Results of C Peptide and GAD antibody tests - today? Determining type.

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Had a change of heart . Re carbs. Ive done 4 days of low carbs 20+ per meal with test results. All were below 9, mostly below 8.
Tomorrow I'll do 3 -4 days of 30-40 + carbs , with tests.
Depending on the results I do more normal carbs. with results
It'l l Give me something to do whilst waiting for an appointment. And may - or may not- signify something of use.
I was told my body is producing some insulin , and metformin must have worked to a degree. 18.6 was the first reading. It dropped to 4.9 lowest reading
Had a change of heart . Re carbs. Ive done 4 days of low carbs 20+ per meal with test results. All were below 9, mostly below 8.
Tomorrow I'll do 3 -4 days of 30-40 + carbs , with tests.
Depending on the results I do more normal carbs. with results
It'l l Give me something to do whilst waiting for an appointment. And may - or may not- signify something of use.
I was told my body is producing some insulin , and metformin must have worked to a degree. 18.6 was the first reading. It dropped to 4.9 lowest reading

Sounds like a sensible and systematic approach @Jenny105

Gathering information, and then reacting to it / working out a plan is what diabetes management is all about!

My understanding of LADA is that it is essentially T1, but that it develops slowly and usually later in life (though classic T1 can develop at any age too).

I *think* there is some suggestion that starting insulin earlier is beneficial, in that it can help support and to some extent protect your remaining beta-cell mass, but really that’s a question for your Dr.

Certainly in treatment terms you should get access to all the T1 options (including insulin pump / CGM).

Metformin doesn’t work directly on BG levels, but rather it improves the efficiency of insulin use where there is insulin resistance, and suppresses glucose output from the liver. I’m not sure you are likely to have much insulin resistance with LADA, but do ask your Dr if they think it would still be a useful part of the mix.
Sounds like a sensible and systematic approach @Jenn8y105

I *think* there is some suggestion that starting insulin earlier is beneficial, in that it can help support and to some extent protect your remaining beta-cell mass, but really that’s a question for your Dr.

Metformin doesn’t work directly on BG levels, but rather it improves the efficiency of insulin use where there is insulin resistance, and suppresses glucose output from the liver. I’m not sure you are likely to have much insulin resistance with LADA, but do ask your Dr if they think it would still be a useful part of the mix.
That's why Met is quite frequently prescribed to T1s in America. It makes any insulin work harder and is said to be 'insulin sparing' i.e. reduces the amount needed. One of the key qualities of Met us that it promotes the take up and use of insulin in the extremities.
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Sounds like a sensible and systematic approach @Jenny105

I *think* there is some suggestion that starting insulin earlier is beneficial, in that it can help support and to some extent protect your remaining beta-cell mass, but really that’s a question for your Dr.
That's the same reason blue sky thinkers recommend insulin injections for Pre-Diabetics - to rest the Beta cells, stop them thrashing themselves to death and delay a dx of T2.
@Burylancs No hospital appointment has arrived......... so maybe 'Ill amend my approach ???? I did 4 days of low carbs - up to 25. Everything under 9 bar one rogue 10.
Im trying 25-40 now so far so good. BUT if Im taxing the ol beta carbs then maybe a retreat to under 25 is better. Is that proven science?
retreat ?
@Burylancs No hospital appointment has arrived......... so maybe 'Ill amend my approach ???? I did 4 days of low carbs - up to 25. Everything under 9 bar one rogue 10.
Im trying 25-40 now so far so good. BUT if Im taxing the ol beta carbs then maybe a retreat to under 25 is better. Is that proven science?
We're not empowered to give detailed advice. If you've been dxed with Type 1, common sense suggests you proceed with caution on carbs until the hospital appt and insulin. Even then they might want to fob you off with Type 2 palliatives until your pancreas finally expires. LADA is an old name predating the 1985 rebranding when it was assumed only children should get what we now call Type 1. Check out the LADA threads in this Group's archives. Plenty discussion of it over the years. It's unfortunate that LADA was also the name of an old clapped out Russian tank of a car. A perfect fit ??
😉 A friend had a LADA, strong and protected her. But couldn't hold out. Packed up before she did.
Re me. Im not sure wot i was being asked to do initially - except fingerprick once a day at various times. I kept to very low carbs, then upped them a bit, then upped them more occasionnally ....... They had a plan for blood and urine tests which are done. No doubt there will be a plan . I wont be fobbed off. Thank you I'll read up
😉 A friend had a LADA, strong and protected her. But couldn't hold out. Packed up before she did.
Re me. Im not sure wot i was being asked to do initially - except fingerprick once a day at various times. I kept to very low carbs, then upped them a bit, then upped them more occasionnally ....... They had a plan for blood and urine tests which are done. No doubt there will be a plan . I wont be fobbed off. Thank you I'll read up
Actually another strategy might be to let rip, let the Beta Cells flog themselves out ( within safe limits) the quicker to get onto a proper insulin regime or pump. No point prolonging a losing battle, being forced to run through every possible combination of T2 medication to no avail in the end.
I don’t agree with limiting carbs excessively. You’re still taxing your beta cells. I’d go with normal eating and get the insulin in quickly to preserve them longer @Jenny105 I know I’m repeating myself, but it bears repeating IMO.

And no, you shouldn’t flog the beta cells. Push for the insulin! Hard!
😉 A friend had a LADA, strong and protected her. But couldn't hold out. Packed up before she did.
Re me. Im not sure wot i was being asked to do initially - except fingerprick once a day at various times. I kept to very low carbs, then upped them a bit, then upped them more occasionnally ....... They had a plan for blood and urine tests which are done. No doubt there will be a plan . I wont be fobbed off. Thank you I'll read up
I don’t agree with limiting carbs excessively. You’re still taxing your beta cells. I’d go with normal eating and get the insulin in quickly to preserve them longer @Jenny105 I know I’m repeating myself, but it bears repeating IMO.

And no, you shouldn’t flog the beta cells. Push for the insulin! Hard!
If the appointment doesn't come in by Monday, I will follow it up. My GP moved quickly on some photos i took for my husband. . So maybe its the hospital has issues.
Actually another strategy might be to let rip, let the Beta Cells flog themselves out ( within safe limits) the quicker to get onto a proper insulin regime or pump. No point prolonging a losing battle, being forced to run through every possible combination of T2 medication to no avail in the end.
No we have got further than that. There was a plan re Type (1 1/2). 3m several tests. - then defitive decision. Just the appointment to come. I also have a medical herbalist who will help once I've sent the results of all the tests. Doc knows Ive used this to strengthen my immune system. 7 years with no winter illnesses.
No we have got further than that. There was a plan re Type (1 1/2). 3m several tests. - then defitive decision. Just the appointment to come. I also have a medical herbalist who will help once I've sent the results of all the tests. Doc knows Ive used this to strengthen my immune system. 7 years with no winter illnesses.
Just found the 2020 International Consensus Statement on LADA in Diabetes Care Journal. It won't let me copy the website address. But it seems you face three choices depending on c-peptide level. Here's s bit from the Abstract. ....'Within LADA, C-peptide values, proxy for β-cell function, drive therapeutic decisions. Three broad categories of random C-peptide levels were introduced by the panel: 1) C-peptide levels <0.3 nmol/L: a multiple-insulin regimen recommended as for T1D; 2) C-peptide values ≥0.3 and ≤0.7 nmol/L: defined by the panel as a “gray area” in which a modified ADA/EASD algorithm for T2D is recommended; consider insulin in combination with other therapies to modulate β-cell failure and limit diabetic complications; 3) C-peptide values >0.7 nmol/L: suggests a modified ADA/EASD algorithm as for T2D but allowing for the potentially progressive nature of LADA by monitoring C-peptide to adjust treatment. The panel concluded by advising general screening for LADA in newly diagnosed non–insulin-requiring diabetes and, importantly, that large randomized clinical trials are warranted'.
I do wonder about the idea/concern in preserving beta cells which are largely doomed anyway as oppose to flogging them to get rid of them, particularly is Health Care Professionals are dragging their feet about starting you on insulin. I know the remaining beta cells can round off the edges during the honeymoon period for some people and be a total pain in the backside for others. For me they caused more unpredictability and frustration looking back and maybe flogging them to death might have made things easier. That said, those beta cells and low carb eating may have saved me from a DKA event even if they did give me a few nasty hypos along side my insulin in the early days.
Although the early honeymoon can be challenging with the ‘help’ of your own beta cells, I found having some working islets really paid off over the next few years. It made control much easier and kept my highs down even when things went wrong or I was ill.

Also, way back when I was diagnosed, even then my consultant talked about therapies to preserve the beta cells and even help them multiply. So, keeping as many beta cells working as you can is a good thing IMO. No chance of reviving the little b*****s if they’ve all been killed off!

In the case of LADA, the immune attack is slower, so I would think preserving beta cells could bring a good few years of easier control.
These were the results 3 out 4 normal I slso had ketones test - all ok
. GAD abnormal HIGH !!
Glut.Acid decarboxylase ab. 17.7 U/ml normal is 5. ABNORMAL
1 A-2 Antibodies 2 .8 normal 7.5 NORMAL
Zinc trnsporter 8 Antibody 10.2 normal 15.00 Normal

C peptide result was 800 normal
HI While waiting for ahospital appointment , to discuss insulin or not insulin. Ive done a rough fingerprint test chart. Not all day everyday, nor b4 nor after every meal . Instead a set of days using low carbs. a few bit higher and a couple higher still. Sorry the chart isnt showing on the attachment page . I'll have to try later
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I don't use Microsoft Office , instead Open Office. My type of file isn't accepted by this website. Pity.
I might photograph it but probably wont bother.
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Sounds like a sensible and systematic approach @Jenny105

Gathering information, and then reacting to it / working out a plan is what diabetes management is all about!

My understanding of LADA is that it is essentially T1, but that it develops slowly and usually later in life (though classic T1 can develop at any age too).

I *think* there is some suggestion that starting insulin earlier is beneficial, in that it can help support and to some extent protect your remaining beta-cell mass, but really that’s a question for your Dr.

Certainly in treatment terms you should get access to all the T1 options (including insulin pump / CGM).

Metformin doesn’t work directly on BG levels, but rather it improves the efficiency of insulin use where there is insulin resistance, and suppresses glucose output from the liver. I’m not sure you are likely to have much insulin resistance with LADA, but do ask your Dr if they think it would still be a useful part of the mix.
@everydayupsanddowns I tried to put the results up in case there was comment. But the website doesnt accept Open Office seems.
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