Results of C Peptide and GAD antibody tests - today? Determining type.

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Thanks but no I dont think so. I'll check but if thats an Office file it will cost over 300.00 to do !!!! o_O
Thanks but no I dont think so. I'll check but if thats an Office file it will cost over 300.00 to do !!!! o_O

No, it should be free to make a pdf. For example, I got emailed an Open Office document and couldn’t open it on my iPad. However, my android phone offered me an option to convert it, which it did quickly - and for nothing. I had no extra stuff installed on my phone. It just did it.
I think (but don't know) that Open Office lets you save documents as if prepared with MS Office - so word docs can ne saved with the addendum 'dot doc ie .doc' and spreadsheets with ' .xls ' at the end.
Or you might be able to Export as pdf from Open Office itself.
Although the early honeymoon can be challenging with the ‘help’ of your own beta cells, I found having some working islets really paid off over the next few years. It made control much easier and kept my highs down even when things went wrong or I was ill.

Also, way back when I was diagnosed, even then my consultant talked about therapies to preserve the beta cells and even help them multiply. So, keeping as many beta cells working as you can is a good thing IMO. No chance of reviving the little b*****s if they’ve all been killed off!

In the case of LADA, the immune attack is slower, so I would think preserving beta cells could bring a good few years of easier control.
Thanks for both I'll try later
also. I do have a medical herbalist. Shes kept my immune system up to scratch for 7 years. Im keeping her informed of developments. Im not sure she can assist but shes asked for updates and I'll take an extra month of herbal remedy this winter
I think (but don't know) that Open Office lets you save documents as if prepared with MS Office - so word docs can ne saved with the addendum 'dot doc ie .doc' and spreadsheets with ' .xls ' at the end.
Maybe its got onto the wrong setting Ill check . Thanks.
Open your document in Open Office then look for an icon or an option that says something similar to Export to Pdf. It will then open the Save box and you can choose where to save your pdf when it’s finished (takes seconds).
I use Libre Office and it gives you the choice of how to save it. Word being one of them.
Nov 28th 5 clear.jpg
Not brill but might be legible.
Its not a discovery chart just trying out different mounts of carb. Main meal midday. 500 x 2 metformin . Thought to be LADA type 1 1/2. Hospital appt due ''shortly''.
HI Inka thanks Weight has stopped lowering round about 50kg. I'm beginning to add in bacon, cheeses , milled nuts to the mix. In the coming weeks I'll look out for food items that have mostly unsaturated fats and low carbs.
I had a roast turkey dinner out today . 3 big turkey slices, 1/2 yorkshire, 2 roast pots, dribble of gravy, loads of veg. I had a small mouthful of hubbys christmas pud but lots of thick cream which i added to a coffee. 2 hrs later after a dog walk/jog - 7.8. I could've had more Xmas pud- shucks.
@ Inka Re chart It seems to me that there isn't a huge difference in my scores when having 20-25 carbs and around 4o carbs ???????? There are the odd higher ones when Ive had something naughty. Or some surprising 4s.
@ Inka Re chart It seems to me that there isn't a huge difference in my scores when having 20-25 carbs and around 4o carbs ???????? There are the odd higher ones when Ive had something naughty. Or some surprising 4s.

Yes, no high spikes that I could see. How different is your diet on that sheet to what you ate pre-diagnosis?
Its not very different, except (see below). I spent 20yrs trying to lose 3 stone ,side effect of meds. So i thought i had a sensible diet. I couldnt lose the weight except this year 12kg in a yr.
Breakfast included grapefruit juice . Ive cut that down. To 70ml + diet lemonade or 1/4 of the fruit. Then we have weekly cycle of eggs, fish fingers (not often at the mo) and fish, brekkie. Main meal is a joint roasted one day, cold another , a homemade dish another. And grilled fish. No fish pie at the mo. Maybe an egg or veggie dish. Teatime was salad / bread but i had chocolate and and banana etc. The big change is desserts , fruit and chocolate., less bread. I was into desserts, mostly fruit based. Cakes when out ,
@Inka Hi sorry I get your drift........ to anyone reading this for 1st time . Its thought I'm LADA ie a cross between type 1 & 2. ,Aug 2021. Metformin 500x2 is dealing with some of body's work on glucose but not the total. When i go to a consultant I may need insulin.
Inka is asking whether I am trying a diet close to what I had prior to 96 reading (18.6 prick). Type 1 has normal diet ? but needs insulin to cope? Im playing with varied amounts of carbs to check the fingerprick scores on low, middle, little higher.
Im giving a better answer than b4 to Inka . No Inka my diet now is not completely as b4.
Much is the same but Ive dropped potato/ rice/ bread a bit. Sugar intake wasnt huge but Ive dropped the usual desserts , sugary confectionary, reduced fruit & fruit juice portions (sob sob)
Today Im trying an ''ordinary breakfast'' depending on the result I'll go on to an ''ordinary ''main meal with dessert. Either today or tomorrow.
Today-Waking was 5.0; Brekkie (1/2 gfruit;boiled egg &wm toast; toast with smear of marmalade) 7.9. (10 days 6.4-7.2 prior).
I went to a Wake today. It was very long and drawn out buffet. I used about about 56 carbs with a reading of 9.6. This would suggest that either I need insulin to cope with this Or higher dose of Metformin ( 2x 500)? .... or maybe Im just guessing.
Buffets are notoriously difficult to carb count and usually much higher in carbs than you expect. When did you take the 9.6 reading? Eating over a long period also affects the result and makes the reading you take less useful. Add to that the potential stress/emotion of the situation with it being a wake and I don't think you can sensibly conclude anything much from such occurrences.
Buffets are notoriously difficult to carb count and usually much higher in carbs than you expect. When did you take the 9.6 reading? Eating over a long period also affects the result and makes the reading you take less useful. Add to that the potential stress/emotion of the situation with it being a wake and I don't think you can sensibly conclude anything much from such occurrences.
yes its probably worth doing another experiment in house. Meal began around 1.30. Stopped around 2. So not much use. thanks anyway
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