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Your current weight of 66kg sounds like a reasonably healthy weight. It is important to be realistic about your goals. You have done brilliantly to lose so much weight already, so be very proud of your achievement. I am about 65kg and I am slightly shorter than you and I am pretty much at my perfect weight, so 47kg sounds incredibly low for someone of your height.
Yes i see that and understand. My breakfast is usually 4 carbs eah morning
What do you mean about 4 carbs? Is that 4g carbs or 4 carb portions ie 40g? What do you actually have for breakfast so we can understand what you are talking about and how much insulin you inject for it.
Afraid I have to head out now and feed my beasties for the night and may stop in at my partner's house on the way home, so might not be back tonight but hopefully will catch up with you tomorrow and you will have a better day. X
47kg would give you a BMI of 15.5 - much too low. It’s best to be in the healthy range. I know you were very overweight before, but to go to the opposite extreme is just as dangerous.
Ony 4 carb. I ordet low carb food
Crispbread. Low carb bread. I 4 crispbread with cheese and ham and cucumber and water. Inject 6 units humalog
Ony 4 carb. I ordet low carb food
Crispbread. Low carb bread. I 4 crispbread with cheese and ham and cucumber and water. Inject 6 units humalog
Ok, so a crisp bread is usually about 6g carbs so 4x6 is 24g carbs and you take 6 units of Humalog. What sort of reading do you get on a morning before breakfast? Did they suggest to you a carb ratio? For instance 1unit of insulin to every 10g carbs (1:10) or 1unit of insulin to every 5g carbs (1:5) Has anything like that been mentioned by your doctor?

Also, what sort of dog do you have and what is he or she called?? My horses are Rebel, Rascal, MeMe and their mother, Cora and they will be very hungry, so I really am going now. Night night
One og my low carbs crispbread is 1 carb so i the meal i get 4 carbs. No they haven, t sad that. have one dog his nam is pongo and whe have 8 cats named emeliy. Mali. Milla. Mira. Markus. Max. Marsvin and mico❤️good night
Hi Beccy

How are you doing? Hope things are going better with your diabetes.

I love your dog's name, Pongo! 😎 What breed is he?
Not sure how on earth you keep track of all the cats, especially with such similar names! That must be very confusing. I have a Tiger and a Lulu. Tiger comes for a walk with me late at night sometimes when there is no traffic about. Lulu is very shy and timid but she is quite a good hunter.

Anyway, just wanted to check in on you as you seem to have been quite for a day or two. X
And thank you for asking.
My dog is a mix of half papillon and yorkshireterrier❤️

Nice with animals❤️

No trouble with the the cats❤️

Had some trouble today also with my blood sugar

Hope you are okey?

That is an interesting combination of breeds! Do you have a photo of him?

Sorry to hear you have had problems with your BG levels again today. Hope they have settled down now.
I have had to increase my insulin doses quite a lot the last 2 days. No idea why, but my levels have been going high when last week they were going too low. It is a constant juggling act trying to balance them! I treat it more like a game now rather than serious health concern and that helps me to cope with it better. I try to get the best scores/readings that I can but sometimes I get distracted or something happens and I don't do as well as I would like, but I can start the game again tomorrow and perhaps I will do better or maybe even get a personal best. That might sound odd, but it works for me and stops me getting too upset when I don't do as well as I would like.
There are something like 42 different things which affect our Blood Glucose levels. Food, exercise and insulin are the most important ones but there are lots of others, many of them, we have no control over, so getting it right all the time is impossible.
You are a really Nice person
Yes i have pictures of him.
Yes my pongo is one of a kind
Why are you scared about them?
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