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It works though its brought my
BS down far more than anything else. Weight came down madly at first. I think i went drastically keto and made myself ill for a frw dsys but its levelled out to about a pound to two pound a week which has been good . i am anxious about my bloods and my heart when i go back. My testings for sugar are good but unsure their tests will be equal. The cholestral I dont test and think due to fatty things like cheese cream etc cant all be good fats. Or can they?
I’ve started Empagliflozin and my heart races which is why I am scared of salt.
As a child a lady called Mrs. Robinson died. I used to sneak the salt celler to her in bed when mum cooked her meals. Her husbsnd told me it would kill her as i was naughty giving it to her. i felt sorry for her and she was kind . However when she died for years i felt i was her killer. I was about seven then. So salt is in my brain as bad.
i do get lots of cramps but more so on this tablet.
However those and thirst are all this one does so I can live with it if it doing my sugars good too.
I am going to try electrolyte drinks to see if it helps the thirst plus the cramp.
i wonder what i will die of ?
We do all this n who knows.
ah well we gave to live until it happens
So is the empagliflozin causing your heart to race/beat quickly?
Poor Mrs Robinson - that must have been somewhat traumatic for you considering you were only seven!
Hope the electrolyte drinks help with the cramp - cramp is horrible!
I try not to worry about dying or how - life is for living, we can't sit around waiting for it!! 😉
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So is the empagliflozin causing your heart to race/beat quickly?
Poor Mrs Robinson - that must have been somewhat traumatic for you considering you were only seven!
Hope the electrolyte drinks help with the cramp - cramp is horrible!
I try not to worry about dying or how - live is for living, we can't sit around waiting for it!! 😉
I have no idea it could be my weight etc . it seems to come after i take the tablet but Im okay. Just plodding on . These new elecrolyte tablet drinks you have 500ml of water with it , Reminds me if cremola drink as a child. I drank it down in one go. Glad its not an alcoholic pint lol.
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Higher sodium- and potassium intake decrease the chances of getting diabetes very significantly:


It is better to use too much than too little (just like with cholesterol, which has a simular graph):

That's mostly when I use salt (very rarely add salt to the food once cooked and on the plate) but funnily enough, since cooking for my 1 year old, we are using other seasonings to flavour the food and not adding salt at all.

Like black pepper as seasoning.

Must admit can't do without salt on foods like chips & boiled eggs but use low salt which to me tastes same as normal salt.
This thread has just reminded me I forgot to put salt and pepper on my lunch. (A salad of Chicken, Apple and Celery.)
This thread has just reminded me I forgot to put salt and pepper on my lunch. (A salad of Chicken, Apple and Celery.)
Each to their own taste.
Each to their own taste.


It's delicious, low carb and all fresh.
The apple works well with celery and a dressing of Greek yoghurt/Lemon Juice/Olive Oil and red wine vinegar.
Oh, and lashings of fresh Dill.

It's delicious, low carb and all fresh.
The apple works well with celery and a dressing of Greek yoghurt/Lemon Juice/Olive Oil and red wine vinegar.
Oh, and lashings of fresh Dill.
All ingredients are not what id choose. Apple is to hard n sharp i only like cooked and if honest the crumble more than the fruit. So definitely off the menu. raw celery had to be an acquired taste one you smell as you taste it . Not for me hubby loves it. Chicken i like with a sauce so again hot . At Christmas its the cranberrh sauce n stuffing both out . So yes chicken is usually in a low carb hot sauce dish with cauliflower rice.
Cold i like cheese egg and a green salad . My love was beetroot, coleslaw and salad.
i do however love Greek yoghurt. Just got to accept i react to the milk sugar but it lowers with my medication.
So yes each to their chosen taste. Salt is good with vinegar but as no crisps …. tears lol. My favourite all time is a wine snd s packet of S & v crisps. so high day holiday food now. if im bad.
All ingredients are not what id choose. Apple is to hard n sharp i only like cooked and if honest the crumble more than the fruit. So definitely off the menu. raw celery had to be an acquired taste one you smell as you taste it . Not for me hubby loves it. Chicken i like with a sauce so again hot . At Christmas its the cranberrh sauce n stuffing both out . So yes chicken is usually in a low carb hot sauce dish with cauliflower rice.
Cold i like cheese egg and a green salad . My love was beetroot, coleslaw and salad.
i do however love Greek yoghurt. Just got to accept i react to the milk sugar but it lowers with my medication.
So yes each to their chosen taste. Salt is good with vinegar but as no crisps …. tears lol. My favourite all time is a wine snd s packet of S & v crisps. so high day holiday food now. if im bad.
What is wrong with beetroot, coleslaw and salad, add some crumbled Feta cheese and bingo a low carb lunch.
That's kind of what I do, more or less. Sucks!
I agree, I pre empt it too as i get very restless legs. I have been up sincd just after two. Cant relax my legs scared they go into a cramp too. Tbh its now affecting me mentally as well as physically.
However I just think life at the moment is really difficult.
I think on holiday one thought is like at school i was never good enough to be or bad enough to be accepted for help. I had wonderful remedial friends as they were called back then but i did not make their grade. I was never clever like my brothers and sisters. I even recall having to take a prize back for good attendance where my mothers said no you had been off . She was correct of course. So i never got that either.
I now have type 2 diabetes not severe or type 1 just enough to stop me enjoying possibly my only enjoyment in life.
Cooking was always easy throwing things together , baking now its following weighing recipes eating differently. I try to say i enjoy it but its very frustrating.
You can rarely buy anything low carb in the supermarket. yes i hear ya Nuts. unflavoured very boring . Fruit very fee can be freely eaten . Bread very small n not like a fresh baked from bakers. Yes im s foody so even the restrictive bef n breakfast holiday. A yoghurt for breakfast. only half the pot. Whilst hubby stuffed Croissants/ pastries, toasts with jam and marmalade. Drinking fruit juice . coffee with milk. Digging into cereals too. i sat there everyone munching me trying to hope my sugar will keep low and look forward to yet another salad for lunch. Dinner either being naughty a bit yet still hungry.
Todays Sunday we are back.
i need to shop. Depressed knowing it will be another struggle.
Weight did not go down despite no treats. Sugars are good belows 7 but still not lower than 5.6 at anytime even with meds. Better than it was.
Just not content. Is it mental health no I just think I am sick of life .
Better than most neither great or bad
For some a good life. Me I cant wait till its over.
Hopefully my mindset changes soon.
So i guess MH
I agree, I pre empt it too as i get very restless legs. I have been up sincd just after two. Cant relax my legs scared they go into a cramp too. Tbh its now affecting me mentally as well as physically.
However I just think life at the moment is really difficult.
I think on holiday one thought is like at school i was never good enough to be or bad enough to be accepted for help. I had wonderful remedial friends as they were called back then but i did not make their grade. I was never clever like my brothers and sisters. I even recall having to take a prize back for good attendance where my mothers said no you had been off . She was correct of course. So i never got that either.
I now have type 2 diabetes not severe or type 1 just enough to stop me enjoying possibly my only enjoyment in life.
Cooking was always easy throwing things together , baking now its following weighing recipes eating differently. I try to say i enjoy it but its very frustrating.
You can rarely buy anything low carb in the supermarket. yes i hear ya Nuts. unflavoured very boring . Fruit very fee can be freely eaten . Bread very small n not like a fresh baked from bakers. Yes im s foody so even the restrictive bef n breakfast holiday. A yoghurt for breakfast. only half the pot. Whilst hubby stuffed Croissants/ pastries, toasts with jam and marmalade. Drinking fruit juice . coffee with milk. Digging into cereals too. i sat there everyone munching me trying to hope my sugar will keep low and look forward to yet another salad for lunch. Dinner either being naughty a bit yet still hungry.
Todays Sunday we are back.
i need to shop. Depressed knowing it will be another struggle.
Weight did not go down despite no treats. Sugars are good belows 7 but still not lower than 5.6 at anytime even with meds. Better than it was.
Just not content. Is it mental health no I just think I am sick of life .
Better than most neither great or bad
For some a good life. Me I cant wait till its over.
Hopefully my mindset changes soon.
So i guess MH
:: hugs :: Can you get to see a shrink or a counselor or whatever? It might really help & it wouldn't represent any kind of failure etc.

Little tactics which have worked for me ... I know it sounds trite, but are you able to walk a lot? I mean like 90 min a day or more. For some people it really helps, not just with mood, but also for reducing cravings.

For eating, also trite, but for some people, it also happens that you start to like whatever it is you eat regularly, even if you didn't to start with. And maybe seea dietitian if you can - better than getting dietary advice from people on message boards IMO ...
Cooking was always easy throwing things together , baking now its following weighing recipes eating differently. I try to say i enjoy it but its very frustrating.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Low carb can take time to get your head around and I know it was a struggle for me initially but I have eventually learning to cook that way by throwing things together again, like I used to when I wasn't low carb. Last night I was tired and nothing much in the house but I had 2/3 of a cabbage and a tiny bit of beef mince and some onions, so I created a sort of cabbage bhaji with the cabbage, an onion and cumin and garam masala and turmeric and some tomato puree and I tossed in the bit of cooked mince at the end. I order that dish from the takeaway occasionally but never cooked it myself and didn't have a recipe but knew roughly what ingredients should go it it and just followed my instinct and it was really tasty and quite quick and filling and will definitely try it again. Didn't weigh or measure anything because all ingredients were low carb.

I can understand you finding it tough when your husband is eating all that stuff as my partner eats a massive amount of carbs too and particularly sweet cakes and biscuits. I now try to focus on what I can have and find things to enjoy within that, but initially there was a lot of grieving for the things I can't have. I think what helped me was my first trip to the retinal screening clinic and a guy there being wheelchair bound with very limited sight and at the time it was coming up to Easter and I was bemoaning the fact that I would never again have a Cadbury's Cream Egg (a particular favourite of mine) but I suddenly realized that my grieving for these things was trivial in the scheme compared to his loss of sight and mobility. It was a bit of a turning point for me.

I hope you can start to find some positives and things you enjoy rather than focusing on and grieving for the things you can't have. Once you can turn that corner, it does get easier. I am chuffed to bits with myself for making a tasty and filling meal out of cabbage. My partner had Chinese takeaway. 🙄
Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Low carb can take time to get your head around and I know it was a struggle for me initially but I have eventually learning to cook that way by throwing things together again, like I used to when I wasn't low carb. Last night I was tired and nothing much in the house but I had 2/3 of a cabbage and a tiny bit of beef mince and some onions, so I created a sort of cabbage bhaji with the cabbage, an onion and cumin and garam masala and turmeric and some tomato puree and I tossed in the bit of cooked mince at the end. I order that dish from the takeaway occasionally but never cooked it myself and didn't have a recipe but knew roughly what ingredients should go it it and just followed my instinct and it was really tasty and quite quick and filling and will definitely try it again. Didn't weigh or measure anything because all ingredients were low carb.

I can understand you finding it tough when your husband is eating all that stuff as my partner eats a massive amount of carbs too and particularly sweet cakes and biscuits. I now try to focus on what I can have and find things to enjoy within that, but initially there was a lot of grieving for the things I can't have. I think what helped me was my first trip to the retinal screening clinic and a guy there being wheelchair bound with very limited sight and at the time it was coming up to Easter and I was bemoaning the fact that I would never again have a Cadbury's Cream Egg (a particular favourite of mine) but I suddenly realized that my grieving for these things was trivial in the scheme compared to his loss of sight and mobility. It was a bit of a turning point for me.

I hope you can start to find some positives and things you enjoy rather than focusing on and grieving for the things you can't have. Once you can turn that corner, it does get easier. I am chuffed to bits with myself for making a tasty and filling meal out of cabbage. My partner had Chinese takeaway. 🙄
Yea it is like grieving for the loss . I think because the scales are not going in the direction despite all this its not helping me .
Onions are on the amber list so I am scared to use them freely. I guess when no weight to lose that changes a lot .
I will keep going. I'm unlikely to have problems like losing a limb or things as type 2. Its more Pride and Prejudice that will kill me
I can't walk for long and I walked a bit yesterday along the coast path n back to try and counteract the drive back. Which I did from Corley services to home myself. I also did gardening in the evening and watched an aeroplane display outside my house at Duxford. However walking an hour and a half is out . Nordic sticks have stopped too as hands are sore. I might try swimming but that pains the hunger more. So not sure.
I think if I could sleep and wake refreshed get all the low carb energy folks all talk about I'd feel great. Conversely
going into winter is more arthritic pain and gloom.
On the bright side life goes on there will be daffodils out soon.
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Depressed knowing it will be another struggle.
Weight did not go down despite no treats. Sugars are good belows 7 but still not lower than 5.6 at anytime even with meds. Better than it was.
Just not content. Is it mental health no I just think I am sick of life .
Better than most neither great or bad
For some a good life. Me I cant wait till its over.
Hopefully my mindset changes soon.
So i guess MH

Sorry to year you are feeling so low @Nayshiftin :(

It does sound like it might help to speak to your GP about how low your mood is at the moment. Does your surgery have an ‘e consult’ form?

I found that much easier to organise my thoughts and explain how I was feeling because I could change it before clicking ‘send’ and wasn’t tempted to fall into the “oh no, it’s fine really…” habits that I tend to fall back on face to face. Being more honest about how I was feeling was easier written down somehow?

As @Eddy Edson says, you might be able to access counselling, or get some other MH support like ‘social prescribing’, which might really help?

Thinking of you.
Sorry to year you are feeling so low @Nayshiftin :(

It does sound like it might help to speak to your GP about how low your mood is at the moment. Does your surgery have an ‘e consult’ form?

I found that much easier to organise my thoughts and explain how I was feeling because I could change it before clicking ‘send’ and wasn’t tempted to fall into the “oh no, it’s fine really…” habits that I tend to fall back on face to face. Being more honest about how I was feeling was easier written down somehow?

As @Eddy Edson says, you might be able to access counselling, or get some other MH support like ‘social prescribing’, which might really help?

Thinking of you.
My daughter mentioned something like silver linings she is doing. so I will look into that. I get my HbA1c soon and I will say then that the meds seem to have a real depressing effect on me. Hopefully she might take that as a q.
Sorry to year you are feeling so low @Nayshiftin :(

It does sound like it might help to speak to your GP about how low your mood is at the moment. Does your surgery have an ‘e consult’ form?

I found that much easier to organise my thoughts and explain how I was feeling because I could change it before clicking ‘send’ and wasn’t tempted to fall into the “oh no, it’s fine really…” habits that I tend to fall back on face to face. Being more honest about how I was feeling was easier written down somehow?

As @Eddy Edson says, you might be able to access counselling, or get some other MH support like ‘social prescribing’, which might really help?

Thinking of you.
I looked online and not to do with diabetes and empagliflozin but to do with it when it treats heart conditions. Its known to cause depression. So I have jumped my queue as i have suffered with this thinking it was me not being able to help myself. I just wonder as its locked for non professionals if it has any knowledge if it improves after a few months etc
Anyway asked to get a phone consultation and the receptionist fitted me in today.
so ill post later.
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