Results of C Peptide and GAD antibody tests - today? Determining type.

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Some people with LADA need Metformin as well as insulin, some don’t. If you need it, that’s sensible to take it 🙂
I'm happy to take it. no problem , the Metformin appears to have dropped readings from 18 to mostly below 9.
Until I know what the doctors will say its probably pointless to ask more questions.
However ,if i continue using a semi normal diet how damaging is each occasional finger prick result over 8 , each time ?
ie is every higher reading damaging in the long term.?
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Well I doubt if you'd call 8 very dangerous considering if you haven't got diabetes in the first place it's more than likely you could go up to 7.8 after some meals. Think it depends on how long you usually stay that high. What was your BG before eating and was the 8.0, 2 hrs later?

And no, odd meter readings are fairly useless in terms of estimating damage caused, because it all depends on how much glucose sticks to your haemoglobin and for how long, as to any/what damage might occur whereas fingerprick tests only relate to how much glucose is in your blood in that finger at that split second.
OK thanks . Readings drop between meals.
My new metre gives averages. For what they are worth, the last weeks aver: using low, then mid then higher carbs has been 7 ish. I'm quite pleased with the readings on the whole. I'm only killing time until the hospital appt.
:confused: I do wonder if insulin would be given for readings of 7,& 8. Or if it can be given for occasional 9, 10, 12 . That's hypothetical and not really a question. 😉 Thanks for your interest. ps I'd like add weight tho. Still below 8 stone (50kg)!!
@trophywench todays example
waking after getting up and cuppa 5.6. After brekkie of small glass grapefruit jus, beans on toast, tea. 8.9.
After short walk a.m I felt empty so had a cuppa and 1/2 finger biscuit. Pre meal 5.2. After mash, chicken, veg + apple pie (ready made pastry) & cream 7.4. Tea will be salad/pate/1 bread +2 rice cakes plus lo jelly & alpro no sugar yog plus cream
= No sign whatsoever of your needing any help controlling BG then ......
= No sign whatsoever of your needing any help controlling BG then ......
@tropywench It Seems to be going ok. See the chart on page 4 (or maybe its p3). My highest is an occasional 9. or 10. 12.6 once when i forgot to take the choc shell icing off a birthday cake ... o_O
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