Roll call! Lurkers say hi!

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Thanks Northerner. I am guilty as charged then. I am too shy to ask or even answer any question. But very informative reading 🙂
good idea sugarbum, the diabetes clinic at work has a leaflet stand/table, where there is loads of diabetes related stuff, some basic info produced by the drug companies, advertising stuff from companies and organistations, eg. medialert, cosyfeet Would be good to put a leafter or poster up in the waiting room.

Well I'm not a lurker, but I'm not much of a thread starter, i always have a bit of a fear that nobody will reply
I agree - but DUK didn't fund any posters, despite me requesting them! Personally I think we should have posters/leaflets in every doc/diabetic/hosp in the country!
However... if I design one and you can download it/I email it to you as a pdf - would that suffice? It just means that you would have to print them out yourselves - but as this site is run entirely voluntarily by me - with the help of the moderators - there is only so much I can afford to do! This months prize is bought by me!

There are so many things I am trying to get done for the site - but I have a full time job - so please bear with me while I try to get it all done! I want to re;lease a new press release about the success of teh site - as well as get the glossary done - which I know is more desperate - I am half way through it! (and it will have to be passed by DUK!)

I have got business cards which I can send out to people - they have my name on - but no personal details - just all the site details - if anyone would like some to leave in surgeries etc please email me and I will send you a bunch!

I am so pleased that people are learning so much - me too - it is never too late 😱)!!!!
Omg Admin!!!!

I agree - but DUK didn't fund any posters, despite me requesting them! Personally I think we should have posters/leaflets in every doc/diabetic/hosp in the country!
However... if I design one and you can download it/I email it to you as a pdf - would that suffice? It just means that you would have to print them out yourselves - but as this site is run entirely voluntarily by me - with the help of the moderators - there is only so much I can afford to do! This months prize is bought by me!

There are so many things I am trying to get done for the site - but I have a full time job - so please bear with me while I try to get it all done! I want to re;lease a new press release about the success of teh site - as well as get the glossary done - which I know is more desperate - I am half way through it! (and it will have to be passed by DUK!)

I have got business cards which I can send out to people - they have my name on - but no personal details - just all the site details - if anyone would like some to leave in surgeries etc please email me and I will send you a bunch!

I am so pleased that people are learning so much - me too - it is never too late 😱)!!!!

OMG! I had NO idea! Without thinking about it too much I think I just thought that seeing the DUK logo at the bottom you had some sort of support (financially I mean).

I would be more than happy to help in any way possible but depending on what approach you were wanting to take I am happy to decend upon a multitude of waiting rooms with posters as I frequently surf them all (that sounds SAD, I mean work wise I encounter these places!).

Just a thought but if there is such thing as grant money from DUK that they may consider you/this website for and you need us all to email them to support it, I think the reponse would be overwhelming....😱

....after all, if anyone attends where I do, the only thing to observe in the waiting room is the toilet door and who can get the biggest amount of wee in a very small pot.....
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I've just looked on google and if you type in diabetes support then we are the 5th link down. I wonder if it puts people off that when it comes up it spells diabetes wrong. I know it's been asked before but is there anyway to change this Admin?

Yeah I wouldn't mind printing off a few to put up if you sent one through. I really value all you do for this site, so thankyou.
Admin, I would be happy to print out posters and hand them out to the doctors surgery/hospital.

I was actually going to ask about this as I am going to a 10 years of DAFNE at Bournemouth Hospital day so it would be really good to hand them out there 🙂
Holding up my hand as guilty of lurking! I often read the forums at the end of doing an evening's work and just do not have the energy to think of anything useful or amusing to say.
However I'd like to take this opportunity to say thanks - both for the forum itself and for the number of frequent contributers who have given me a lot to think about. It all helps me to keep this whole Diabetes thing in perspective.

I've just looked on google and if you type in diabetes support then we are the 5th link down. I wonder if it puts people off that when it comes up it spells diabetes wrong. I know it's been asked before but is there anyway to change this Admin?

Yeah I wouldn't mind printing off a few to put up if you sent one through. I really value all you do for this site, so thankyou.

Using my new-found html skills I see that the problem lies in a spelling mistake on the 'Home' page in the <title> line, hopefully not too difficult to fix! I also see the there is confusingly another forum with a very similar name which comes up ahead of this one in the searches. Now, I'm not criticising any of these other places, but I do find that this one is very clearly presented and very 'readable' - a design success!

I have no hesitation in saying that this site has transformed my knowledge of diabetes, and I feel also that I have made many friends who I value enormously, so big thanks from me Admin, for all your efforts!🙂

Here's the DUK article about the website's introduction:
Using my new-found html skills I see that the problem lies in a spelling mistake on the 'Home' page in the <title> line, hopefully not too difficult to fix!

Yeah it's easy, im sure admin just hasn't noticed yet 🙂
hey all,

i check the site every night but sometimes im just to tired to reply or i got nothin to reply too hehe

but im still here wooo lol xx
I think i'm going to have to start doing some shameless advertising!
Hi, I'm definitely a lurker! I'm learning lots from you all and try to comment when I have something to contribute - which is not that often! I too would be more than willing to run off copies & try to get them into the clinic - despite not saying much I do keep recommending the site to others.
I have no hesitation in saying that this site has transformed my knowledge of diabetes, and I feel also that I have made many friends who I value enormously, so big thanks from me Admin, for all your efforts!🙂

Here's the DUK article about the website's introduction:

Thanks for the link, I just read it (got sidetracked by the advert for a diabetic cat, mind!) but their promo spheal sounds as if they are very involved?? is this the case?
Thanks for the link, I just read it (got sidetracked by the advert for a diabetic cat, mind!) but their promo spheal sounds as if they are very involved?? is this the case?

I'm guessing they host the site on their servers and contributed to set up costs, but not involved in the day-to-day running. I could be wrong though, and no doubt Admin will correct me if I am!

I do hope someone gives the cat a home, bless!🙂
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Hi from another lurker...I have been a member here from the first week it was brought online, but am ashamed to say not a regular poster. I do come on to the site every day, morning and night to read the posts and I think it has become one of the best sites for diabeticsI have certainly learned quite a lot from the posts of others.
I would like to give a big thanks to our Admin for the hard work she put into getting this place up and running,(she got me from an American site to this one) And I would also like to thank the Moderaters for their input and time given to the site for our benefit.


whoops lost my colour half way through..(perhaps i need another drink of insulin)
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Using my new-found html skills I see that the problem lies in a spelling mistake on the 'Home' page in the <title> line, hopefully not too difficult to fix!........... but I do find that this one is very clearly presented and very 'readable' - a design success!

I have no hesitation in saying that this site has transformed my knowledge of diabetes, and I feel also that I have made many friends who I value enormously, so big thanks from me Admin, for all your efforts!🙂

Here's the DUK article about the website's introduction:

This has cropped up before. Only the webmaster can change the typo and I'm sure it will be done when other more pressing things are dealt with.


Thanks for the link from diabetes uk; spent much wasted time looking for it
I've been away for a few weeks so haven't been in for a while, but have to say this site has made a big difference to my understanding of diabetes, far more than from my GP. I would be pleased to have some posters or leaflets to distribute.
I've just looked on google and if you type in diabetes support then we are the 5th link down.

You're never getting top spot, sorry 😉

I put too much work into it:D😎
Just had a thought RE Advertising.

Facebook I know there is a duk group on face book there could be a group for this site, or ask the duk group to promote this site?

What does admin think?
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