Probably Type 2 - Devastated

Hi there
I am also a newbie but 3-4 weeks in and although I have found some of the adjustments hard I am getting there and have changed to a low (not NO) carb diet. I am eating between 110-130g daily. I am still discovering new ways to do things. I have been feeling slightly nauseous from the metformin at times but bearable, and also hungry a lot of the time. The last couple of days I bulked out a couple of meals with two giant mushrooms (fried) which were not only delicious but filling. I am learning to trust that I don't need as many carbs as I think. Porridge swapped for half a slice rye bread and two eggs for breakfast. Lots of salad and veg and I have had no rice, white pasta, white bread, crisps, or other delights! I have had on occasion about 10 lentil pasta tubes with a meal and they have been okay. I am getting through mountains of veg, fruit and natural yoghurt, not to mention the nuts. Cooking and food prep has required considerable more effort than usual and a more expensive shopping bill but totally worth it as I genuinely feel better. Every day I plan what I am going to eat including snacks so I am not suddenly left hungry with no plan! I too have had some personal stress in my life which usually means grabbing the maltesers or crisps but I have resisted and instead been online to plan some new clothes for when I have reached my weight target!! This forum has been invaluable with the advice offered (-:
Hi there
I am also a newbie but 3-4 weeks in and although I have found some of the adjustments hard I am getting there and have changed to a low (not NO) carb diet. I am eating between 110-130g daily. I am still discovering new ways to do things. I have been feeling slightly nauseous from the metformin at times but bearable, and also hungry a lot of the time. The last couple of days I bulked out a couple of meals with two giant mushrooms (fried) which were not only delicious but filling. I am learning to trust that I don't need as many carbs as I think. Porridge swapped for half a slice rye bread and two eggs for breakfast. Lots of salad and veg and I have had no rice, white pasta, white bread, crisps, or other delights! I have had on occasion about 10 lentil pasta tubes with a meal and they have been okay. I am getting through mountains of veg, fruit and natural yoghurt, not to mention the nuts. Cooking and food prep has required considerable more effort than usual and a more expensive shopping bill but totally worth it as I genuinely feel better. Every day I plan what I am going to eat including snacks so I am not suddenly left hungry with no plan! I too have had some personal stress in my life which usually means grabbing the maltesers or crisps but I have resisted and instead been online to plan some new clothes for when I have reached my weight target!! This forum has been invaluable with the advice offered (-:
Brilliant you have made some good changes, a couple of suggestions, try black bean or edamame bean pasta or noodles as they are much lower carb than wheat or even the pea or lentil pasta. You could try the high protein yoghurts or Kvarg deserts as the are low carb and low fat or sugarfree jelly with some added berries with cream as a desert. Also soups are good options as a few veg can make a huge pot of soup. courgette and brie or stilton, broccoli and stilton, butternut squash and red pepper, leek, celery and pea are my favourites and pretty cheap.
I found my shopping bill went down as what would previously made 4 portions now made 6 so some for the freezer for home made ready meals.