Roll call! Lurkers say hi!

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I don't think it matters. If you are getting top notch care, which most people don't get, then you have no cause to complain. If you are getting not the greatest care then you can complain and if the DSN's read it I would hope that they would take heed (they don't unfortunately but there you go!)
Yeah hehe. first they would have to stumble across this message board, then read certain threads. then there is the fact that they see LOADs of people etc etc

Or, if you write a squillion posts, they'll give up through boredom before they get to anything that might concern them!:D

I like to be honest, but fair, in discussing any treatment I might not be happy with, so I don't think they can be too upset about that. I guess it's quite possible that members of my team could work out who I am, but only if they'd actually seen me recently and could connect the two - as katie says, they do see a lot of people!
Always lurking, hardly a day goes by without me catching up with this site. Thanks so much to everyone for their efforts i have learnt so much about my diabetes from everyone on here :D

I definately would not be in the place i am with my diabetes if it were not for this site, i have learnt things too numerous to mention, thank you, thank you and keep posting.

Fingers crossed i should be getting a pump soon, the consultant has applied for funding and i have been given brochures on pumps - this would not be happening for me if i hadnt gained so much knowledge from here. The hospital were so impressed with my motivation and knowledge, i know it helped my case enormously. :D
I do lurk on here most days but i cant seem to find the time to post on here at the moment.I had my first eye screening test today,drops did sting a bit but everything else ok,to i came out and the sun hit my eyes,so anyone going for the first time take sun glasses with you.
Maybe I'm a bit of a lurker too...but I do try to keep up with this site as much as I can. Has on more than one occasion been a huge source of reassurance and advice. SO valuable.

Thanks Admin and all.
I do lurk on here most days but i cant seem to find the time to post on here at the moment.I had my first eye screening test today,drops did sting a bit but everything else ok,to i came out and the sun hit my eyes,so anyone going for the first time take sun glasses with you.

I had that too joe, when I had my test last summer with the drops - so bright I could hardly see! Hope your eyes recovered quickly, it took a few hours for me.

I am here too!!!

Must admit since it is not as easy tp connect to site, I found was a little restricting. However, I have now found a quick link which will be very useful. not been on site as often, firstly because I have been a little under the weather. At the moment, I am on steroids, so my bgs are not quite as on target as normal. However, with the aid of my trusted pump, I feel that i have still most of the control!!Thank goodness. To all of you out there, thank you. I have gained lots of encouragement and support from the many posts that I have read.🙂 Also the light hearted banter, re jokes, and puzzles, when feeling a little low, have uplifted me!!! I feel it is very important that we all pull together to help one another. I must admit that personally I feel that we all have an understanding with each other. Knowing how it feels to be a daibetic. I do not know if it is just my circumstances, but I feel that even my family do not quite understand how it is with our condition. That's why I feel I can relate to you all on here. We all have our MOMENTS!!!! Thank you all!"🙂
Hope you start feeling abit better soon rubymurray!

I have added this website into my favourites, one click and Im here!!

Feel better xx
I do'nt post everyday just sign in an look at the posts for any pearls of wisdom and any tips to keeping my diabetes under control.

Cheers All
Fingers crossed i should be getting a pump soon, the consultant has applied for funding and i have been given brochures on pumps

thats great to hear, have you decided which pump you want? I think we have members here on all of the the different ones.
have you been able to master carb counting now?
Seroid Withdrawal

Hi all, long time no speak, as some of you know I have been on steroids a very long time, years in fact and how it has ruined my life, well 3 weeks ago I came off of them, i did the gradual decrease so no danger of death and the like but I have for 2 & 1/2 weeks now suffered the most awful withdrawal
I thought it was depression creeping in, i got conjunctivitis, I was at the point where I wasn't getting out of bed as I felt I had nopthing left to live for,it was like being pregnant all over again, the slightest thing or smell made me feel sick and I was at the final straw and thought I would never be sane again, then someone pointed out I had only gone like it since i stopped the steroids so i looked it up online and found all of my symptoms were relavant to withdrawal so i went to my doc who agreed and put me on anti depressants
I haven't started them yet as want to get through this by myself if i can now i know i'm not going bonkers, has anyone else suffered with this and how did thye cope, my appetite is rubbish and the mere thought of food makes me feel sick :(
thats great to hear, have you decided which pump you want? I think we have members here on all of the the different ones.
have you been able to master carb counting now?

I am ok with carb counting, but find i do readjust ratios often, according to if im working, active or not, and also been put on lantus recently and that has changed things a bit.

I have been looking at the various sites re pumps, dont know which one would be best for me, but think the medtronic sounds amazing as it has a cgm, but not sure if that is provided re nhs, will have to find out. The animas looks good, but i know there is more to it than that. If any pumpers have advice on which is best please let me know your views, i would be very interested to hear.

Hi Tracey,
If i were you i would post the same questions as a seperate post! Otherwise people may not see it - i think Adriennes daughter using the medtronic one(?).:D Bev
Hi Tracey,
If i were you i would post the same questions as a seperate post! Otherwise people may not see it - i think Adriennes daughter using the medtronic one(?).:D Bev

Angel eyes, I would also take Bevs advice! You sound unwell and unhappy and I am so sorry to hear this. I wish I could offer some constructive advice but this isnt something I know about. All I can say is I hope you see brighter days very soon. Perhaps if this caught peoples eye on an individual thread again, someone can offer better suport.

Lots of love x
Hi Tracey,
If i were you i would post the same questions as a seperate post! Otherwise people may not see it - i think Adriennes daughter using the medtronic one(?).:D Bev

thanks bev, adriennes has started the post, thanks for your interest, look forward to the replies. 🙂
im always lurking around lol but only cos sometimes im away with work and cant get my laptop to work properly
1000 members!

Hey, I've just noticed that we've just got our 1000th member! Welcome to the group noelphobic! I'm afraid you don't win anything, just the company of a great bunch of people. Hoping that all the members are finding this site useful, informative, supportive and fun - best wishes to you all!:D
I haven't started them yet as want to get through this by myself if i can now i know i'm not going bonkers, has anyone else suffered with this and how did thye cope, my appetite is rubbish and the mere thought of food makes me feel sick :(

I haven't. But my mum is having chemo at the moment and has a similar issue with food and nausea. With her it is cooked food that makes her ill, when food is cooked it seems to smell more. She is on the Food Doctor diet which mainly involves eating raw food - some carbs at breakfast and lunch and hardly any at the evening meal, and supplementing these meals with other snacks in between such as hummus and carrot sticks. I have never been one for advocating faddy diets but the principle of this diet seems to work for her and helps her to eat when she otherwise could not and there is a lot of fresh food, fruit and veg in the diet which can only be a good thing. She also finds ginger helps with nausea. Maybe the idea of eating small portions of raw food might help you too?
Im here, thought havent been around musch recently read the posts and am so grateful this forum is here
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