Roll call! Lurkers say hi!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It's gone very quiet on here lately! I'm wondering if it's because we've built up a body of information so that people don't feel they have anything new to contribute? It would probably be better too if DUK put a link to the message boards on their home page - I'm surprised they don't, given that they support the site and I think most people who come here have found it very useful and helpful. We usually get a surge in new members when we get a mention in Balance. Any other theories?

If there are any 'lurkers' out there, please feel free to say 'hi' in this thread, just so we know you're out there!🙂
Hi ! I'm here but just haven't got much to say / ask at the moment.........regularly read posts and am always learning from this site but don't regularly post, perhaps I should!
I'm here too, whilst munching on some cheese sarnies. But of late I've been a bit tired, sometimes too much to read on here. No doubt though that I'll be asking a question soon, been thinking a lot lately!

And yes DUK should have a link, when I forgot the web adress I went there to look for a link.
I am always lurking! I read every post - just don't get time to reply to all - I thought it had gone quiet too today - as every post goes to my inbox!

As far a as link on DUK site - the more people suggest/request - the more chance we have of getting it! I don't even know where the link to us is on the site. Quite annoyed about it actually.

I am planning to do a big update for them - and hopefully get into Balance again too!

I require a bit more publicity support from them!
Maybe it is the arrival of some sunshine last week that sent us all into stunned silence?

Haven't even found much news to trigger things off as e-mail alert has gone to once a week rather than daily.

Enjoyed new edition of Sweet magazine this week and noticed forum listed in their

Off to heat up my bean and vegetable soup for lunch
I am always lurking! I read every post - just don't get time to reply to all - I thought it had gone quiet too today - as every post goes to my inbox!

As far a as link on DUK site - the more people suggest/request - the more chance we have of getting it! I don't even know where the link to us is on the site. Quite annoyed about it actually.

I am planning to do a big update for them - and hopefully get into Balance again too!

I require a bit more publicity support from them!

Quite a few people in the past have complained that they 'lost' us when they forgot the website name and DUK had removed us from their front page. I just tried several searches on their site for 'support' 'support forum' 'diabetes support' 'forum' and we didn't appear (never been too impressed with their search facility). I have got much more out of this site than DUK's own site - we should be one of their most prominent links!

I will write to them and 'educate' them!😉 If others could do so too, we might get them to do something!
I look often, and add when I have something to say. It is nice to know the site is here and if I can't find what I want I can post. I also use a couple of other sites and this one is quite busy. the other sites are just as usefull, but I think there are more people here.
I must confess to being a frequent lurker! I think this is a wonderful site - interesting, informative, reassuring and sometimes funny. Its such a valauble resource and I recommend it to people all the time.
i also must confess because im a newly diagnosed diabetic sometimes i dont feel i got the no how or want to join in incase i get something wrong or make myself look stupid
Yes me too although I'm quite a new member to this site. My main site is the UK children with diabetes one which is just for children with diabetes and is my lifeline. I like this site as well though otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Can I just say to Steff that no question is ever silly, all questions are relevant and we only learn things by asking and being part of places like this, so ask away about anything you like, no-one would ever laugh. Diabetes is so very very very complicated. I learn new things from friends all the time.
Well said Adrienne!

I have in the past forgotten the name of the site and it was hard to find - so just saved it in my favourites now!
It is very quiet on here - perhaps because of the warmer weather everyone is out? But, on another forum i am on they were advised that the more hits they get in a day the higher up the list the forum is when people google it - so we have to keep posting on here so people can find us!:DBev
I too admit to being a 'lurker'. Perhaps I do not post as often as I should, but on the occasions I have posted a question, it as been answered by return by a number of the members.

I hope that it continues, as we all can learn something from it.


Hi I Am Here Too! Just Making Tea For Two Hungry Teenagers! I Too Wish The Link Was On The Front Page Of Duk, This Site Is So Valuable To Me. Everytime I Have A Question Someone Always Replies And Its Nice To Know Someone Is Out There For Me Who Understands Everything I Am Going Through. I Think All The Members Are Kind And Supportive And Quite Its A Delight To See All The Posts! Great Forum!!!
Yes, I'm here as well! I pop in every day to see what is new. I don't have a lot to say because I'm not as knowledgeable as others! I wouldn't presume to offer advice to anyone. I'm not exaggerating to say this site is a lifeline to me. I have learned so much. So please don't think just because we don't have a lot to say we don't appreciate this site - we do, really!!!
i'm here as usual 😛

All this lurking when you are pretending to study Katie😉

Or should that be study, Katie? Perhaps the lurkers are studying Katie🙂

Oh God, this language of ours gets my grey cells addled.
I was on my boyfriends computer the other day and tried to find this site through google and I ended up in some other diabetes forum instead?!? I left for fear of tresspassing in unknown territory. I thought it was this place in a different format or something but I didnt recognise the names, so I ran for the hills 😉
What is a lurker?

Hi Heike! A lurker is somone who reads the forums but doesn't make their prescence known. Don't get me wrong - I don't think there's anything wrong with that! On the other hand, I think that every person's experience can be helpful to someone else, so the more people posting their thoughts, questions and experiences, the better!🙂
(wwops, me again....)

On the same note, I sat the other day in silence in diabetes for hours on end looking at the same displays......was actually thinking there should be some publicity for this website in the clinic. I would happily ask them at mine to put an advertising poster up if there was one as I think they would whole-heartedly support it.

(we have this display in our clinic of old the old devices, whacking great bug huge BG monitors and old syringes and needles etc and all the devices available etc. Facintating, several years back when I first saw it! not any more.....!). I feel a new thread coming on...."the diabetes clinic waiting room".....😉
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