww 1 hrs ago a 2inches ...the north wind doth blow
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