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Yes, thank you and all who have been here for me. I think I might have done something if I was not saying how I felt and being heard. This support group has been excellent for me.
Yes many are very pro low carb and it does give results but I don't find it second nature and I think there will be ways forward without huge carb changes.
The thing is diabetes is so into what we do eat and that is huge to accept. Yes some need meds as in type one but its not as easy as take insulin and equal the other side out.
I think that's the same in type 2 too. It might be that some finely tuned engines take low carb and that equals good result for others its being honest and looking at ways to feel good.
Its a journey I will get there. Thank you all for you kindnesses.
Good morning @Nayshiftin, I have been thinking about you and hope you are doing better. Virtual hugs!
Good morning @Nayshiftin, I have been thinking about you and hope you are doing better. Virtual hugs!
Thank you so much, that has made my day to think you gave me a thought. Very kind I am doing a bit better mentally as I have pushed through doing as much as I can every day and it has helped. BS not really doing as well as I would like but I know its not just diet, exercise and medication it is how the diabetes is panning out.
I am trying to kick the stigma on the head as if I think of others I say they are not to blame for their diabetes so time I hit myself with the same stick.
I have been asked to go on a research for type 2 and hopefully meeting others with this and maybe having a focus. quite a challenge just to get to the initial assessment. I never go anywhere alone really, well not far and meeting people in person is always hard. Again I fear not being accepted and sometimes get preoccupied with them seeing how large and run down I am, I get so ashamed it is easier to hide online.
Anyway I have to be positive.
My garden is starting to look as if it is more cared for. I love seeing plain soil when you remove the plants at the end of the season preparing for next.
My neighbour has started to clear the weeds in the in between boundary and that has giving me new hope for the plants there.
Anyways thanks again. I am chuffed.
Thank you so much, that has made my day to think you gave me a thought. Very kind I am doing a bit better mentally as I have pushed through doing as much as I can every day and it has helped. BS not really doing as well as I would like but I know its not just diet, exercise and medication it is how the diabetes is panning out.
I am trying to kick the stigma on the head as if I think of others I say they are not to blame for their diabetes so time I hit myself with the same stick.
I have been asked to go on a research for type 2 and hopefully meeting others with this and maybe having a focus. quite a challenge just to get to the initial assessment. I never go anywhere alone really, well not far and meeting people in person is always hard. Again I fear not being accepted and sometimes get preoccupied with them seeing how large and run down I am, I get so ashamed it is easier to hide online.
Anyway I have to be positive.
My garden is starting to look as if it is more cared for. I love seeing plain soil when you remove the plants at the end of the season preparing for next.
My neighbour has started to clear the weeds in the in between boundary and that has giving me new hope for the plants there.
Anyways thanks again. I am chuffed.
That's great. I am pleased you're in a better place than last week. Naturally we all go through ups and downs, mentally (but also BS wise too!) and it's much harder when the down moments stick around too long. So good to hear your garden is looking cared for - I can't help but see the similarities in you caring for yourself and feeling better, just like the garden.

I hear you about going places and meeting people in-person. It's a nerve wracking experience but good for you for trying to be positive about this though. Sounds like a good opportunity to be a part of. Do you think you'll be able to push through the worries and challenges and go to it? 🙂
That's great. I am pleased you're in a better place than last week. Naturally we all go through ups and downs, mentally (but also BS wise too!) and it's much harder when the down moments stick around too long. So good to hear your garden is looking cared for - I can't help but see the similarities in you caring for yourself and feeling better, just like the garden.

I hear you about going places and meeting people in-person. It's a nerve wracking experience but good for you for trying to be positive about this though. Sounds like a good opportunity to be a part of. Do you think you'll be able to push through the worries and challenges and go to it? 🙂
Well mentally I have you in my mind saying its good for me to be positive and yes I'll give it my best shot. I just need to keep going to get into that better place. No point looking back it will not change. I have too. I will let you know it is on Friday. Today. I have to stop coffee for the test which I really love even though I react to it it comes down after.
Well mentally I have you in my mind saying its good for me to be positive and yes I'll give it my best shot. I just need to keep going to get into that better place. No point looking back it will not change. I have too. I will let you know it is on Friday. Today. I have to stop coffee for the test which I really love even though I react to it it comes down after.
Good luck with that, why do you have to stop having coffee?*
Good luck with that, why do you have to stop having
it just states on info? to do with heart monitor.
You are required to fast 12-hours prior to your appointment. Kindly see below for some of the screening restrictions and criteria below:

It is important that from now on to avoid:

  • Any systemic herbal medications or dietary supplements including products containing Hypericum perforatum (e.g., St. John's Wort).
  • Garlic supplements.
  • Grapefruit, grapefruit juice or other grapefruit products and star fruit (including marmalade and juices made from these fruits) and chargrilled meat.
Refrain from the below 48 hours Prior to your screening visit:

No consumption of any caffeinated or alcoholic drinks.

  • No consumption of any energy drink
  • No consumption of any poppy seeds.
  • No strenuous exercise.
  • No recreational drugs e.g. cannabis within the last 6 weeks.
  • Shouldn’t have donated blood in the last 90 days or participated in any clinical trial with in the last 3 months.
I guess i could have decaffeinated but its probe to giving me a headache so i never have it.
it just states on info? to do with heart monitor.
You are required to fast 12-hours prior to your appointment. Kindly see below for some of the screening restrictions and criteria below:

It is important that from now on to avoid:

  • Any systemic herbal medications or dietary supplements including products containing Hypericum perforatum (e.g., St. John's Wort).
  • Garlic supplements.
  • Grapefruit, grapefruit juice or other grapefruit products and star fruit (including marmalade and juices made from these fruits) and chargrilled meat.
Refrain from the below 48 hours Prior to your screening visit:

No consumption of any caffeinated or alcoholic drinks.

  • No consumption of any energy drink
  • No consumption of any poppy seeds.
  • No strenuous exercise.
  • No recreational drugs e.g. cannabis within the last 6 weeks.
  • Shouldn’t have donated blood in the last 90 days or participated in any clinical trial with in the last 3 months.
I guess i could have decaffeinated but its probe to giving me a headache so i never have it.
OK, you had previously mentioned you were having a HbA1C test so it seemed odd that you had said about coffee.
yes no this is just the assesment . ill not go for the full thing until after HbA1c as you have to cone off the EmpAgliflozin and i want to see the HbA1c result first.
i can still have other low carb drinks just not my water tab drink or coffee its only for a few days . i might not get the full test which will be for four days . My Go and their Drs have to accept thats its okay for me first
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They have deemed me unsuitable for the study. Don't know why but at least i can drink
a coffee .
They have deemed me unsuitable for the study. Don't know why but at least i can drink
a coffee .
How are you feeling about that? I suppose they invite more participants than they actually plan to take on board, a bit like jury service. Well done for getting out there though. I know that took a lot of courage for you! 🙂
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How are you feeling about that? I suppose they invite more participants that they actually plan to take on board, a bit like jury service. Well done for getting out there though. I know that took a lot of courage for you! 🙂
i was gutted and sank but know it was because it was giving me something else to focus on. So thats my way forward. I went off the rails on the diet and decided it was just for that one meal. Before id have said thats it I've broken it and bot gone back on it. So i am really working good.
I'm still tackling the garden but enjoying seeing it looking better in time to put Spring bulbs in.
I guess they will write back and say why.
I gave my HbA1c to focus on for the 18th so three more weeks to see if i can change . It has to be lower as its come down into single figures. If not ive lost a little weight in the time and tgsts a bonus in itself.
Wirking on feeling better. Being accepted and useful.
My cat loves me the way i am thats something.
i was gutted and sank but know it was because it was giving me something else to focus on. So thats my way forward. I went off the rails on the diet and decided it was just for that one meal. Before id have said thats it I've broken it and bot gone back on it. So i am really working good.
I'm still tackling the garden but enjoying seeing it looking better in time to put Spring bulbs in.
I guess they will write back and say why.
I gave my HbA1c to focus on for the 18th so three more weeks to see if i can change . It has to be lower as its come down into single figures. If not ive lost a little weight in the time and tgsts a bonus in itself.
Wirking on feeling better. Being accepted and useful.
My cat loves me the way i am thats something.
How are you doing this week? 🙂
How are you doing this week? 🙂
I am feeling okay. I managed a good walk which I am pleased with this morning . Further than I have tried alone. Still not great in others standards but the best I have done in a long time. Blood sugars no better than they were still steady at 7.5 so that is still too high and that is with medication and a diet that I can follow. Its not Keto but not high in carbs either and no carbs as in no potatoes, rice, pasta or sugar other than natural as if I have fruit in yoghurt etc. So I am slowly getting through it even though I am not really winning the race. Its taking part that counts I guess. Got my vaccinations tomorrow so may feel different after those. How are you ?
I am feeling okay. I managed a good walk which I am pleased with this morning . Further than I have tried alone. Still not great in others standards but the best I have done in a long time. Blood sugars no better than they were still steady at 7.5 so that is still too high and that is with medication and a diet that I can follow. Its not Keto but not high in carbs either and no carbs as in no potatoes, rice, pasta or sugar other than natural as if I have fruit in yoghurt etc. So I am slowly getting through it even though I am not really winning the race. Its taking part that counts I guess. Got my vaccinations tomorrow so may feel different after those. How are you ?
That's great about the walk - forget others' standards. It all helps and you're pushing yourself further than before.
Your bloods: 7.5 from HbA1c?
I'm doing well thanks - have actually started walking a lot more than I was previously and feeling good about that. My diet has been terrible though, definitely needs improving.
I have vaccinations coming up too - hope yours don't impact too much.
sorry no from accu check bmmols . It was 12% so if i get 7.5% i will be very pleased.
I never felt first flu jab but the second covid she said is a dense liquid so it felt like pressure but a second . Absolutely no sting at all.
It will be later on I think. I just thought better to have them than get told of. We have yet to get Covid. I really do not want it. I
guess a blessing as it sounds nasty.
i am vexed over both Israel and Palestine . My heart goes out .
Thankful we do not suffer this way, poor people. Rich one day and losing family so devastating because of war is too hard to comprehend.
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